Took my first deer. 80 lbs at 125 yards. PTR 91 GIR. Used a 30 buck amazon scope. AIMsports or some China brand...

Took my first deer. 80 lbs at 125 yards. PTR 91 GIR. Used a 30 buck amazon scope. AIMsports or some China brand. Winchester ammo. All those years of being at the range, being on Jow Forums, and watching YouTube finally paid off. Also, post PTR stuff or hunting stories.

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So It was suckling from its mother’s teet long enough for you to make a decent shot?
You killed a fawn
A 6 month old doe
Wtf user
If you want to shoot big deer you cannot shoot little deer

It sure how much meat I got off it, but it filled up half of a new whirlpool vertical door fridge/freezer.

this board got some sick fucks

Another hunter a ways over scared off the two larger deer and duck that I was aiming at...sadly it was this one or nothing. Wanted to make the first hunt count.

Unless you shot that at Anticosti Island let me tell you about that one time some retard killed a fucking fawn!

Not a good kill, user. That doe is really young, and the small amount of meat you'll harvest will be very gamey.

80 lbs
Did you need help carrying it to the truck?
Field dressed at 80 lbs.
So you wasted a tag for what? 25 pounds of meet

Faggot. Shoot a big deer or nothing. Kill ground squirrels if you want a challenge.

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