The 3 Percenters

Newfag here. What am I in for?

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Other urls found in this thread:

A honey pot like no other.

Understood. What are they looking to catch? I'm just a regular dude that loves his country.

Sure you are.

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Kek. I'm serious m8. In all honesty, I am concerned about the direction of our country and I want to connect with like minded patriots. I know I sound super proper, but i'm dead serious. Should I be concerned about joining them?

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you're glowing, breh

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>I am serious. mate.
>Why would I lie to my fellow Americans. Senpai.
Glow Niggers please go

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See, we know you're either an ATF honeypot, or literally too stupid to use a firearm, because a normal person, if curious would do something like
>search:"3 percenter/tea party/gun rights group (city,state)" enter

Why would we do that Mr. "Not" ATF

Dammit what is it gonna take to get some advice from you faggots?! Help a nigga out beforeI end up ass raped by Jamal in the pen. All i wanna do is learn some skills to protect my babies. Cmon man, throw me a fuckin bone here...

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Exit stage left ATF

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Like what
Said, you're either a fed or too fucking stupid.
Fuck off.

>bioluminescence intensifies

Fuck it. I'm joining anyway. I'll let ya'll know how it turns out. Thanks for nothing Jow Forums. Keep an eye out for my posts in the next month. I'll be back.

Leave and never come back faggot.

>I'll be back
You feds never leave.
Like if the terminator said "I'll be back" then just stood in the corner of the police station.

I'm legit nervous about it. I wanna make sure I'm making the right decision. I don't expect anyone to break anonymity and tell me everything about them. I just want somebody to assure me that its the right thing to do.

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>they aren't biting, lou, try to talk like a 4channer

More like 56%ers

I'm not a fucking fed you faggot. I'm not even trying to argue with anyone, I just thought i could get some advice from you guys.

Reddit spacing.

If you guys are uncomfortable sharing anything, I can understand. Dont worry about it. Just dont call me a fucking fed. I dont know how else to prove I'm not the feds.

Is the III% meme even historically accurate?

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Look. I'm not trying to fuck with you guys. I'll leave it alone for now, but I will be back when I join. I'll be lurking other threads until then.

Larps, posturing, fudds, and glowingly persuasive suggestions of provocative activities.

Remember, even if you refuse an obvious setup they can still shoot you, your wife and your dog and get away with it.

Maybe as far as militia combatants, if you account for everyone involved in the war effort it was more then 3%

It was closer to 15% participation.

Please explain to me why anyone who reads your post is *obligated* to write up a reply and give you advice.

Was it 3% at the very start of the war? I've always assumed that III% was a reference to the level of mobilization around the time Lexington and Concord took place. Support for the Revolution obviously grew as it became apparent that the British could not win that easily.

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These answers are literally on wikipedia if you googled it.
Maybe you arent ATF, maybe you are just literally a drooling retard.

With all due respect, no one is obligated to respond. I assumed I would get legit responses but I was wrong. I dont wanna sound butthurt by saying this. I just wanted advice, thats all.

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>These answers are literally on wikipedia if you googled it.

It literally doesn't give a straight answer about mobilization over time as opposed to the total. All it says is:

> Approximately 375,000 people out of the 2.5 million colonists—or fifteen percent—served in either the Continental Army or state militias, a participation rate higher than in most United States military conflicts.

I checked the American Revolutionary War wikipedia page and it doesn't say anything about how much armed support for the Revolution grew and contracted with time.

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OP here. If I were super smart, I wouldn't be asking you guys. I genuinely wanted to know. I like asking questions and getting to the bottom of things.

Assuming you're not an undercover glownigger, you're already on their radar just for posting this. The answer is to never associate with armed people who publicly oppose the government, full stop. Go join a church if you want to be around like minded people who support you.

>I assumed I would get legit responses
Everyone who told you its a honeypot gave a legit response. Do you want the government to murder your dog and or do you want to go to federal prison? If so, join the 3%ers.

Go to an actual weapons proficiency course if you want the skillset. Like other's have said organized militias are either LARP, honeypot or both. Are you a healthy upstanding citizen? Congrats you're in the militia.

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No, it was more like 25-30% actually fought. However, you can't be a cool exclusive group if 30% of the population aligns with you, so they knocked it down to 3% to preserve their status as elitist retard larpers.

What do you mean murder my dog?


If you're serious about working toward change, act alone.

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Are you really this new or did your handlers not let you browse here for 20 minutes to get up to speed on the memes?

Some incredibly gay shit. They are against populist gun ownership, quite a few of them are ex cops (the most insufferable thing), and they fucking love trump

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I started on Jow Forums, migrated to Jow Forums, learned on /out/, and stopped here after learning about user that gassed himself.

Jesus, how much of a newfag are you? ATF dog murder is a foundational K meme.

The ATF and their anti-dog agenda has been well known amongst the gun owning community for years.

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OK then I propose this: lurk for 2 weeks and if you haven't yet figured out why you're a colossal retard for even thinking about joining the threepdawgs, then go do it and post results so the rest of us can laugh.

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I'm new af m8.

>Pulls the Merifat meme
Félicitations, you just proved everyone you're a nofuns british/eastern yuro nigger.

I will m8. I will.

Welcome to k. Please my dude, do not ruin your life by LARPing. Nothing good happens from increasing your odds of interacting with law enforcement. Remember that most cops are know-nothings who just want to get home tonight: declaring yourself as a resister/anti-gov does you no favors in a traffic stop.

Thanks user.

Yeah, but I'm asking about at the very start of the war. Obviously it wasn't 30% throughout the entire conflict, the Continental Army saw its numbers rise and fall with the fortunes of the war.

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>Hey reddit, how do I speak like a 4channer?

i wanna join . how do i join?

don't you mean speak like a 4channeler?

3%ers are lukewarm cuckservatives who won't even acknowledge the real problems facing America.

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OP here. I dont know what to say really. I didnt know how to prove I wasnt a bioluminescent federal P.O.C.

Dumb boomers who like to show off their $3,000 guns under the guise of “protecting their constitutional rights”. Of course when peaceful protesters are harassed by police or when antifa starts attacking these boomers will do absolutely nothing.
There’s video from Charlottesville of BLM niggers basically calling some their bluff and cornering the 3%’ers telling them to “DO SOMETHING BITCH” and they didn’t do shit.
Stood their with their AR’s like a deer in headlights.

>I didnt know how to prove I wasnt a bioluminescent federal P.O.C.

Look at it from our perspective exactly something a bioluminescent alphabet boy porch monkey would say.


I can't argue with that one boss. I would've done the same thing If I were in your position.

>in W.Va
Is this counting the cannibal mole people Martense family or some shit?


liberal detected

Nice meme.

Damn. You got me...

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>What am I in for?
Take it as fact that every militia and III percenter group is known and infiltrated by some gov agency.
You can still join.
I have one in my town that is all ex LEO of various sorts, and they are trying to get me to join.
Those would be the ones to join.
The local sheriff knows about them, the Feds know about them, and they are less likely to go off and do someting stupid.
They are used more for local emergencies like tornadoes, hurricanes, and fires.
But they'll teach you how to move and shoot with other people by your side, if they take you in.
Just keep it clean and legal.

These pussies won't even fight Antifa.

Guys who larp in Fred Perry shirts and follow a guy who shoves dildos up his own ass are more hardcore.

Glowniggers glowniggering glowniggers.

Also gas you children, burn your house and bulldoze the remains.

Lone wolf like a muhfuka

>t. Mutt
Your country cant even fight wars with a proper military, a militia of 500 pound mullatos would just be laughable.

>started on Jow Forums
>doesn't know about ATF overreach and canine genocide

>George the (((them))) Washington. I mean come on, it's 2/3 of his face

>whites are cucks who vote for neocons and Israel lovers
Good goys!

They totally should have taken the bait and opened fire on unarmed BLM protesters. I'm sure that would work out well

>implying dems aren't also israel lovers

What the fuck are they doing there then? If they aren't willing to do it then they should stay home.