Thoughts on the Hi-Point, as a gun and as a company?
Thoughts on the Hi-Point, as a gun and as a company?
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Cheap but fires a bullet when you pull the trigger
Excellent customer service
I really like mine, though I've converted it.
To add on to this anons judgement
>as a gun
Agree with this user. Cheap and works like you need it to. Kinda sucks they wont come out with a double stack model but i understand their decision to keep their product available in all 50 states. Also matt from demo ranch fucking shot one in the chamber with a .45 and it still worked. The damn things are near indestructible.
>as a company
Their business model is amazing. Their goal is to create firearms that are so fucking cheap literally anybody can afford them no matter how poor you are. Sure a lot of poor people are in that situation for a reason and dont help themselves like they should, but a lot are also just good folks down on their luck that deserve a way to defend themselves at an affordable price. Self defense isnt only for those who have lots of money.
They have a specific goal of providing very cheap firearms for people that couldn't afford anything else, and they accomplished that goal with almost no competition in their way. The biggest complaint comes from their finnicky magazines, but otherwise the product does what it is expected to do and has no doubt protected countless lives (but has unfortunately taken many as well)
The Hi-Point and AK-47 have one thing in common: they were invented to protect good people but have been typecast as the tools of the evil
how is that stock? haven't read a lot of reviews.
It werks.
I've got one in .45. I do love it. It's heavy. It's ugly. It's a real bitch to disassemble (compared to many other commercial and milsurp firearms) but as long as you keep it clean it will put bullets where you want to put them when you want to put them.
I haven't gotten to fire it yet since I only put it together a few days ago. But most people seem to like it except for it's charging handle being too small. I've gone through and made a 3D printed test version that lets you use two fingers. But it still has a good amount of play like the original so it still needs more work.
>as a gun
Unironically, it just works
>as a company
Probably facilitated the deaths of more black people than Prison
Niggers ruin everything.
Retards the lot of them. A Lifetime warranty is crazy.
The top cover on mine is just slightly off where it's supposed to be on one side so I can't fully put mine together but it's also really fucking stuck on there so I can't take it off. Life is suffering.
that actually looks fucking awesome.
How is the length of pull? Looks quite long
I missed out on the hundred dolla bill hi-points. Were they a limited run? Will they ever come in stock again? I want one bad.
I think mine did that, was a bitch to get back off, fucked up my fingers a bit to do it. But putting it back together it slide into place just fine.
What's really going to suck is I need to take it apart again as I have 2 more charge handle designs I'm working on.
I actually feel it's too short, The problem is the first inch or sow is just play and just slides back and forth with little effort (only spring weight) and then it kicks in. Also both with my redesign and the original there is a bit of play in the handle and I want to see if I can get ride of that.
Where did you get the kit?
Though expect to be on the mailing list for like 2-4 months. It took about 3 months for me to put my order in after signing up. It's like one guy who designed it. I think it was a pretty fair price, the kit plus the gun comes out to around 500 bucks.
>As a gun
Bad trigger, single stack magazine, almost all polymer construction. But will almost always go bang and cycle reliably, can take most caliber loads, and the carbine is fucking awesome. While the carbine and the handgun both remind me of something I'd be carrying around as a low level Fallout character I can't say I'd be terribly unhappy if all I had for a hypothetical urban SHTF loadout was something like a 10mm HiPoint Carbine and a HiPoint pistol. My biggest peeve is that they are only single stack, aside from that I can't criticize any of them aside from being a little rough around the edges. A 10mm Carbine with a folding stock and some Sig or Holosun optic would be a perfectly capable weapon.
>As a company
Better than their guns. Their whole thing is that they make guns for poorfags that don't break. And if you somehow break yours and are worried about affording to buy a replacement, well oh shit they will just send you a free one.
That gap between the magwell and stock ruins it for me.
>expect to be on the mailing list for like 2-4 months
I got one a week from joining the mailing list.
Current orders may not be as full. I put in back in early September and didn't get mine until last week.
I thought about getting the 10mm carbine and doing the conversion. What caliber is yours in? Also what's the name of that optic?
Poors have a right to self defense too
>as a gun
Pretty much the epitome of “good enough”. By far the best cheap guns that you could buy because they’ll actually work. They may not be easy on the eyes, but they work. The carbine grew on me as well.
>as a company
They found their niche and do it very well, and won’t rape your wallet in the process.
Not bad. Needs a threaded barrel.
Guns: bulky, plastic, ugly as shit, pretty reliable, cheap
Company: Not sure, but I've heard the customer service is great.
They need to branch out into higher quality, somewhat more expensive offerings. What they make right now can stick around and be their dollar menu shit.
No one is going to send in a weapon used in a crime for warranty work. It's genius.
Love them
what kind of accuracy do you get user?
>They need to branch out into higher quality, somewhat more expensive offerings.
That requires more tooling/equipment and designers... and they feel like they operate out of someone’s basement
They wouldn't get half the shit they get if they made a basic doublestack.
>actually like how hi-points look
>afraid of being judged if I buy one
I guess I'll buy a 686 so I fit in with the non-poorfags
yeah you'll be kind of made fun of by some, but the only people that seriously give you shit about what guns you own are IMMENSELY insecure losers. go buy one if you want man, they're tough as nails and cheap as fuck, nobody will care.
Cheap, great customer service and it just works
Also keeps your pimp hand strong
the bills on that hi-point are worth more than the gun itself
or be a man and spend your own money on what you actually want.
And then spend the extra money on range time and ammo so that you shoot better than the gucci faggots who hit the range once a year.
Noguns but I would consider getting one or even a couple because of my low budget.
Ive heard the HiPoints are rugged as shit but not entirely reliable because of the blowback action. To me that means the reliability has more to do with the ammunition (how many duds and shit powders are in the box)
The pistols are okay I Guess in terms of aesthetics. Im not opposed to the look, it reminds me of some kinda laser gun, takes me back to the 1990s Sci-Fi abit.
I DO NOT like the contouring on the pistol grip or the frame. And thats not just aesthetic hatred I dont think it would sit well in my hands either.
> I wish someone made a 200 dollar 1911.
After over 100 years and if someone can make Hipoints for 200 bucks then someone's gotta fucking be able to make a 1911 for 200 bucks.
> company
Ive heard good things about the guy who made them and his intentions for it.
The golden question I have is there ANY reason AT ALL that he couldnt have chose to use magazines from another system to use in his guns.
Glock and Beretta magazines are ubiquitous so it suggests a whole lot less trouble, research, and tedious effort to pick a magazine already on the market and use that. Instead of making your own. Because magazines are a bitch and a half to engineer properly and unlike the firearm action itself you dont get any clear indicators why something is screwing up.
For example the Sub2000 doesnt have its own magazines, it uses glocks, or berettas depending on which model you get. Then there's all those rifles out there which run Stanag magazines.
> Why'd the dude have to make his Own magazines, which are pretty low capacity, and then dig his heels in about it and not make any conversions or change over to adopting a standard magazine
I would buy that if thats the way the HiPoint carbines actually came.
I just really dont like the aesthetic of the Carbines normally and the conversion kit just defeats the purpose I think pricewise.
>caring about what some random faggot thinks about your gats
Unless it’s the Ben Franklin skin they’re just some dickwipe in an ocean of smegma.
They're actually ergonomic as fuck
You'd be supprised about the grip.
And as for the 200 dollar 1911 you really are showing your noguns knowledge.
There are about 20-30 more moving pieces inside of a 1911, not to mention its tilting barrel or the fact that it requires decently tight tolerances in its manufacture.
Hipoint being blowback means the barrel is fixed to the frame and the slide has to be that large to keep the round inside the chamber long enough to burn the powder.
Just buy the hipoint in whatever caliber you want, become a has guns, and then make your next gun purchase based on what more you wanted out it.
It'll give you a firearm that will go bang when you need it to for under 200.
LAYAWAY ... shit nigga
can't speak to the carbine but the ergos on the handgun sucked for me.
I forget what lawaway is, is thta when you Commit to buying something but can't afford the price right then so they keep for you until your payments are finished or something? Is there interest?
Good post.
Good digits.
I don't think Lawaway has interest attached, but it is like a hold for the product, though I think you have a certain amount of days to make another addition to your payment before they bump you.
Great company and a fine gun that isn’t the best but it’s something everyone should have. Waiting to get the cash to buy a 10mm carbine.
That’s really tasteful
Fuck what some asshole who isn’t paying for it thinks
>caring what others think
Fuck that. Buy what you want.
I think they are a great company with more potential to improve and grow than most other firearm manufacturers.
Undoubtedly the most reliable and durable pistol for the money. An excellent investment for someone looking to defend themselves on a budget.
>The golden question I have is there ANY reason AT ALL that he couldnt have chose to use magazines from another system to use in his guns.
the #1 reason is because the Hi-Point was created during the dumbass assault weapons ban of 1994-2004, where magazines that held over ten rounds were illegal. the creator decided, well shit, there aren't a lot of 9mm/.40/.45 magazines from other common companies that all hold ten rounds or so, might as well make our own.
now we're in the glorious age of no awb, but we're living with the repercussions of the awb. however it's not entirely useless, for those in cucked states that still have magazine limits are still able to use hi-points.
i really admire the whole hi-point gun lineup. they're working-man in every way, from ammo to cost to usage. they're ugly, the controls suck, and they're honestly not great, but they're dead reliable, have an AMAZING warranty, and they're just plain fun to shoot.
the REAL worst part about hi-points isn't the magazine, it's the fucking frustrating disassembly.
you know you're fucking broke when you gotta do layaway on a hi-point
The MBS 95 works well for me
I have a Hi-Point C9 that I bought for the lulz. No experience with the carbines or the bigger .45/.45 models beyond finger-fucking.
It's a cheap gun. Like Wal-Mart cheap. Balance is very poor because it is so top-heavy. Trigger sucks but can be improved a lot by removing the magazine disconnect, which is so easy it appears to be engineered in for compliance and intentionally easy to remove (it's just under a grip panel). Given that, accuracy is very good but it takes some practice to shoot it well due to the slide mass and velocity pushing you around.
Reliability has been spotty. Usually it runs just fine with whatever ammo, but it does get double-feeds and the occasional failure to fully go into battery (just tap the back of the slide).
Magazines are cheap and feel cheap. They do cause trouble if the feed lips get tweaked.
As for the company, they're great. Top shelf customer service. they also seem to genuinely want to provide adequate armament for poorfags while gimping their utility for hoodlums.
The massive slide makes the gun tricky to CC.
If you don't practice with it, accuracy is poor (most criminal scum don't practice at all).
Magazine capacity is gimped, enough to drive off most home invaders but not enough for a drive-by.
There is also apparently a second serial number plate hidden inside the plastic that you'd have to cut the receiver apart (destroying the gun) to get at and it is there specifically to fuck with people zipping off the external serial numbers.
I would say it's a good bare minimum weapon for a massive poorfag who can't afford anything better. If they are a law abiding citizen with access to a range, Hi-Point's CS and some time to practice with the gun a Hi-Point can become an effective gun for defense in the home or glove compartment. It is also a good disposable gun for fishing or as a loaner. It is NOT very good for a criminal though as it is too chunky, easy to trace and difficult to use effectively with minimal/no practice.
Typo, no experience with .40/.45 models or .380 for that matter.
>all these methods that make the gun easy as hell to trace
Man. Hi-Point really knows their customer base, huh.
I dont like it
I respect it
HK's Bizarre Adventure
Basically, but it is interesting that they took the extra measure wit the second serial plate without being required by any law to do so.
It's kind of a good model for a company that makes saturday night specials. They actually work for the most part, are safe to shoot and the company takes some extra steps to be somewhat socially responsible.
Anyone that has a pistol of these ever weighed the slide individually without the frame? I been curious how heavy those parts are for a while now but can't find any info about it.
You can find 200 dollar glock clones and cz75 based polymer framed clones, you're not going to find 200 dollar 1911's. I was in your spot wanting a budget pistol a few years back, you're really just not looking hard enough at alternatives. 1-2 hundred will get you a hi point, 2-3 hundred will get you a way better pistol that doesn't have a slide made out of zinc, weights less, and has twice the capacity and is over all smaller. It's a really good time to buy pistols now there has been a lot of manufacturing going on from some of the bigger companies and some of their budget guns aren't really more expensive than a hipoint. I wouldn't expect those guns to be floating around for such cheap prices for too long. It's just a lucky market thing for buyers right now like when people took cheap mosins for granted. Go for something better till the supply dries up desu.
That's not even what's wrong with the pic. He's got a Hi-point camouflaged with Benjamins on top of a pathetic stack of Washingtons. It's Pottery