Hi user

Hi user

Living in Canada has a huge drawback. You can’t legally defense yourself with a gun. Even if you somehow legally sourced one but use it against another human being you will likely end up in jail.

However, it has been quite safe here and self defense has never been a concerned but now it has started getting very interesting here again and I am totally determined to defense myself.

So what paper spay is the most effective against creatures like we are?

Attached: D21AD864-9BE1-4D82-8E32-C04C01C84F47.gif (420x315, 1.96M)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/SABRE-RED-Pepper-Gel-Strength/dp/B004NKSPR8/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1545035752&sr=8-4&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=sabre pepper&dpPl=1&dpID=51rBAAohRYL&ref=plSrch

Carry a cane.
Not a cane sword, or a cane knife, just a cane, and a high lumen compact(ish) light.
Those will serve you better then O.C., but if you're dead set get Sabre, it's what a lot of police and security use.


Which one, I ve seen many different type of Sabre on amazon?

Cane and light are way better.
But here, I did all your heavyblofting for your canacuck ass, now delete this garbage thread.
amazon.com/SABRE-RED-Pepper-Gel-Strength/dp/B004NKSPR8/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1545035752&sr=8-4&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=sabre pepper&dpPl=1&dpID=51rBAAohRYL&ref=plSrch

Do what
Said, cane/stick and a light

Good, thank you user, don’t delete the thread just yet. I still have few questions unanswered.

Where can I get that light?
I might remember I hear something that this thing is illegal here, could it be possible?

Couldn’t google that cane. I guess I still need a hand, user



you have to be alive to go to jail user.

>retard doesn't know about section 34 and 35 of the criminal code or the jurisprudence
>waaah, you can't defend yourself with a gun in Canada ;_;

>those grammar errors

Let the robbers kill you OP, you'll be doing everyone a service

>However, it has been quite safe here and self defense has never been a concerned but now it has started getting very interesting here again and I am totally determined to defense myself.
Where do you live that it's been getting "interesting" again? Toronto?
For defending yourself there's bear spray you can use that's legal. For home defense, stop by a Wal Mart or a Crappy Tire and pick up a metal baseball bat.

This nigger seems to know English, but gets the wrong words. I'd say he's a Frog from Montreal. Or just plain a nigger.

I was thinking possibly an Asian guy from Vancouver or Toronto. Which I don't really mind; I've worked with lots of Filipinos and Chinese around the GTA, and I can tell you that we could do a lot worse. Some Chinese especially seem to be fascinated by gun culture. I guess it's because guns are damn near impossible to own over there so it's a new thing for them, meanwhile in the Philippines gun laws are more open then they are here.

Lol Where exactly did I fail, how did you get me?

Enjoy your anal rape, Leaf

>can’t legally defense yourself with a gun.
Should be "defend"
Even if you somehow legally sourced one but use it against another human being you will likely end up in jail.
Odd word choice. Most native speakers would just say "buy one legally" vs "legally souced", and "shoot someone in self defense" vs "use it against another human being in self defense".

>However, it has been quite safe here and self defense has never been a concerned but now it has started getting very interesting here again and I am totally determined to defense myself.

Change "defense" to "defend", and "concerned" to "concern". Mixing up past and future tenses is a common error for people learning any new language; I'm trying to learn French right now and I can never get it right. Again, your word choice is technically correct, it just doesn't sound like how most people would say it. "Getting interesting" is more vague than "getting dangerous". "I am totally determined to defend myself", isn't wrong, it just sounds off.

>So what paper spay is the most effective against creatures like we are?
"Pepper spray", not "paper spray", and I've never heard anyone say "creatures like we are" to refer to other people.
Overall, I'd say your English is functional, you just exposure talking to other speakers. There's no lesson or trick to it, it's just something that comes with time. Once a day for 10-15 minutes, try watching some news reports in English. They pronounce things very slowly and clearly, and they usually don't have any accents that might muddle certain words.

>That weird wording

... This guys's gotta be a skinwalker or an offworlder.
That said I highly suggest pocket sand mixed with powdered hatch green chile's.

I wouldn't worry about it

Yeah but they have really low crime rates and a higher standard of living compared to us so it cant be all bad.

I work for the forest service. Half my job description is making sure visitors don't wander too close to them.

Stop bumping this garbage.
Mods should have deleted this hours ago

You should read the Gerald Stanley case in Saskatchewan. Can't use a gun in self defense eh? Take a look at that first.

He got off cause it was a "hangfire" right into the chugs head
He also got a lifetime firearms ban and assraped with legal fees
Remember the process is the punishment

Yeah, I know but unfortunately, it looks like survival bias to me

He stated to the cops at the scene that he didn't mean to shoot. Killed the self defense case right off the bat. Remember kids, everything you say can be used against you but legally can't be used to help you, so shut up.