Came within 9 yards of a bear. Luckily it just looked at me and walked away. Is the G20 still the best anti bear defense I can carry?
Came within 9 yards of a bear. Luckily it just looked at me and walked away...
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Don't pick on black bears please. They're afraid of their own shadow. Life is tough enough for them.
Did he died?
should have started making noise a shit load earlier to scare the brute off
>should have started shooting him a shit load earlier with a g40 to drop that fat piece of shit
>has a shit grip on his arrow and can't take a shot at a clearly aggressive bear when he stands.
I don't want him to die, but my boy is a shit archer.
This. They really aren't out to kill humans, and the only reason that bear attached is he saw the hiding human, and preditors are the only thing around there that hides.
that too.
lol, what a total fucking retard. Story please
The g40 is the best for brown bears under 1000 lbs
A sw500 is the best for bears over 1000 lbs
Both are a bit hard to carry comfortably.
best post in thread
lol i was expecting more. he got bitch-slapped by a bear and lived. also, lol he's what, chinese or korean? fucking shock twists in that video
He's a BC native who was bow hunting because he don't need no guns
I was carrying a Glock 29 when I took this.
why the fuck is he hunting black bears? I can understand grizzlies but black bears are fucking tame bug eaters...
Apparently he does need em
This isn't fucking CCW in the mall retard.
Maybe sacrifice some comfort since you are already outside so you don't get your intestines eaten out while you are still breathing.
They're good eatin'
I'm gonna kill the bear! SAY IT!