Which one of these depictions of a modernized Roman Legionnaire is better in terms of functionality...

Which one of these depictions of a modernized Roman Legionnaire is better in terms of functionality, aesthetic and efficiency?

Attached: Romans.png (2902x1129, 3.84M)

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The left most but if he lost the shield or had some sort of support harness for it.

Attached: Baker-Ballistics-Advanced-Accuracy-Solutions-First-Man-Carriable-NIJ-Threat-Level-IV-Ballistic-Shiel (554x600, 32K)

Some of those are WW1 esk. The far right one looks like a Roman with a gun only the left one looks modern.

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Second from the left, if he ditched the helmet and tassets, because otherwise it's literally just a WW1 breastplate.

The lorica segmentata pauldrons are absolutely fucking useless against small arms fire. It would render some protection against shrapnel, but it hinders arm movement too much and is absolutely not conductive to shooting from the prone position. Not to mention if shrapnel did hit it, it would dent/warp the metal and jam the segments up.

Shields are useless because bulletproof ones are too damn heavy. Plus in a firefight as want to present as small a target as possible, crouching behind a shield just makes you a big rectangle.

As far as helmets so, you want as few moving pieces as possible, there's much better designs out there. The roman helmet has too many pieces and it's too heavy. Plus the cheek flaps are useless.

But in terms of aesthetic the left most one is fucking great

between the first and third

>helmets would be modeled after the earlier montefortino designs morphed more into an adrian with modern design aspects
>armor would more closely resemble lorica hamata with kevlar
>Cx4 and 92 as sidearms

Second from the right for WWII, far right from inter-war through the 70s.

All of them are gay and autistic, but second from left is most practical.

Far left

None. The Roman army was adaptable. Every piece of kit and most of the tactics they used, they got off or adapted to crush their enemy, and their specific tactics.

They evolved to suit changing conditions. And they certainly would have abandoned plate armor as soon as firearms hit the scene.

They would look like modern forces. More or less. Actually more advanced assuming they weren't hindered by the dark ages. They'd be super futuristic compared to our contemporary tech. Hundreds of years more advanced. More if they had serious contact with the Chinese earlier than we did.

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This is actually pretty close to being LOGH fanart.

The second from left is literally a WW1 sturmtruppen, gas mask container, grenade pouches and bandolier. Minus the useless helmet and impractical chestpiece that was only used for mg operators. He needs a stahlhelm.

>scalemail doggo vest

That's a fucking great amazing picture, the composition is fantastic and it really takes you on a trip as your eyes move through the frame, feels like you're travelling through time almost.

why would a 21st century Roman legionary look like a manipular legion soldier when even late Roman/Byzantine soldiers looked vastly different.

Attached: 1429846914112.jpg (845x1250, 544K)

Because it's an iconic look and looks neat modernized

Attached: 1429895897465.jpg (1361x2010, 534K)

the manipular legionary kit was done away with because it was simply no longer effective

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>actual pic of paris this past month

The one with the yellow green and red heater shield is fucking godtier

rightmost because it's literally an M1 with cheek pieces, number 1 is fucking horrid with almost no padding guaranteeing the guy is gonna get a TBI and tacticool shit placed in awful spots, number 3 is idiotic with a closed face that isn't going to stop any shrapnel but will ruin your situational awareness and make you overheat, and number 2 has the merit of just being a literal second century Galea, but it doesn't count.

second, it's actually protecting vitals and not covering dumb shit for once. Romans also didn't use greaves because the shield was big enough to cover the legs, and when you're getting shot at they don't even matter. Same for pauldrons or vambraces, People insist on this retarded notion that Legionaries were armored as fuck when they really weren't.

2nd again, Shields and guns don't fucking mix and if they had to use them they would be giant solid steel pavises on wheels, besides tha the average Roman legionary would neither carry a gucci AR nor a heavy full auto, they'd be carrying a simple, cheap infantryman carbine for relatively close range plus two throwing weapons to use before engaging(stick grenades). The big sword on 3 is ok-ish but why would you have it when you already have a bayonet, might as well go for a big fuck-off bayonet. And it better be a real sword with a diamond cross section not a "machete"

>overall outfit
number 4 is okay, a simple, loose coat that is continuous from the sleeves to the ankles with a belt fastened at the waist, the guy in 1 is wearing a fucking skirt instead of a tunic and the scarf looks more like a silly tie combined with the body-hugging plate carrier, guy in 2 has some random WW1 uniform, guy in 3 has to make room for his gay metal pecs.

modern militaries across the entire planet mostly look similar, there's no reason to think a modern Roman state would be different
more interesting would be a hypothetical 18th/19th century military

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>Europe 2018 colourised

Attached: 1429845926383.jpg (1618x1200, 441K)

the real 21st century Legionary

Attached: bastille-day-2011.jpg (1200x800, 150K)

The second to left looks like what a Roman soldier would look like if the Roman Enpire lasted to WWI
>tfw you will never live in the timeline where Rome was one of the empires that finally died after losing WWI to the Allied coalition forces
Why even live

They'd look just like their neighbors except maybe a few eagles on their buttons

Three Roman Empires died in WW1

my guy the west roman empire was in stagnation for hundreds of years before their destruction, their lot was a continuous cycle of
>Commander gets popularity and makes bid for the throne, he gets the throne, but doesnt have money, so legions abandon him and go to next claimant et cetera
also barbarian raids, rebellions
the romans(if i remember correctly) had very little technological innovation and instead actually went backwards in terms of military tech as their army became increasingly germanized and they started to use more mercenaries

>Mud people
Not sure who the third one is you're referencing but I disagree. The Hapsburgs and Ottomans were old though so I'll give you that

But those are marine parachutists not legionnaires

>the romans(if i remember correctly) had very little technological innovation and instead actually went backwards in terms of military tech as their army became increasingly germanized and they started to use more mercenaries

You remember incredibly wrong

For one, the Romans were at the very edge of military tech development, the issue was that the germanic troops were too, as were the Sassanids. For two, the Roman legion was actually bigger than during the heyday of the empire, they had more legions, more men per legion, and more of them mobilized at all times, it's rumored that the peak was around a million members during the early 5th century. More of them were Roman than before, too, even as far back as Caesar, an important contingent of the legion was the auxilias and foederati allies, sometimes they could be 50/50 with the actual Romans(as it was during the Republic when not all of Italy was formally Roman). Meanwhile, in the late empire not only were more of them Romans(because due to both the granting of citizenship and widespread colonization it was very widespread), the legion stopped using Auxilias completely and only used German allies in specific instances and not as standing armies.

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and that pic was meant forprobably not 18th/19th century but if you had to pick a historical armor to resemble them throughout the late middle ages and early modernity, it'd be the breastplate and lobster tail from the 30 years war or the war of the roses.

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Russians obviously

The Roman army was the least adaptable military in their period, that's why they ended up hiring and arming the people the conquered to maintain their empire.

That had nothing to do with their adaptability

Romans were advanced meme. They knew how to make steam engines but were to dumb to put it to use. Every technology they had was adopted from Celts, Greeks, or Jews.

Bullshit, adaptability is a focused effort at thoughtful change, they threw their hands in the air and just started paying whoever the scariest gang in the area they wanted taxes from to do the heavy lifting for them.

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Don't I fuckin wish.

third from the left makes my pp feel funny

So what went so wrong if they were in such a good position military wise?

I like it

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It was a huge fucking empire to defend and they couldn't man the walls of the whole thing with just Italians, let alone true Romans from the actual city. They needed more people so they pressed barbarians into service. It makes total sense

>They knew how to make steam engines but were to dumb to put it to use.

Do you expect a civilization coming out of the iron ace to start forging giant high quality iron parts? Do you even understand how complex a steam engine is? The Hero's artifact is a fucking toy you could buy out of pots and a lighter.The principle was there, but they needed so much more development to get anywhere with it.

>Every technology they had was adopted from Celts, Greeks, or Jews.

You know, like every civilization that doesn't exist in a vaccum ever, but i guess the things in this list don't count:

>So what went so wrong if they were in such a good position military wise?

Economy. The Empire got assfucked by several periods of recession, plagues and catastrophe that affected the industry, commerce and hit the productive middle classes the most.

-The Roman coinage also had a perpetual tendency to deprecate, and unlike what old memes say, conquest usually hurt the economy more than sustain it due to the ensuing inflation. They had no experience with banking or monetary policies, all they knew how to do was start and stop minting. On top of that, the loss of the middle class meant tax collection got even more overbearing and corrupt, stiffling growth and creating heavy discontent.
-The lack of security from wars, plagues and general instability lead to people fleeing from cities and seeking refuge in the private states of rich land lords generating a proto-feudal situation, this made trade and industry slow down to a crawl from the more iasolated nature of society. The sheer amount of dead and loss of population in key places meant the west side became impoverished while the east thrived.
-the Germanic migration arrived just in time to find a weakened empire that literally couldn't feed them, so the administration kept ping ponging them around and testing everyone's patience.

Reminder that Squamata is best armor

Attached: 680px-Cricau_Festival_2013_-_Lorica_squamata_-_2.jpg (680x1024, 181K)

Ave, true to Caesar!

Attached: Caears Legion war tactics 1532014003980.jpg (720x708, 70K)

All of them are fuckin gay

Well romanians are the closest linked modern day people to the Ancient Romans sooo...

Is far left wearing thigh high socks?

Actually, their entire shtick was not giving up on heavy infantry long after they were deemed of limited effectiveness for a feudal battlefield, so chances are they would be the only military to never abandon plate if they could get away with it, like the French who used chest armor in some form for both world wars and today.

>Well romanians are the closest linked modern day people to the Ancient Romans sooo...

In what fucking world? They were people conquered by Romans on what was Dacia, they called themselves "Roma" because they had no recollection of what came before.

Genetically, linguistically and Culturally, Italians of the Lazio and Tuscany Regions are almost identical to Romans. Then follow the Italians from the north and Croats, then Spaniard, French and Anatolians.

Idk but they would be peak aesthetic with PX4 storms, cx4 smgs strapped to their thighs, and those CETME Amelis with bandoliers of 556 belts.

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>the doggo is armored
I didn’t know police and ATF were in conflict.