/gwg/-/gq/ Hybrid General

Post your 3D waifus with actual guns and gear like pic related; no instagram thots with meme guns or softcore porn allowed. The focus of the thread is to appreciate the aesthetics of gear on the female figure.

- Airshit is allowed, so long as it's decent gear and has a nice aesthetic
- Traps are allowed, so long as they fit the criteria above

I'll post a few to get it going.

Attached: some people can't read.png (712x505, 537K)

pic in OP

Attached: 1523675683847.jpg (639x960, 58K)

Attached: 1529182786289.png (509x574, 793K)

Attached: 1539373115502.jpg (2016x1344, 908K)

Oh, and lets try and get some more Eastern gear in here since /gq/ is all multicam

Attached: 1529014804618.jpg (526x789, 92K)

holy shit I have wanted this thread for so long, picrelated is the only one I have of a grill who looks even vaguely like she could /operate/

Attached: multicam female.png (738x960, 1.49M)

3DPD’s are not important

Attached: C8FE387D-A49F-455E-8D63-FB2543B67029.jpg (680x324, 36K)


I mean, most of us appreciate 2D too, It's just that there's already a thread for that

Speaking about that, why haven’t the jannies done something useful and pruned this 3DPD trash thread?

but you cant insert your penis into 2d

>he doesn’t know how to fuck 2d
>he would rather insert his manhood into a bloody disease ridden blue waffle
git out normie

Attached: C36E810F-6F1F-4435-9D8E-C15F12713DC1.png (500x507, 105K)

>has only seen blue waffles
abscond degenerate

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This is as silly to me as those "this is not a gamer girl, but this is" images. The ones that show a sexy woman blowing her controller vs an angry woman yelling into a mic while playing a competitive multiplayer game on PC. But you know what? The former is more accurate. Literally no women play competitive multiplayer shooters on PC. Any woman who does and tries to shout at her team mates quickly finds someone who can shout louder, or gets kicked from the game. Furthermore more, I'd rather be with the sexy fun girl than the angry bitch any day of the week.

Attached: 1543273151328.jpg (794x1200, 264K)

I wonder how long it would take to mount one of them fem soldiers

t.angry virgin

Attached: 1477778574092.jpg (1024x576, 97K)

Imagine being such an incel that the thought of a minority of women with masculine hobbies makes you this upset

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Knee pads seem useful

Do you expect me to get on my knees and worship a woman for being undesirable?


>Thots are degenerate, but traps are perfectly fine.
user, you have failed as a human being. Your worth is 0, and i hope you get anal AIDS.

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Its a movie set but still love it

Attached: Daz4ZheXkAIqW-j.jpg (800x1200, 206K)

I think it's funny how Jow Forums hates women in the military while simultaneously jizzing their pants over women in uniform.

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Look they need to be in segregated units and used as auxiliaries and that the best case scenario. We basically already do this.

your example of a good set up is literally trash. she is wearing womens riding style fashion boots and yoga pants. Those trash kneepads are not going to stay up. >drop leg
>slav shit

imagine being such an incel loser that you got kicked out of /gq/ and had to make your own stupid thread so you can jerk off to random thots who would never consider dating you

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the worst part about this thread is that not a single picture they have posted is of a women wearing quality, modern, effective gear.

Attached: QUAZ2SKWKFBAZOZ5BC2JJYP6W4.jpg (1200x1600, 248K)

it's almost like Jow Forums isn't one person

aside from the one polish chick in which at least has *something* quality

Damn she's cute, who is she?


That's a guy.

I don't believe you, that's definitely a girl

Attached: 981zirpbav021 - Copy.jpg (2309x1732, 1.38M)

Leaf grill

Attached: mywaifu.png (637x355, 296K)

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Tinder OC inbound

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-19-19-41-13 2.png (696x986, 841K)

>tfw gf is left eye dominant but right handed
>likes shooting but not enough to train past that
>just gives up and watches me shoot
ive trained several girls to shoot well, but the one i want to keep forever I can't.
what do

sidenote, she likes shooting with red dots at least.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-19-19-41-07.png (704x1003, 925K)

Attached: 5d37e6f612c4ddd6845e988a6013a1d3.jpg (2937x1958, 809K)

Hannah Barron is love. Waifu forever

Attached: SmartSelect_20181221-175948_Chrome.jpg (1440x943, 929K)

>3 guys talking and woman standing there with earmuffs on
what did she mean by this

>i have an idea
>guys listen
>lets give the biggest gun in the squad
>to the smallest, slimmest soldier we have
>it'll be great
damnit sarge

Cute as fuck. Looks like the kind of woman you'd see in one of those 19th century paintings on the French revolution


Jow Forums is just you and moot.

>utter mishmash of gear
Expected nothing less from a woman

Mixing gear and camo is pretty aesthetic imo
the pristine 100% multicam look is kinda stale

Any assault pack recommendations? Currently looking at Mystery Ranch and Huron.

Spc. Alex Ketchum

>what do
Nothing. She doesnt have the same hobbies... So what??

any german or austrian gals?

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I think that skinnyfat mess on the left has even skinnier arms than the girl

Attached: 1470709196347-1.jpg (484x700, 87K)

Nice. She even looks like she might be fun to hang out with. Good on the man who snaps her up.

It is the most feared weapon in our Army. We don't discuss it amongst ourselves for fear we may summon it. His name is Spc. Alex Ketchum And for your safety don't google this name.


3d sucks losers get a real girl

This actually pisses me off. You know when she rolls a fucking ankle in her gay little running shoes she's gonna have some men carry her ass.

>Post your 3-

stopped right there.

Attached: snowleopardDu8gCQ_UUAAoU9x.jpg (1533x2047, 230K)

And yet, those arms are still probably much stronger than hers, and he likely has more overall mass.

Attached: 20181130_001742.jpg (4032x3024, 2.93M)