What's a good 22lr rifle group size at 25 yds?

>with iron sights vs scoped
>off the bench

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25 yards is nothing

Also bench shooting is for faggots

>Also bench shooting is for faggots
This. I hate shooting with my dad. Only shoots from a rest, takes 45 seconds or more per shot. Literally takes him 15 fucking minutes to shoot a magazine. Meanwhile I shoot fast standing and practice aquiring site picture fast bringing the gun up from low ready etc. Then he tries to brag his group is better. One box of ammo lasts him hours at the range.

So whats a good group with irons standing or prone (with a sling)
>pls no bullie, I just want to git gud

I get 1 hole groups of 5 at 50 yards with my Savage B22 when shooting off sandbags.

At 25 yards with a rifle firing from a rest/prone? You should be putting every shot almost ontop of each other. 1 inch at 25 yards is like 4 moa. Any non shit tier rifle is that accurate.

If you're not shooting dime sized groups at 25 yards with a .22 you need to get gud.

Even with irons and prone without sandbag?
I was at an appleseed event this weekend and only 2/15 people got rifleman, which requires shooting 2" groups at 25yds prone unsupported

>mfw I realize either im blind or everyone in Jow Forums is operator tier

Interesting groups did Ubisoft change the recoil for guns again? It made Buck really useful. It took way too long to get acclimated with the C6 everytime I pick up the game again. Which operator did you use for these?

I teach youth Small bore CMP shooting and 85% of my 9-14 and 100% of 14-18 teams can make that standing.

>tfw I took my Henry out for the first time yesterday
>tfw 5moa
I suck man, damn.
you should see the groups I get with my Glock 27

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C-can you t-teach me user-senpai

>irons vs scoped
No difference unless you have particularly bad vision
off the bench

Wow... that's sad.

or for ammo testing and determining reasonable expectations of your firearm.


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Even for timed event 10 shots in 60 seconds?

1handed bullseye shooting with a 6inch pistol

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6s per shot is plenty of time, especially with a semi-auto in .22. But I know some people don't do well under stress. That's a personal thing. Dont use Appleseed as a basis of average either, a lot of people use them to introduce loved ones to shooting basics.


RIP me
H-how can I git gud? I thought I was doing better than average than appleseed shooters but now I realize I still got lots to improve, and while the instructor was cool there wasn't much individual feedback on shooting positions since apparently I was already doing better than the others (which on Jow Forums doesn't mean much)

To put this in perspective, BlokeOnTheRange has a video of a novice running a mad minute with an Enfield, Mauser, Garand, and another bolt gun (idk) prone unsupported shooting at a competition pistol target at 25yds. He gets ~18 off with all the bolts and ~24 off with the Garand in one minute. He didn't go for accuracy but still managed to get most of it in a 6" circle.

And that's bolt guns with irons firing full sized rifle cartridges, not .22s, probably semis, maybe with scopes.

Well the first thing you need to do is diagnose why you aren't shooting better. Also, what gun are you using?

Bolt action cz455, dont know if how much difference it makes compared to semiauto

It will be more accurate probably, but shot-shot time will increase, if rapid fire matters to you. The CZ .22s are some of the best you can buy.

So what do your groups look like? Is the stringing mostly verticle or horizontal, or neither?

last time i went out and shot my henry 22, i got groupings similar to VI

When you dad is dead, you will miss shooting with him.
I know,

>2" groups at 25yds prone unsupported
thats it?

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