Traveling w/ Firearms across State Lines

Sup Jow Forumsomrades. I’m traveling up from Louisiana to the Pennsylvania countryside where the family has several acres of property to hunt and shoot. I was going to bring some pistols, but my dad is worried that his guns are going to be a risk considering how many states that we are cutting through. I told him the only one we need to worry about is Maryland. He’s worried about Pennsylvania itself. Is there a website I could use as a resource to check the legality?

We are going through Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, then Pennsylvania. I’m like 100% sure it’s gonna be fine, but he wants to see it in writing.

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Other urls found in this thread:"Safe_passage"_provision


>wood on a AR
Part of me likes it cause NCR, but most hates it due to it being completely opposite of what Stoner designed.

>Is there a website I could use as a resource to check the legality?
As a matter of fact, there is!"Safe_passage"_provision

I don't think you have anything to worry about Pennsylvania as long as you're not going through the city of Philadelphia.

Why are you worried about Pennsylvania? Aside from their gay UBC for pistol purchases they have like no gun laws.

Thanks for this. Who would’ve thought, someone who actually knows something among the no-knowledge chucklefucks.

I’m not worried at all. My pops is worried about bringing his.

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Is that AR yours? If so what parts did you buy to build it