Cali user?

Is this actually a thing?

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Leafs do this, don't know about California though.

Fuck man, is google illegal where you live?

I've purchased 10rd beowulf mags from Midwayusa and they ship to Commiefornia no questions asked.

Even if you follow after my footsteps, I'd still not tell anyone you know IRL since you don't want to be a test case for this grey area

Importing 30-rounders and taking a sharpie to write FOUR-FIVE-EIGHT-SOOCAWUM will def land you in trouble though

There zero cases of anyone actually doing this and getting charged for it, but if the cops to fuck with you, whatever justification you want to use isn't going to matter.

You can buy blocked 10/30 round magazine and remove the block and turn them into regular 30 mags.
It isn't illegal to own 30 round mags. Technically it's only illegal the instant you put the mag in the gun.
Who is going to catch you and enforce it? Nobody's looking over your shoulder all the time.
Do you trust the people at the range?
Do you feel secure on your own land and feel confident cops won't pull up on a noise complaint?

they filed an injunction against the magazine ban, i dont believe simple possession is a crime anymore. the only thing cops can do is confiscate the mag i think

IIRC they actually reduced the charge to infraction ( like a traffic ticket) . Used to be a misdemeanor.

But you're still going to jail because laws don't really matter.

The fact that no one has resisted against this shit in the slightest is telling of how gun rights are going to slowly fade away. Everyone is apathetic and lets them do what they want with our rights and just want to find work arounds or loopholes, no one is actually interested in preserving the 2nd and it will die. You won't find a work around when they have tied up kneeling in front of a ditch with a gun to back of your head.

Oh, fuck off. Noncompliance rates in New York and California are already over 90%, and what else do you want us to do, storm Sacramento with our ARs? That shit gets nowhere, either. What did Dylann Roof or Robert Bowers actually accomplish, except to make things worse for their causes?

This fucking retard really using government hoaxes who's scripted reasoning wasn't even gun control to make this point

Fuck you I'm resisting by not complying. There's no way to keep these shitty bills from being forced onto us anyway. If they try to fuck with me I'll let them have all 30 rounds to the face because at that point it's all over anyway .

Ahhh yes friend you’ve truly voiced my concerns. I feel like everyone will just remain sitting as more and more legislation is introduced.

>Noncompliance rates in New York and California are already over 90%
this doesn't make it alright that unconstitutional laws from corrupt government officials are making it through
>What did Dylann Roof or Robert Bowers actually accomplish, except to make things worse for their cases?
Neither of these cases were on our side, they were just lunatics. Don't use them as excuses to rationalize doing nothing as a good decision. And I'm not saying storm fucking Sacramento there are smaller steps in your community you can do that makes a difference, or at least more of a difference than bitching on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum like a defeatist faggot you nigger

if the people were going to rebel against California laws it would've happened by now. Anyone that cares about the 2nd left the state by now and thinks that they are safe from shit like this being passed in their state

No. Cali cops are confiscate first prove inocence in court with expensive lawyers. Even if you win you find out whatever you had was accidentally destroyed.

Fuck you cocksucker. It's only city fags that want this shit. Everyone has to endure because not everyone can just get up and leave.

>And I'm not saying storm fucking Sacramento there are smaller steps in your community you can do that makes a difference, or at least more of a difference than bitching on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum like a defeatist faggot you nigger
Such as? Any political action is basically a waste of time in a a state with California's demographics, so that's out. The NRA is already suing, so doing more of that isn't helpful. We're already not complying, so that's covered, too. As for moving out, we're doing that by the thousands (of course, that makes the political demographics even worse). So if violence is off the table, it leaves... what, exactly?

Speaking of Pelosi, is she genuinely autistic?

I watched their little shindig with trump and the point where she
1: raises her hand
2:shakes it a little
3:then proceeded to speak
Or whenever she leans forward to provide emphasis.
Reminds me of a truly autistic girl I used to know.
Just listening to her pauses in sentences gives me that vibe.

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go ahead and lead the charge user, see how many people will follow you when you get BLAM BLAM BLAM'd by cops and are reported by the media to be just another right-wing nut job

ShareBlue detected.

>start shooting politicians or you're a cuck. there is no middle ground.
>why can't we find some middle ground on common sense gun control?

fuck you, you're a nigger
fuck you, you're a pussy
you might be schizo

not an argument

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Real-world politics isn't like Dragonball. Getting really, really mad doesn't make you more likely to win.

Compliance in NY was "officially" roughly 4% as of last year. The real number is actually negative due to the shear number of non-compliant weapons brought into the state/built after the SAFE Act passed.

fuck off concern shill

It is a gray area. Can be done legally in theory, but isn't on solid ground.
Only effective resistance at this exact point is in the courts. That's where we're winning. Executive and legislative are dead set against us. Aggressive armed resistance only justifies further encroachment. Passive armed resistance (in acts of defense) has a place to physically stop the enforcement of laws but is situational (for instance bundy ranch was successful, although they specifically avoided starting a fight).

If there is a time to vote from the rooftops, it isn't quite that time yet.
There is corruption, but whacking crooks in a violent fashion outside of the legal system de-stabilizes the country and is generally going to be viewed in an unfavorable light. It's extremely easy to spin it as crazy right wing death squads which will get the vast majority dead set against you.
It is tactically and politically counter-intuitive.