A New French Revolution? (Gilets Jaunes)

Thoughts on the explanation of the snipers?

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AFAIK a lot of the police in France has shown strong support for the protestors. So it makes sense.

I have been out of the news loop. What are the French revolting over? I was under the impression that Macron was a good leader and then all of a sudden shit is literally exploding.
can somebody enlighten me

>dismantle public transpo in rural areas
>convince ruralites to go diesel
>remove tax relief for diesel fuel
All of this is overlapping with the immigration issue also. There appear to be three main groups of protesters: students (looters), Muslims (looters), and legit Gilet Jaunes (Yellowjackets). The Yellowjackets appear to be truly politically motivated. It appears they are protecting monuments from during their protests. Macron has been lumping them all together - as has the media. The police are using tear gas grenades with a 25 gram charge of TNT. The pop is intended to prevent anyone from tampering with the grenade after it is deployed. Several people have been maimed. Macron is likely done. I hope his ego is too big to resign so he will get the guillotine instead after he heavy hands the situation. BAAAAAARRIICCAAAAAADES!!!

My fucking cursor keeps jumping.

hes a globalist lackey owned by (((them))). he despises the real french people who live in the countryside and in turn taxes the fuck out of them to pay for his african pet imports

Massive gas tax increase, set to increase every single year to the point where it's practically impossible to use
>the immigration issue also
Ignore the Jow Forumstards who are trying to meme this

>Jow Forumstards
Nope - it was actual frogs on Jow Forums that openly stated that they hoped that the protest would last long enough that other issues such as immigration would attach to it.

Here are their demands: opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/france-bleu/demands-of-frances-yellow-vests-as-uploaded-by-france-bleu-november-29
TL;DR: They want more socialism.

>They want more socialism
They live in a socialist paradigm. I cut them some slack because any free market solution would evaporate in the socialist ether. Do you have a better fix that does not involve a total revolution?