Daily reminder not to turn in a fucking thing

>Daily reminder not to turn in a fucking thing
>Daily reminder not to post anything the govornment doesnt already probably know about
>Daily reminder to shoot any attempted grabbers on sight reguardless of uniform

Attached: FB_IMG_1544900910072.jpg (960x729, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

armchairpatriot.com/Home Defense/Homemade Guns/Home Expedient Firearms - 9mm SMG.pdf


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I bet they know, even if it hurts their assholes even now

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What's this?

adapter for 5.56 liter engines to fit most oil filters

its an adapter for threads duah

Not following

for suppressor

That like a car muffler?

One that you can also buy on wish.com without "stamps"

>so...only postage lol
>sorry bad joke

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>>Daily reminder to shoot any attempted grabbers on sight reguardless of uniform
So you're either a 3 letter agency agent, or are about to be visited by some.
If the latter are you going to heed your own advice?

Oh yeah. I'm sure those will arrive, without a police escort.
They sell glock selectors on wish too.
Wouldn't ever risk trying to buy that shit.

bro thats for airsoft

cuck detected
drop your pants, citizen

t. BATFE agent haphazardly trying to ruby ridge 2.0

Oil filters have a body and internals that are not unlike a silencer, and can be used as one with the right adapter. Of course, it's illegal as fuck in the US to make/use anything that dampens/reduces the sound of a gun, so know that.

Oil filters aren't good for much besides small calibers like .22lr. To remedy this, there are dual-purpose silencer bodies you can buy, such as Maglite D-cell models and WIX/NAPA 24003 pattern fuel filters. They sell monolithic cores and baffles designed to fit into these tubes, as "muzzle breaks" and "solvent trap kits" on Wish or legally grey NFA diy shops.

I should make an infographic on this, actually.

Attached: oilfilterinternals.jpg (474x355, 22K)

that 33 dollar chink aluminum(if that) suppressor would literally blow apart after a dozen rounds or less.

>he thinks the Chinese give a fuck about our gun laws

It's niche NFA chinkshit, sold as airsoft parts, and marked as something completely misleading by the vendor for shipping. Literally no one is going to care unless you make deafening amounts of noise about it.

Seems like a relevant thread, you welcome Jow Forumsunts.

Attached: part 1, 9mm bullet hose for academic and study purposes only.jpg (612x9504, 566K)

Attached: part 2, 9mm bullet hose for academic and study purposes only.jpg (612x9504, 600K)

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big thank user

I buy semi legal research chemicals from China sometimes. Nobody will see and dogs can't sniff out gun parts.

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I just wanna say as a machinist this drawing needs a lot more info.

Anybody have high quality versions of prints? I'm eventually going to get a cheapish used bridgeport mill and I want to have that info just for funsies.

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molotovs are gonna be any mans best friend
you can do more damage and take down more assets than anything else with a simple glass bottle and flammable mixture.

if you practice enough or have the skill you can make time delayed fuses, smoke mixtures, napalm sticky mixtures. the list goes on and on.

Attached: (((fellow white ATF agents))) dont you just hate the gubment.jpg (467x488, 174K)

Always glad to help.

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Picture for ants

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Thanks lad.

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Open in new tab, delete 'm' just before '.jpg'. if that doesn't work change 'jpg' to 'png'

Attached: airfilter.jpg (892x960, 190K)

armchairpatriot.com/Home Defense/Homemade Guns/Home Expedient Firearms - 9mm SMG.pdf

Attached: 2459593.jpg (318x389, 15K)

Heh, fuck that shit.

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Wtf just any ol' metal conduit pipe would work?
This isn't going to explode in my hands?

black iron (which is standard) is fine. shotguns are relatively low pressure

You're saying metal conduit pipe is 'black iron'?

I am saying the commonly used pipe for pipe shotguns is black iron pipe, a tyle of threaded iron pipe which is painted black and sold in hardware stores everywhere.

So conduit pipe is a no-no?

>conduit pipe
Depends on the exact type you have available. conduit pipe over here is PVC

Ours is galvanized steel.

I personally avoid galvanised steel for barrels cos when they get hot, they emit zinc fumes from which you get zinc fume fever.

For example, when you shoot them


Thank you for putting up with a brainlet on Monday morning.