claiming a stand your ground defence.
Do you think he will beat the system?
claiming a stand your ground defence.
Do you think he will beat the system?
Other urls found in this thread:
This is the literal point of the 2nd amendment
The point of the 2nd amendment is to allow the citizenry to keep itself armed in order to discourage government tyranny. Everything else is a bonus.
>2 niggers kick open door to your house so hard it breaks the framing around the door.
Whether or not he already had his gun ready shouldn’t matter. I would’ve felt threatened too. Blacks are statistically 4x more likely to commit a violent crime.
Tac rig might invalidate his self defence case
Did the "intruder" have a gun?
Everything is solid for him except for that
A jury of 4 men and 10 women
Rest In Peace brave soldier
If only he didn’t have that chest rig on. Why would he even do that? Your is a KSG that bitch holds plenty of shells for just 2 niggers.
Not if the lawyer can argue domestic abuse. Women eat that shit up.
>not wearing one at all times around the house
fucking pleb
Doesn't matter. What I'm interested in is the fact that this guy apparently was on the deed to the house which makes Castle doctrine/SYG a shaky defense unless he and his nigger buddy were there for demonstrably nefarious purposes.
Agreeded how is that a jurry of his peers. Also one of them nogs had a gun.
Him being ready maybe mean that the nig, like how most nigs do, told him exactly what he was going to do before he done did it.
Wtf is up with ksgs always filming their kills?
I didn’t even notice they were black until I read the thread
From what Ive been reading these last few minutes the mother did have a restraining order on the dead guy. So its not that clear...
>Too soon?
>thoes two slow shots out of sight.
Dosent look good
Congratulations, youre not a racist.
>KelTec K(Y)SG
It’s not racism it’s just fact. Statistics exist for a reason, user. Blacks are far more violent.
He's a goner.
Thought it sounded like there were a few pistol shots once the two moved back outside
So pros:
>Guy broke down the door
>Guy had restraining order against him?
>Guy had buddy with him for some possibly not-so-good reason
>Guy or friend shot back?
>They can try to spin having filming ahead of time was being "too prepared"
>Same for the chest rig for sure
>Intruders were black and Florida man was white? Zimmerman 2 house assault boogaloo?
>Mostly women jury (if restraining order was against the guy then this could become a pro)
Possibly good shitshow/10
Yes I am, I just didn't notice immediately.
Considering the jury is 60% women yeah that shit fucked him good, only way he can spin it is "well it was right next to the gun" but women are still gonna see him as a crazy gun nut regardless for evening owning it
sounds like there were more gunshots than just from the guy with the ksg.
>first shot fired
>stepdad runs out of house
>ksg walks up to door
>leans out of door
>multiple shots before ksg pumps the shotgun
also heard a dog yelping when ksg took the first shot. hope the doggo is ok.
Who died like this lol
I wish I was American
What a magnificent country, you would never be allowed to shoot someone in self defense here "reasonable force" is a lie
They had a firearm themselves, they broke in armed how has it taken so long to get to trial and why wasn't he acquitted in short order? Isn't this extremely unconstitutional? Theres even video evidence of them breaking in and firing at him
This country doesn't give a Rats ass about the Constitution anymore, it hasn't for awhile. In need of some trimming
Pro-tip: maybe you don't want to film this shit.
Extra-tip: maybe you don't want to wear gear when you fatally shoot someone
250-iq: Don't lay in wait.
If this was not filmed and he was not wearing any gear, he would have a better chance of not going to prison.
Unless there is literally a bunch of feral rioters outside your home, leave the tac gear in the closet. Its just gonna make you look like a crazy person.
That said the fact that he recorded it is questionable. Also he perused the attackers after he was safe and they had fled. I would need to know the back story, but I this feels more like murder than self defense IMO.
This makes me uncomfortable
The man prepared himself because he was in fear for his life and they use that against him
If i threw on my plate carrier and plates would infuck myself? What's the point of armor if it ends up doing the opposite in court
The attackers returned fire so he pushed through the threat. Perfect response but Jewish lawers will get ya
>forcibly enter your home
>you shoot them
>go to see what's going on outside
>they shoot back
>you go to prison for murder
I know zilch about the facts of the case aside from what's in the video, but it looks like it all hinges on just what the circumstances were leading up to the encounter.
Based on the method of entry, a confrontation was definitely on the entrants' minds. Even if I'm coming up to my own house and find the door chained, I'm not going to just bum rush it.
My off the wall speculation: shit was talked, ending with some variant of "come over to my house and say that" or "i know where you live, don't make me come over there". Kid grabs his KSG and a hilarious bit of kit to protect his home from impending attack, which actually occurs.
He killed a nigger. He should be given a stipend.
A good lawyer can handle that. Gun fights are not fist fights. Guns shoot through windows and walls, and you can be hundreds of meters from a gunman and still get killed. It's perfectly possible for an armed assailant who is trying to make forcible entry into your house to exit one door only to flank, find a window or other door, and try to make entry there. Poking your head out or even fully going out on your lawn shouldn't remove a self defense argument.
Watch the video retard. The guy that "broke in" was listed on the deed to the house and didn't fire until fired upon.
Not every shooting is a "hurr duur dog bless stang your ground"
>"broke in"
Why is this in quotes? He literally broke in.
they're all black tho
The guy that was killed was the home owner.
Yup any gear or tactical shit makes you look like a crazy person in court and has a good chance of fucking you over. Great for a shtf situation but nothing else
>his house
>he unlocked the locked door with his keys
so the dude defending his home died?
True but saying he broke in implies he had no right to be there.
Did you watch the video?
Ok I'm still on ksg's side for removing ape that ravaged his mothers walls
The homeowner died.
Wearing webbing and filming shouldn't ever be a problem legally. If anything, filming should be helpful and showing good will. If I knew someone was coming after me and didn't have private security or cops in my front yard I'd buy and wear a body armor.
If only it was looked at that way by the left. Being ready for anything makes you evil.
so theres a killer in the house while nigs try to rob said home?
>son of a coalburner
>baiting murderer
>taking his side
is this him?
The nig was the homeowner, the shotgun faggot is an upset neet.
>his house
I've seen other posters state that he was subject to a restraining order at the time. Is that true?
Regardless, we need to know context. Clearly there was some kind of dispute leading up to what happened. The nature of that dispute seems highly pertinent to establishing the motives of both parties and the reasonability of any use of force.
Not really. "I locked myself out and had to break in" is a normal phrasing.
so who is the two guys entering the home?
Look like two men broke into the home, damaging the door frame in the process, which is clearly forced entry. There are two men entering, which is disproportionate force.
Ability, Opportunity, and Intent are all visibly on display. It's a lawful shoot.
The real crime is that this case is 4 years old and the guy is still being tried for it.
the KSG owner personified
The one that enters is the homeowner, the other was the homeowners friend.
>Florida man
Why did the property owner bring backup? Why were they so ready to make a forced, raid-style entry?
>Unlocked the door
Odd euphemism for kicking it in.
the shooter's mother was the homeowner. The stepfather was "estranged", so neither the owner, nor currently living with his mother.
His name is on the deed; homeowner.
>"estranged" nigger literally breaks into home
100% justified. Just because he cosigned on the fucking deed does not mean is was welcome there. He was probably coming over there with his armed nigger friend to drink malt liquor, beat his estranged wife, and harass her son. Breaking the door and entering with a visibly armed friend invalidates any claim that this DIDNT fall under the castle doctrine.
Wow your opinion is worthless and completely made up the facts
I don't know about the law in that particular jurisdiction, but a distinction is made in many places between someone who owns a property, and the residents thereof. For example, you can live in an apartment, but in most places I know of, the owner of that property can't just walk up and bust your door down and waltz in like they own the place.
>not welcome in your own home
>restraining order
Wife beating black confirmed. Open and shut case
>restraining order and forced entry in 'your own home'
Don't forget that at least one of the two home indavders were armed
"Jones, who was married to Greenwood's mother and whose name was on the deed to their house"
it says "was". of course, this is just the video description so it be incorrect. it seems like his mom and stepdad got divorced and she got the house, but that may be an assumption on my part
What i read said only that the shooter's mother's name was on the deed, nothing about the stepfather.
>restraining order on the wife beater
Nope. Wasnt allowed there by law, either, cuck.
If he owns the house and has the keys to unlock the door then im pretty sure that gives him the right to be there. The shooter chained the door which forced the homeowner (guy who died) to break into his own property to be able to enter. Shooter is totally fucked. He set up a camera, got all tacticooled out, and waited in ambush. This was a premeditated event - if he wasnt stupid enough to video tape it (he apparently thought this would exonerate him) he might have been in the clear. Instead, his own video is what will put him in nigger butthole plowtown for the rest of his life. This isnt a clear cut case where the guy breaking in was there as part of some act of malice like he was there to rob the place, its his fucking house. How would you feel if some autist neet barricaded your door and then shot you to death when you entered the home you own?
>jury includes 10 women
Even barring all the details, he was fucked before this even began.
wow, all these fucking retards in this thread lets actually lay down what happened:
>Be owner of home (step dad)
>come to enter your home (as is your legal right as a fucking home owner)
>autistic step son has chained the door locked
>break the flimsy door too get in (and no its not breaking and entering when its your own fucking house)
>spastic step son waiting in ambush immediately shoots you with a fucking 12 gauge shotgun
>you and your friend desperately try to fight back outside with your handguns (which is your legal right to carry)
>its too late
its fucking premeditated murder full stop, there was no effort to talk or reason (as we know so far) to think his life was in danger.
he didn't own the home, the home was owned by the shooter's mother. The step father was "estranged" an no longer on the deed. I honestly don't see anything saying that he was ever on the deed, legally.
>What's the point of armor if it ends up doing the opposite in court
You can execute the judge later.
Restraining order. Say it with us.
>If he owns the house and has the keys to unlock the door then im pretty sure that gives him the right to be there.
Not in most places I know of. A good example of this is rental properties. The owner of the property is not on equal footing with the lawful resident of the property. If the property owner so much as uses his key to come in without giving the appropriate notification period, they can be charged with trespassing, or in this case, breaking and entering.
>Shooter is totally fucked.
I wouldn't be so sure of that.
>He set up a camera, got all tacticooled out, and waited in ambush.
Another spin on that is that he expected an attack on his domicile, and geared up to protect himself, other occupants, and his property while attempting to establish incontrovertible evidence of what was happening, which is something you reasonably only do if you believe you're acting lawfully.
>This was a premeditated event
Clearly, both sides acted in a premeditated fashion. I don't dispute that.
>its his fucking house
Again, there's a distinction in the law typically between someone who nominally owns a property, and the actual residents of the property.
The existence of a restraining order would be another piece of the puzzle, if it's true that there was one in place, then the guy's name being on the deed means jack squat.
>On the day prior to the shooting, Jones went to the residence to retrieve personal clothing, but was not allowed access by Greenwood. He called the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, and a responding deputy told Greenwood that he could not restrict Jones’ access to the house or property, the report states.
Can you back up any of your bullshit emotion based claims
Any evidence that the intruder owned the home, any evidence that son is autistic, if waiting for the home invader to invade is ambush your dumb, >desperately >autistic >spastic >flimsy >no reason to fear for life against two armed men kicking door down
Wouldn't you think women being the scared, weak beings they are vote in favor of self defense shootings? I'd think it would be the dudebro "real men use fists" voting against it.
Two armed BLACK men*** this is relavant because it actually makes the whole situation much riskier, statistically speaking.
>Deputy's know the law
One party not having the right to bar entry does not mean the other party has a right to force entry
The jury has to be unanimous in their decision. A split jury will cause a mistrial. All 14 of them have to decide guilty for him to be guilty.
Please go, Jow Forums.
Where is the lie faggot
So does my AR, still gonna take a spare mag if possible. He might also have an ifak on it too.
Only if the nig killed the coal burner mother, got KSG'd by the autist then the autist KSG-chan'd himself, would've done a service for society.
Obviously not a clean kill from the video.
The race of the people involved isn't a relevant fact to the case. In fact it would be specifically irrelevant and if a lawyer tried to bring it up they'd not only be OBJECTION'd and potentially poison the jury against their client, they'd probably lose their license over it.
Nog desperately needed those hoodies and sweatpants to sell at the thrift shop for a gas station liquor trip
>Obviously not a clean kill from the video
What video are you watching, the video just causes more questions there is no concrete indicators as to who is really at fault your reading into it
>clean kill
What do you mean by this
Ok hamas
Im not actually saying they should tailor an argument around this fact and use it in court, man. But that doesnt mean the fact isn't true.
>kicks the door into the house
>not there on nefarious purposes
Seems like he wasn't there for a hug. Were the two armed at all?