previous LIEING ABOUT MEDICAL HISTORY = GOOD LIEING ABOUT CRIMINAL HISTORY = THEY KNOW >Do your own research to start, then come here for clarification. >No vague questions, like "What job is best?" (embed) Guides to prepare for high-speed shit. (SEAL, Ranger etc.)
Resources: For Ranger info, obviously. SEAL/SWCC site with videos and fitness plans and a forum All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.
I want to, by the end of 2019, get as close to a perfect Marine PFT score as possible to hopefully get into sniper school. What route regarding fitness should I take?
>5’10, 18 years old, 180lbs, coming from 330 after a year of fasting and keto >Can do 6 chin ups, 2 pull ups >20 minute 1.5 mile on elliptical >Can’t do a crunch
Also, what is the easiest route into sniper school? Just straight marine infantry?
Adam Rivera
This isn't the only thing you should use, but check out the "MARSOC Fitness Prep" app, it helped me get into great shape (coupled with weight lifting, of course). If you have a year to accomplish your goal, then this is a great starting point that alone will get you in better shape than half of the wet noodles that enlist. Look at some long distance running routines too, why not shoot for a half marathon by mid-2019?
Christian Johnson
If you want cool guy schools you need to be a cool guy. That simple. Shoot for marine recon or just go army opt 40. If you go standard basic infantry all youre going to be doing is wasting your time.
Liam Butler
Is it weird for a 26 with a B.S to sign up to go street to SOF?
The job requires me to be an E-3 or higher(doesnt bachelors auto merit to E-4?)
I'm also 228 and can run a 10 minute mile. I can deadlift 425 lbs for a 4×12 set:rep. I can also row 225 for same reps I can also curl 90 lbs for a 4x12. No roids all natty. I can also grow a full beard if that matters.
Is there some site to go to to talk to doods? I'm pretty sure is a honey pot and so is herr
so all I need to become an officer in the army is a bachelor's degree?
Luis Sanders
Daily reminder that you are all welfare queens. You will all hang with the niggers, spics and Jews on the day of the rope. You deserve no ones respect, you fight for no ones freedom. You are unthinking, unfeeling pawns and may your willful ignorance lead to your torturous demise.