Mention firearms to someone

>Mention firearms to someone
>"So is that what you're gonna shoot a school up with?"

How am I supposed to respond to this without getting red flagged?

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call them a faggot

>very funny faggot

>why are you thinking about shooting up schools?
Watch as they stutter

>Because that's what people with guns do

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"any loser can commit a mass shooting; it takes an artist to commit a mass stabbing"
then you show them pics or your bayonet

That's what faggots with guns do.


This happens to me even outside of firearm conversation. Once someone has me tagged as a gun owner, they'll say.
>"Sucks you couldnt just shoot them like you wanted to huh?"
>"Is the reason no one likes you because you only care about guns?"
>"I wonder what you're gonna do when the government finally takes your guns away."

>I wonder what you're gonna do when the government finally takes your guns away."
"Come and shoot you first"

Holy fuck that dude must be a stuck up cunt. That or you live in a place where communism is the social norm.

"i shot the last asshole that said some shit as stupid as that stupid to me"

t. brianlet that tried rearranging sentence and failed, - the last stupid**

>Wow user, you just said you intended to harm me. I'm calling the police. They're gonna come take your guns away

I cant fucking win with these people, once they say something about a future of nefarious intent from me. I just completely stop talking to them, 360 and walk away.
It is very sad they are like this.

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Tell him to go fuck himself for accusing you of murder.

Never had that happen, but if it did I'd call them a disgusting, vile person and refuse to ever associate with them again. How can you associate with someone who believes you to be the kind of person who would commit a mass murder? It is like being with someone who would place you lower than garbage.

"Why dont you take your gun and just kill yourself with it"

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You should watch the movie, no spoilers, but that scene and shot has a lot of meaning for who one of the guys in the picture actually is.
"Hail, Caesar!" is the movies name. It's a pretty fun flick.

>"Why do you carry a gun user? I dont want you to ever end up in jail, you'll be calling someone daddy in jail."

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Guilt trip them with shit like "I cant believe you would assume I'd do something like that just because of my personal hobbies" and shit like that essentially make them feel like trash although liberals tend to be incapable of proper thought process and essentially have mental issues

I know, and I watched it when it came out. Ehhh.... No doubt about it, it's a Coen bros. movie, but it just seemed to fall short of a lot of what their other movies are. It all felt so disjointed and not very gripping or interesting at all. Definitely their weakest movie.

I'd shoot him and start streetsweeping operations immediately because I've been found out

"do you think thats funny? because it's not, it's a pretty shitty thing to say joking or not" and look them in the eye while speaking calmly but with firmness. they always feel like dogshit afterwards and makes my peepee diamonds.

>Be normal looking white 20 year old
>Own firearms
>"N-no, I'm not gonna shoot a school up"
>Yeah well you look like a school shooter

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I'm terrified of this question so I just never talk to people.

>Wow user, you just said you intended to harm me. I'm calling the police. They're gonna come take your guns away
And what did I say I'd do before they showed up?

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"I know that seems like a harmless joke, but it's actually a legal pitfall for gun owners." Then, if they're interested, you explain what getting baked means to a gun owner,


Always take moral high ground or double down and tell them exactly how many angels you can send back to god in 5 seconds

Tell them you plan on shooting politicians instead.

>grab your crotch
>visible bulge
>"This is what I'll use to shoot up you mom, bitch"
>do a 360 and walk away

"Grow up."

>How am I supposed to respond to this without getting red flagged?
gif related

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Or this

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Or like this

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and then everyone clapped

>first job I got in small town texas after moving out
>make friends with this Jow Forums asf spaniard immigrant
>mongrel valley bitch from california asked if we were gonna commit a mass shooting the first time she heard us talk about guns when she started working with us
>both said "yup, definitely" sarcastically
>as time progresses every time we started getting fed up with BS at work we'd joke about it like "I'm going to shoot this place up if they fuck up my pay again"
>somehow never got v& even though it obviously discomforted her
>she also ended up getting herself a concealed carry permit eventually along with a hammerless S&W 38

you two autists scared her into getting a gun for her own protection.
4d chess


You realize you don't need a response for everything right? I've been told some really crazy shit because everybody at my job knows I'm "the gun guy."
>Man I hope you never snap or we're all dead
>Remind me not to go to your college hahaha
>I'm looking to buy a gun for ___ what get?
>Are you some sort of psychopath or somethin?

This is the look you give op. Let them understand that what they just said wasn't deserving of the energy you'd use to make words, and then continue saying what you were saying while maintaining that look.

This way they understand it's not that you didn't hear them, it's just that fuck them.

>red flagged
There is no such thing. I believe the word you are looking for is confiscation without due process.

tell them that guns are a part of the world, and having civilians interested in them, is best for a free society. Civilian ownership, interest, and self determination with firearms. will help to lower violence in the long run. and say the professionalism and safety within the community are a top priority.

Holy shit fucking based

> Be normal black 20 year old
> Own Firearm (Ruger P89 in 40S&W)
> "N-no I'm not gonna kill people in a drive-by shooting"
> Yeah, well you look like a nigger

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my literal nigger

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>t. Never Happened

>mention firearms to someone
thats where you fucked up

Just got told by my dad to chill on the guns. I'm making my mom nervous cause at some point in my cringe years I said something about killing someone.
I can't help it that I like the smell of gun powder and oil. sucks to, I was just about to ask if I could reinforce my window and door to turn my room into a safe. I want to hang my guns on my wall, not hide them away.
I'm stuck here for 5 more years, thank god red flag hasn't been set up in my state yet.

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> "... It's kinda disturbing that's the first place your mind goes. Are you not feeling well? I think maybe you should find some mental or emotional help. If you're really feeling bad off you should find a trusted friend or family member to discuss your problems with. I got to go now, but I'll check on you latter if I have the time. Stay strong."

I always respond with, "If I wanted to murder people, I would stab them"

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"Well you better not come to work tomorrow"

> In a pic

That would be my approach also. I probably would throw something in like "Would you like it if I would assume you'll be committing hit and runs on innocent people, willing to take their lives, because you are allowed to own and drive a car on public roads?"

>Mention firearms to someone
>"So is that what you're gonna shoot a school up with?"

Respond with
>I like shooting paper and you shouldn't project your insecurities onto other people. After all, just because you are a weak minded candy ass faggot doesn't mean that I am.

immediately remove them from your life permanently
subhuman mongoloids aren't worth your time

>So is that what you're gonna shoot a school up with?"

Do you molest 12 year olds with that cockholster?

I've actually had someone say the school shooter thing to me once. Even though it was a very good friend that I knew was joking, I still verbally ripped him a new asshole over it. It's like joking that someone is a pedo, you don't do it because of all the trouble it can cause if someone over hears and doesn't realize it is a joke.

How about taking a shower, dumping the trench coat, and all around dropping the school shooter look?

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>not simply hiding your power level
It's pretty easy, just obfuscate and change the subject (people rarely turn down an invitation to talk about themselves instead)
>going out to shoot
"I like to visit the range with the ole boys, we sling lead at this, that, and the other for a solid minute or two- how about you, what're you up to this weekend?
>purchasing firearms
"Yeah, I'm heading out to [general area or crossroads] to pick up some hardware, I've been in the market for some new tools and such- Did you get your shopping out of the way yet?
>selling firearms
I wanted a little more spending money, so I hawked whatever wasn't the [TV, gaming console/PC, car, etc.] or the clothes on my back! [grin and await your audience's chuckle]

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>when you don't know how to greentext
>being this new

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"Wanna help?"

Explain to them that the Second Amendment grants you the right to kill as many people as possible before the cops arrive and ask why they hate the Constitution so much.

With anger, they are calling you a murderer for no reason. Nobody really says this if they know you, but if someone does tell them to get fucked and never speak to them again.

I don't think irl everyone talks like John Wayne or responds to your dialogue like a character in an RPG, you shut in autist

Nah, you're wrong. You can get away with almost any conversation with maybe a dozen or two lines.

>Living in a red flag state

This is 2018. All white males with an interest in videogames, guns, or the opposite sex are school shooters.

>taking showers

There's a lot of great responses ITT but the problem for me is that I do so much wierd shit that I can't even really be mad at them half the time for making shooter jokes. I'm a legitimate, diagnosed sperg, I dress mostly in black athletic shirts and tactical pants because I can't match colors or know what looks good, I'm fucking cold all the time so I usually wear bulky coats, and literally the only thing I can make small talk about is guns and fucking nip cartoons. I constantly space out and just thousand yard stare for seconds, mumble to myself, and people say "are you okay?" to me almost daily. So when someone makes a shooter joke, I really don't know what to say. Usually I'll get angry and end up ranting about how that could get me in trouble with the government but then that ends up making me seem like an alex jones conspiracy theorist (which, deep down I am but i try to hide it). My autism is going to get my ass in cuffs one of these days and that terrifies me.

Personality wise you're going to take some work, but changing your wardrobe is easy. Listen bud, STOP wearing all black. Bulky coats are OKAY, but for the love of god, stop wearing tactical pants and black. Your sperginess is hard to cope with, but you seem self aware enough to know your wardrobe is killing you.

Dressing is easy for people like you and me, who have no fashion sense. Stop wearing anything camoflauge and tactical, stop wearing black. Buy yourself some cheap Jean's, blue jeans work with almost everything. Buy some blue Jean's and any color flannel (except blue). This shit is simple and works on almost anybody. Failing that? T shirts. Buy jeans and focus your wardrobe around Jean's. You'll stop looking like a sperg. Now people on this board may try to validate their own sperginess by saying camofluage and surplus is okay when it is limited, but dont listen to them because you arent them, you're an autist. Avoid anything remotely tactical or milsurpy like the plague. Jean's and collared flannel or t shirts. That is your best bet. If you want more advice, start a thread on /soc/ and link it here.

Jow Forums is a pretty awful board, but we dont want to see our brothers fall, trust me. Your personality will take a lot of work, but your wardrobe is an easy fix. Dont have money? Come clean to your parents, tell them that you are tired with dressing the same, I'm sure they wont mind buying you at least one new outfit. Even then, go to a fuckinf thrift store. Listen bud, your life will improve, and all it takes is for you to stop dressing like you're airsofting.

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Never had this happen ever despite living in liberal shithole toronto and not hiding my power level, but if it did I would genuinely get mad like this user: if it was at work, I'd report them to hr and shit too. It's just not an acceptable thing to joke about.

Add jeans to your wardrobe, they go with black and are normie approved.

The final god-ascended tier is
>Redpilling normies by hiring a gang of niggers to rape and steal from them so they will learn to value self defense

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>I dress mostly in black athletic shirts and tactical pants because I can't match colors or know what looks good,
Literally jeans and polos. If you're cold, get some thermal underwear and wear them all the time under your clothes.

Notes taken. I hate jeans though, they restrict my movement too much and my CCW prints worse and hurts more when I'm wearing them (I carry a pretty lengthy compensated 1911 AIWB). Can I just take inspiration from Bill Wilson / CIA and wear khakis and polos every day or will i still be "that guy who dresses wierd"?

Khakis and polos are okay, IF the khakis are not cargo pants. Get some dress slacks and they'll also fix your issue of pants being too restrictive/heavy. You can also check out Duluth Trading Co. pants. They make really strong, durable, and flexible pants in khaki colors, some with cargo pockets and some without. That might be to your liking.

arigato, although I might need to break the rules and get cargo pockets (I need a place to carry my spare mags, tourniquet, and other stuff I EDC that wont fit in normal pockets)

Alright, baby steps. Its a step up from black shirts and tactical pants.

When I got my ccw my mom thought I was gonna shoot up a school or something. Parents make no sense


I used to get "Haha well I know whose house I'm going to when the zombies come/the russians invade/the government collapses!"

I usually said something like "Actually I'd prefer that you didn't, I don't really want to save...[looks them up and down]"

I usually meant it as a joke of course but some people got really buttblasted about it. Heh.

>navy in a nutshell

Boldface lie and tell them you're half black and call them a racist.

"What?? No. I would never hurt people like that. What's wrong with you?"

How I'd respond:
"You're a fucking idiot."
Then turn, walk away, and never speak to that person again.

"If that was supposed to be a joke, it's a shitty one..."

It's pretty funny to watch people say "YEAH WELL I'M COMING TO YOUR HOUSE HAHA" and then see how fucking twisted up they get when you drop the "yeah no I'm shooting anyone that gets within 100 yards of my driveway."


Jeans are one of the shittiest forms of clothing ever invented.

The material sucks, they look like ass, they never fit right, you cant fucking bend down, and they get fucking filthy and wet the second you come into contact with anything.

They are the suit jacket and collared shirt of pants, uncomfortable dumb looking bull shit people go along with just because "Oh its what you do"

>Mention firearms to someone

Fucking normalfag, go back.

>they restrict my movement too much
>you cant fucking bend down

Toughskins come in a variety of sizes, senpai. I suggest Husky for you two.

>t. Euro city slicker

Thanks for the advice, but my issue with jeans, and a lot of pant styles comes less form a weight issue and more from a height issue.

My mantel legs are one size in terms of length, but my thighs, waist, ect are completely different.

It a real pain.

"Haha the way what Uni do you go to?"

>I constantly space out and just thousand yard stare for seconds, mumble to myself

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call them an antisemite

>I do so much wierd