Any of you weebs have anime keychains on your guns...

any of you weebs have anime keychains on your guns? I'm debating if I should put one on mine and need to see some examples.

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If you ever have to use that gun for self defense, the anime keychain will be used against you in court. The prosecution will label you as a weeb incel and will pretty much be guaranteed a guilty verdict.

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Don't got one, kinda want one, probably won't get one.

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i want to buy a springfield trapdoor and then name it "astolfo" and put anime keychains and traps all over it

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Looks good on tupperware guns, everything else is kinda gay unless It’s vintage.

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>not hiding your power level

hahaha hello fellow weebs don't worry i don't actually like anime have you seen that funny german youtube man he's so epic waifus and hentai "lmao" i repeat i don't like anime i just think the girls are cute because i am a straight bro who likes ass and titties just like everyone else here yeah

did i mention i don't actually like anime it's like a statement you wouldn't get it have you heard of this music called city pop i actually really respect real japanese culture. i don't actually like anime i don't even know what this girl is called. hatsune nico from the livemaster girls pokemon party? attack on alchemist or something? skrillex? yeah i have no idea because i am not an anime fan.

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They have them

When I came to Jow Forums in early 2007, people who walked around with anything blatantly advertising their interest in anime and admitted to it here were crucified. You were scum, you didn't belong here. You were a naive, mentally ill manchild straight out of some livejournal/gaia hugbox. You were probably fat and ugly. And all of this was said by people who were pretty enthusiastic about wanting to fuck Konata. One of the first things you learned was that you should fit in and keep your head down if you don't have anything good to contribute to the world, and standing out for the sake of it was for emo kids aka faggots. In a way, that made you the ultimate weeb for acting Japanese.

What the fuck happened to this place?

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fuck off back to tumblr faggot

I have a faru keychain on my para FAL and this on my SBS

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Anime went mainstream. Thank ironic weebs for that.

Is this true?

Is this post meant to convince people to go buy anime things for their firearms? It really seems like it.
What is wearing something over your anime t-shirt or having your anime shit on your gun to where only you can see it while holding it, and not showing it off like a faggot? You shouldn't be buying that shit for anyone but yourself, anyway.

Isn't that what the loops on your guns are for?

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the future is now, old man

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As long as you use said gun to blow your fucking brains out.
Why is a lot of Jow Forums brainwashed by the fucking Japs?

Where did you get brainwashed from? Some Jow Forumsomrades enjoy Japshit, is all.