Should retarded people be allowed to own firearms?

Should retarded people be allowed to own firearms?

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I don't know OP, should you?

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>Should retarded people be allowed?

No. They're mentally defective.

Well you'd disqualify about 85% of gun owners in the US so....

You mean 99%

Retarded people shouldn't be allowed.

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*nigger gun owners

Yes, Trump supporters should have the same rights as everyone else.

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Define retarded?
I mean there are plenty of people who think it's okay to put synthetic stocks on an SKS, I think that's retarded

you'd probably get 30%, largely white trash with sub-100 IQ scores who own a "what morr do yeh need" arsenal consisting of a "durr rifle", a "burd rifle" (shotgun), and revolver.

hi ian

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holy shit lmao this is great


based and redpilled
cringe and irrelevant yurostarvepilled
discord astroturfing

Why, are you looking to buy a firearm?

got em


No, physically handicapped people should though.

Nope, no potatos or schizos.

>downies with guns
Never again.

what part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do you faggots not understand? Free rocket launchers and machine guns for EVERY CITIZEN


What are you, a socialist?

There are no exceptions to the 2nd Amendment. The ability of the people to rebel against an authoritarian government supercedes any safety concerns.
Guns don't grow on trees, user. You want a gun, you gotta pay for it.

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No and neither should brown people:
>inb4 SHALL
Have a sense of self preservation, you idiots.

So glad this alt lite faggot is in shambles. What a fucking disgrace.

Retards shouldn't have guns if you're willing to restrict their ability to work, drive, vote, and have any control over their lives whatsoever.


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no, but implementing it opens a whole can of worms that would be used to marginalize gun owners, lead to mass confiscations/hipaa violations, etc, etc...

depends on the extent of their retardation. If they're retarded enough to get NEETbux, no. If they aren't, yes.

>If they're retarded enough to get NEETbux
I have anxiety and get $770 a month.

Should we be allowed to own firearms?


That needs to be decided on a case by case basis. A doctor and a judge both need to be involved.

retards aren't people. The right of 'the people' to keep and bear arms therefore does not apply

Based quintsposter