What are considered "Heretical" Firearms, in your eyes, Jow Forums?

What are considered "Heretical" Firearms, in your eyes, Jow Forums?

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Are you really that proud of that shitty pic?

Anything century shits out.


Ring of Fire pistols. American AKs like said. The ACR/Masada design. Mag-fed pump shotguns. Bubba'd milsurp; it surely took twice the amount of effort and cash for the same results that just buying a Savage/Marlin 30-06 bolt gun and calling it a day would have. "Zombie" anything, if only because it takes an otherwise alright tool, makes it look completely hideous, and marks it up one or two hundred dollars. CA/NY/NJ-legalized firearms. Anything made by current (Cerberus/Freedom Group) Remington. Modern Kimbers. Speaking more broadly, 1911s that cost over $1000; I shouldn't be finding working liter bikes and imports less expensive than a range queen redux on a century-old design that brings almost nothing to the table that a bone-stock RIA/Auto-Ordnance doesn't. All Tauruses, with the exception of the PT-92. Springfield as a whole, due to their history of apeasement with anti-gun policies, as well as selling products with poor QC on markup under the guise of them being connected in any way to the original Springfield Armory. Most of the aftermarket options for polymer striker-fired pistols (ie. Lone Wolf/Zev shit for Glocks); it's just the tacticool New-Age "spend the same amount of money you used getting your 1911 to get it to actually work" shtick, but for plastic-fantastic guns.

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>jumping through hoops on fire to try and make a 12 gauge useful for war

These things legitimately do not work any better for combat than a trench shotgun from World War One and they weigh half again as much. The Marines spent a gorillion dollars on shotgun testing programs for absolutely nothing. Nobody with a brain uses shotguns for fighting in modern war.

Attached: combat-shotgun[1].jpg (600x400, 23K)

>Most of the aftermarket options for polymer striker-fired pistols (ie. Lone Wolf/Zev shit for Glocks); it's just the tacticool New-Age "spend the same amount of money you used getting your 1911 to get it to actually work" shtick, but for plastic-fantastic guns.

Whew, that struck a cord. You're so right.

Anything polymer would get you marked for death, as is reasonable. We require the strength and certainty of steel.

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