Japan aircraft carrier conversion plan

So from what I've gathered, Japan will have around 105 F-35As and 42 F-35Bs. They also may convert Izumo class helicopter destroyers into "multi-purpose escort destroyers", capable of operating F-35B. They probably will put a ramp on it. Each converted ship can carry around 8-12 F-35Bs.

So, China growing carrier fleet is kinda forcing Japan to more strongly remilitarize themselves. Will we see a new Japanese purpose-designed aircraft carrier, or aviation destroyer as they may want to call it, in the future?

Some articles

Attached: 1920px-JS_Kaga(DDH-184)_right_front_view_at_Port_of_Kanazawa_July_15,_2017.jpg (1919x1080, 291K)

Japan could probably afford at least 1 super-carrier (75,000+ tons) if they really wanted one, but I'm not sure it would be terribly useful, considering that land-based aviation can probably handle all of Japan's needs.

You can see in google maps the two chinese carriers, one being build in a dry dock and the other in trails but docked


One concern from this plan is that they are trading full ASW capability for some questionable usefulness of a light carrier. Still, like with the ATD-X, Japan might do it just so they can get more experience with it.


See? I can do it too Chang. Fifty social credits have been removed from your account.

This is why China can't trust Japanese. they're words are different from they're actions. Japan doesn't have a code of honor.

Top kek. As if China had one.

bogans next?

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what's the point when russians are already adding mach 8 hypersonic ship killer missiles to their arsenal.

>directly threaten japanese intrests
>"wtf why are they rearming"
shoo shoo frog shill

Apparently the third ship of Izumo class is planned. Also, there's been a rumor that they have a plan for a 50000-60000 ton class amphibious assault ship or middle sized carrier for replacement for Osumi class LST, which was the first flattop of a kind Japan built after WW2.

Attached: 1544071437451.jpg (1902x2304, 939K)

>You can see in google maps the two chinese carriers, one being build in a dry dock and the other in trails but docked

Are you sure there's two and it isn't just the same one in a state of quantum superposition?

DDG-179 JS Maya is already launched so may need to update that silhouette and name. There's still no good port side picture of the Maya though, apparently.

Attached: Japan_Launches_Future_Aegis_Destroyer_JS_Maya_3.jpg (925x616, 178K)

One carrier isnt enough though since it'd be in port refitting/otherwise out of commission at least half the year. Isn't the ideal at least 2 so that one can be away at all times?

Is it quantum tho?

No. But it's plasma

六四天安門 事件

june 4th Tiananmen Square massacre

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>competent in anything military
They should just give money to US.

isn't that illegal for them right now? i was thinking they'd only convert their helicopter carriers in the inevitable asian vs worse asian race war.

no it's not. according to the ministry of defense they can't have an "attack aircraft carrier" but they can have a "defense aircraft carrier".

japs really are just shiny chink rats aren't they.

Japan is trying to develop a new type assault landing ship as a successor to the Osumi class for The Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade against China.

Attached: Shinshū Maru.jpg (800x411, 98K)

This isn’t as stupid as it sounds. With only a complement of maybe 10 F-35s, and coming off a deck with no ramp, the main role of these F-35s will likely be fleet defense against air attacks. They won’t really be used in the strike role.

The USN is the offensive force, the JMSDF can focus on anti-submarine and defensive warfare.

Attached: JS_Kaga_and_JS_Izumo.jpg (3680x2456, 688K)

Will the F-35Bs be operated by the JASDF or JMSDF?

I'm guessing the JASDF, but I'd rather have Japanese naval aviation take care of things.

you're right, JASDF, and that constitutes their account of its defensive nature: something like "those aren't really a dedicated carrier air wing for power projection but JASDF units jointly operating with JMSDF multipurpose motherships."

The F-35B is still really useful for Japan even if they don't operate from carriers, since many of their Southern islands have short runways that can't support F-16s/F-35A's/F-15s.

>Wink wink nudge nudge.
I fully support Japan building real carriers so that we will have more anthromorphic lewd schoolgirl representations in my chinese cartoons.

Why not just sell them some Nimitz when the Fords roll out?

Buy one get on half off.

That would be cool, but when they are retired they are almost out of fuel. Overhauling them almost costs more than just building a new ship.

>1 super carrier

If you don't buy 2, 1 is useless. France showed WHY a single super carrier is worse than not having one since it spends half its life in dry dock, costs 2-3x what a smaller escort carrier would and offers next to no flexibility aside from the basic carrier purpose.

They'd be better served making 2-3 smaller carriers that can launch F-35s and be able to deploy 2 while having 1 in maintenance. Or just making shittons of hunter-killer stealth subs.

>Japan could probably afford at least 1 super-carrier (75,000+ tons)
Japan is not stupid enough to do such a wasteful thing.But It is said that they want 3-4 amphibious landing ships(40,000 tons) as a successor to the Osumi class.

Being Korean is suffering

I hope our government starts developing nukes

yep, a couple of such ships would be best fitted for japan's doctrine and conceivable situations, as it's highly unlikely that japan conducts a mission in a distant place on a scale that necessitates the firepower of a super carrier in the foreseeable future, and it's good to disperse the limited asset on multiple ships rather than concentrating on one super carrier from risk management standpoint. those ships must be highly automated to reduce the number of crew though.

I don't get why they would invest in a carrier when missiles are cheaper, easier to host on a vessel, and can be acquired faster.

US-SK-NK alliance against China when?

Kek. We got nothing to put on them.

what does being korean have to do with this thread

>Being Korean is suffering.


Attached: resized_US_65th_Infantry_Regiment_Bayonet_charge_against_Chinese_division_korea.jpg (1024x758, 344K)

use the more powerful version
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