Elite tier SWAT team operator with no previous military expierence

>elite tier SWAT team operator with no previous military expierence
>basic bitch infantryman who has served 1 tour in a combat zone

Which is more operator?

Attached: 46188944-spec-ops-police-officers-swat-in-black-uniform-and-face-mask-studio-shot.jpg (1300x866, 141K)

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>Which is more operator?
One who has less chances to freeze and lose his shit under fire.

The one that’s already been under fire and knows he can keep his cool. Swat is just faggots who were too much of pussies to join.

Elite swat, the key term being "elite". A group doing delta level direct action/hostage rescue training is going to be more operator than some random 11b. Not all HRT members are exMil.

Attached: fbi-hrt-gas-masks.jpg (600x402, 53K)

Pretty much all FBI HRT members are former military.

pretty much ≠ all

Military experience isnt the only way to see combat. My uncle was SWAT and he could beat the shit out of any basic military bitch any day.

SWAT member.

I guarantee you that over 75% of law enforcement were former infantry in the military since it's the easiest job to get when you get out. You don't even have to have a degree, just walk in, flash your vet ID, take a few basic bitch tests, pass a polygraph test, and you're in.
Never understood this whole "Hurr durr police are just the kids who got picked on in school or noserve's" stereotype and insult. Literally makes no sense when you consider the fact that all infantry can do post-service is get security or police jobs since they have no other marketable skills.

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Lol no I am a sheriffs deputy for a rural county and out of our 100ish deputy’s we have exactly 8 who are former infantry.

No shit.
In larger cities it's a different story.

Lol no it isn’t. City cops are a bunch of niggers who were hired for affirmative action.

My point was that all the young kids that go in and come out would rather move to a more populated area where they can actually find work.
Moving back to your backwater town means that he's going to have to kiss ass in order to appease the good ol' boys that run those departments so they'll hire him.
Former infantry are pretty low, but they're not so low as to subject themselves to a bunch of old men that were too pussy to ever leave their town borders.

Elite SWAT might be a higher bar than you think, Seattle SWAT trains with the 75th on urban operations and is generally considered better at clearing a building. Most SWAT is absolute dogshit but “elite” is definitely SOF tier guys.

Detroit is a windy city

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>I guarantee you that over 75% of law enforcement were former infantry in the military

less than 25 percent are former military at all. and the US military is usually only 10-15 percent infantry.

> Choosing infantry instead of signal, cyber or ordnance

Good one user

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What's that have to do with anything?
I was talking about how Law Enforcement/SWAT are birds of a feather because most infantry end up as LE and most LE are former infantry.

>most infantry end up as cops

Lol no.

This might be a dummy question, but why can't they use military spec ops for hostage rescue and high risk direct action missions since they already train for that already? Such as the SEAL's.

Here is your basic bitch infantryman doing policing

>such decision-making abilities under stress
>such military expierence


You've been playing too much F.E.A.R.

its been ragged to death by now but the officer was obviously looking to kill someone. He'd taken charge and didnt have to remain at his spot stationary, he could've moved in closer and performed the arrest.

>thinking 75% pf cops could make it through boot camp

99.9% of cops are drooling retards who couldn't run 100 metres if their lives depended on it.

Attached: cop backwards mag.jpg (2048x1536, 1.75M)

Airsofter would win against both

Because the US doesn't use military forces against their own civilians in their own country unless martial law is declared. That provision or separation does not exist in many European countries which is why sometimes their spec ops get deployed for crime intervention.

>elite tier SWAT team operator with no previous military expierence

In Finland:
- They also work as normal officers.
- 70% of work hours are SWAT training, rest of it is normal work.
- Continuous psychological selection is performed and too peaceful/excited/tigger-happy guys are taken out of the force continuously.
- Most have at least basic military training, up to special forces training, because of conscription.

I'd say the SWAT guy easily wins over here because of YEARS of continuous training and selection that never really ends. Hopefully this is the case with other countries, too.

(pic possibly related, some sort of special police.)

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elite swat with elite being the key word

Your swat team in podunk nowhere, USA is just a boy's club to play with fancy toys. An elite SWAT team is basically special forces tier, at least in their limited niche.

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>Never understood this whole "Hurr durr police are just the kids who got picked on in school or noserve's" stereotype and insult.

I've not bashed on cops for that reason ever in my life. I'm neither a boot licker nor am I an anarchist, and view law enforcement for what they actually are. They're not heroes or anything 99.9% of the time neither are they the bottom of society. They put up with a lot of stupid shit and stupid people that a lot of folks would never have the patience to do.

That being said, EVERY kid I knew growing up who wanted to be a cop was always

>A: picked on
>B: had a power complex

Nobody else I knew wanted to be a cop. Just the douches that parents made everybody else hang out with, or neighborhood kids who were ostracized because they were fucking faggots.

So while I might not be the kind to mindlessly bash all law enforcement, I can definitely see where those stereotypes come from. That being said, everybody I knew who wanted to become a cop didn't have it in them to even do that and are washed up pieces of shit. It's those memories of "that kid" that stick with me though, and if I had to guess, stick with others as well.

That doesn't apply to Delta though right? Why can't they use Delta then?

Just realized I was wrong. Disregard that please.

Really depends on the SWAT team.

Most major cities have full-time SWAT personnel that fill the time between missions that require SWAT serving warrants and doing security details, but they're professionals. Police officers, in general, are also more likely to die in the line of duty than military personnel, so there's that; relatively, they probably take on greater risk. Professional SWAT is more operator any day, since they regularly do joint training with actual oper8or units. LAPD SWAT has a huge contingent of ex-military/SF guys, and guys from SS CAT, FBI HRT and RCMP ERT are trained to pretty high levels. I actually worked with ERT guy's at one point (not doing operator stuff), but I can attest to their competency.

Then there's every podunk county sheriff's department, who think being LEOs entitlements them to keep an arms cache large enough to take over a small country. Those guy's are try-hards.

The one who is not just another cop with fancy gear but has some actual combat experience.

Someone please post the webm of the SWAT team tripping over each other and slamming the hostage on the ground after getting shot at

He said elite tier SWAT operator like the FBI HRT, not someone from a bumfuck nowhere SWAT unit.

The one guy actually does hold his ground.

Attached: 1540328900903 (1).webm (968x720, 2.94M)

>hold his ground in gunfire

nice one chairoperator

Delta force trains with LAPD swat. They even have ridden along on swat
drug raids to observe

They do that with a few major agencies. Houston PD's swat has trained with both DEVGRU and CAG over the years, on a somewhat regular basis.

That is some heroic ass shit right there.

>t. A child

Don't the best SWAT teams have members with prior military experience?

I think a lot of the members in FBI HRT, which is probably the best SWAT team, are former military.


LAPD SWAT/NYPD ESU guys see more action than some Euro countries Special Forces.

>most infantry end up as LE and most LE are former infantry

What makes you think that?

He was never in the military.