whats mos 13 like? any anons here been in field artillery? whats it like?
Whats mos 13 like? any anons here been in field artillery? whats it like?
I’m a 13F. I go out and infantry shit while belonging to an Arty battalion. 13B’s are fucking idiots and we all make fun of them. Just go 13F or infantry. The Artilery is gay. You can’t make dick jokes, or trash talk people like in an Inf battalion.
what about 13a?
Don't be a bitch, do 89D
>field artillery, or any other form of surface-to-surface/surface-to-air rocketry/explosive munitions posting
The choice of high IQ chad officers. Artillery and its subdivisions are literally the backbone of the military in any large-scale ground conflict, and since it requires a high aptitude for spatial and arithmetic reasoning, only the brightest are accepted into top brass positions in arty.
Daily reminder: the generals remembered by history have almost exclusively been artillery officers in their younger days, and when shit hit the fan later on, their primary task was to lure the enemy in with infantry, and subsequently making efficient use of artillery to make a quick end of the mess that is war.
gotta be an occifer
Unless you want to go to the shit hole that is Ft. Sill/Lawton, Oklahoma I suggest you choose another MOS.
Fuck artillery and infantry, what about 19D and 19K
Neck yourself cunt
918 represent bitches