Future acquisitions edition.
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Future acquisitions edition.
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I want a Berthier M07-15 infantry rifle.
I want to get the ball rolling on an Egyptian milsurp rifle collection, am I missing anything from this list?
>Egyptian Contract FN49
>Maadi AK
Gonna have to jump on the Rasheed sooner rather than later, the boomers are putting them up for $1000 without a magazine these days.
Helwan pistol
Egyptian M1867 Rolling Block
egyptian contract remington rolling block rifle in .43 Egyptian
$995 for a Fed Ord M14, SERIAL # 3xxx
Good buy?
Opinions on Swedish Mauser ?
How hard would it be to find a silencer that fit the ones with a threaded muzzle ?
Fn49 or a Ross would be dope for me right now.
Collectors purposes Krag or 1917 Enfield? I'm setup to reload and all that good stuff that comes with milsurp. Which rifle is more fun to anyone that owns either or both.