Be me

>be me
>Army fag on first leave after AIT
>expect to see all my old friends from high school
>everyone blows me off

it’s only been 2 days but I already want go back to military life. Fuck the civilian world. Anybody have similar experiences?

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>sign up for Maureens immediately after 18th birthday
>come back from boot camp, most friends are busy with college/work or don't care
>visit home(LA) a few times a year because it's close
>only see a few good friends and a lot of shitty ones that have nothing going on
>watch parents get noticeably older, pop's alcoholism gets worse
>95% of girls back home either don't give a shit or dislike the military

>get out in 2013, same situation
>reduce social circle to about ten good friends
>still can't trust/rely on everyone
>everyone reveals themselves to be selfish
>parents live like pigs, give up on cleaning up after them and move out
>housemates live like pigs, bring it up and get called an asshole

Congrats, now you know why civilians don't get shit done. They're worthless faggots.

At least you’re learning quickly. Took me until this leave to realize that I’m burning money and leave to come to some shithole town where I feel unwanted

This happens as a civilian too. Humans are self centered selfish fucks and in the era of instant gratification if you disappear for a week count yourself forgotten.

I played in a band before the current one and was popular and disappeared between the next one formed and it's hilarious to see the parasites come out of the wood work again who wouldnt look at me in between. My dad responded to me a while back after I was bitching like a cunt "that's why I have no friends, they just want shit from you"

>Friends get girlfriends.
>Busy with other stuff too, but who isn't?
>They make time for everything they wanna make time for.
>But not me.

Really solid guys and frankly in an emergency I would probably be able to count on them. But kinda shitty friends.

>join zog bot rape force
>get my personal life raped
>dying to go back to zog force
Good goy. Don’t seek out therapy or develop social skills and find a girlfriend. The army is your girlfriend

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>Anyone have similar experiences?

Yes. I had the exact same experience you did, except for 2 friends who actually made the time to come over and hang out.

2 years later was the next time I was in my home town. 3 weeks of leave and damn near everyone except those same two buddies blew me off, again.

I unfriended a lot of people after returning from leave. People I had known for years and who I had busted my ass to help out. So fuck 'em.

But it gets better, OP. You'll find out who your real friends are and you'll make new and better ones while you're in.

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Yeah, that shit happens. I fucking hate housemates. Use your GI Bill and learn a trade. I did diesel and got the fuck out of Oceanside for the last time. Haven't been back in nearly 2 years. Not going back, either.

Find something you like that can make you enough money to live without housemates.

It's not your home, anymore. Now that you're outside looking in you can see what a fucking pit it is. I pity the people who waste their whole lives living in only one place. Humans weren't meant to grow roots.

This guy is right. Especially in the construction field for trades. Sign up with a Union and you're damn near immediately accepted in because of helmets to hard hats.

It happens OP. I kind of grew apart from some dudes who I considered to be my absolute best friends ever once I got into the military. Everyone grows apart after a while but the military is gonna speed that process up a bit. It sucks but don't worry, you'll make buddies in your unit that you'll never forget and will keep in contact with long after you ETS

Spoken like a true faggot from some shithole. Either you were that faggot that no one liked with a faggot family or you lived in some shithole. I actually get to enjoy coming home to my small town area. I'm sorry you prioritize brown people and drugs over a cohesive and supportive area.

I grew up in southern Commiefornia in a beach city. So yeah, basically a shithole.

I had been taught that all of the US was the same as the coast (see: lied to) and, being a child and not knowing any better, I believed it.

Later I learned it was a place of stagnation, where nothing ever changes but the cost of living.

But socal is an honest to god shithole, with a vinyl cover of coffee shops and artistic bullshit. You go more than 2 blocks off the main tourist areas and it's still the same old shithole it was 25 years ago.

Joining up and getting out of there saved my life from being wasted with all the other people that reside there.

also consider some specialty govt jobs at local agencies. trade skills take a while, but if your MOS is related to anything, pick it up. i had a buddy at a consulting job get a dept of minerals position after a year or so working at the company i work at. he happened to have a geology degree and honorably discharged, got the job no hassle.

i get that most probably wouldnt have a legit degree, but if you do, youre set for life.

I'm sorry. I'd be pretty jaded to if I had the misfortune of coming from such a vapid place.

Jesus Christ hurts me to read this. You people need Jesus in your lives. Seriously. For the past week my home was nothing but smell of women cooking awsome stuff and men (me and my son) cleaning a bit and playing computer games & having run in the snow.
Merry Christmass.
>t.polish guy

>Be OP
>come back from AIT thinking there’s going to be a parade in my hometown and women begging to suck my cock.
>arrive home
>people are busy with loved ones and jobs and don’t come see me
>Be mad that no one has thanked me for my service yet even though I haven’t seen combat.
>go to every store asking for military discount just to feel superior.
>go to bar by myself and stand in the corner waiting for women to approach my buzzed cut ugly ass.
>decide to walk up to girl
>get blown off
When will boots learn that no one gives a shit about them and life continues for other people beyond their own narcissistic lives?

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Literally this ^

Do you live in Poland? I am probably gonna move there from the US once I make some money.

Thanks man. And I don't mean to come off as a dick towards you.

But I honestly think The place should be stripped of it's statehood and political power before it fucks up the rest of this fine country.

Enjoy that good life, man.

I've been outta Army for coming up on 4 years, now and I think I've finally found balance. Found a good, smart, beautiful, white woman who shares many of my beliefs and has put in some real work to help me rebuild my life post-military.

I still keep in contact with a lot of the guys, too. Those of us in Texas might be doing a thing for new years. We will have to see.

>dude leaves some dust in a corner
>call him a pig

Need to learn to have a switch, jack. Not everybody is autistic about cleaning.

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t. disgusting slob

shut up and push you dumb boot

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>everyone blows me off
Don't worry, it has nothing to do with the fact that they're civilians, it's just because they didn't like you.
Hell, you probably joined because you knew no one liked/respected you and you thought that was a way to force them to. I have bad news for you.

>nobody likes you anymore, "suddenly"

yeah, i've seen that too

^ 100%
Even after reading these, OP won't get it.

>Dear Diary

>be me
>do my time the the army and get out
>go to college
>living with 2 hot chicks=access to their ot friends
>college is a sea of 18-22 year old girls with daddy issues
>va hasn't paid me for the last 3 semesters
at least i saved up while i was in the army

>>reduce social circle to about ten good friends

fuck you man I haven't had a real friend in 20 years.

>be me
>Army fag on first leave after AIT
>expect to see all my old friends from high school
>hang out and catch up with some of them
i would reconsider yourself or the people you call friends user

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You'd rage too if you had a housemate who never swept up the tumbleweeds of loose fur from her golden retriever, let alone picked up its shit from the yard. Also, sink full of dishes and random trash left on every surface.

Im out now and Im already thinking about going back its only been a month


living with a single female roommate

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>Humans are self centered selfish fucks and in the era of instant gratification if you disappear for a week count yourself forgotten.

Had two "close" friends call me family and pretty much loved me and I the same for them.
I was busy for about six months crab and other types of fishing, exhausted every night, and never got a chance to call them because I always passed out in my free time.
Come back home to find that one of them removed me from his Facebook friends list and the other treated me like a complete stranger, not even giving me the decency to put any substance their text messages like they used to.
>Hey! It's been along time, Samantha! How have you been and what have you been up two this past year?
>Is that it?
Fucking breaks my heart.
My other "friend," the one that removed me from Facebook, didn't even return my calls or messages.

Fuck them... At least I get the last laugh because now one of them has financial problems and the other was kicked out of their parent's house and can barely afford an apartment.
I'm now just relaxing, lonely in my paid for house with tons of money to spare, looking for better people to include in my life, but goddamn it still hurts a little bit...

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Regular people get sucked into their current work schedules and don't do anything but that for the rest of their lives until they can try and retire, and the cycle that we all find ourselves stuck in is ridiculous and drains away that which makes us human. This applies to most military personnel too because most military personnel in the United States join out for benefits and not genuine wish to be a Soldier/Sailor/Airman/Marine/Coast Guardsman.

You're still young, dumb and hopeful and fresh out of AIT so you're still at least a little bit motivated, and starting to see the problems in your hometown. This happens in the civilian world too, but only for people that aspire to leave where they started.

TL;DR Life is gay sometimes, be better than the NPCs around you.

I'm and I came off as more bitter than intended, my bad. But OP's still a young kid and just learning that his huge high school social circle won't stay together for differing reasons, and probably doesn't even really have a home beyond the place his parents sleep and drink in.

the only time I got any attention were retards at the airport

Lmao all you faggots actually joined the military

i know how this feels i ended up ditching them and moving in with my mom. i rather experience that shame than live with degenerates

I know I'm a knob when I say this since I'm not active duty but I'm a CAF PRes member and when I had finished my basic courses coming home was weird, even for months after it. I got annoyed with my family more often when they would complain about cleaning or were belligerent with simple tasks. I also significantly miss those courses because they were probably some of the best experiences I had with other people and knowing there was something that was a priority was nice. Now it's just kind of a lull. Working together with others was great when we accomplished something, now it's self-focused, no time and no camaraderie.
I joined wanting to be a soldier and learn everything there was to it, and I was hyped, but it's a lot different when you actually get in.
Civ life is so boring and I want to either stay in or go private and keep learning things. The stagnation I could get into with the civ world scares me a bit because I'll just plateau and never get better with anything in a recognizable manner.

Being exposed to both sides of the coin simultaneously is shit

Oh I feel ya brother
>drive 16 hours with wife family thinks is my fiancee
>be married bcz fuck the barracks
>drop on them i'm not playing fuck fuck games to get 500 points for E5
>they still don't know about this divorce im about to get 2019-20 be single in college and thai-cation 2020

Why try with 1st world women when I could go to a country where I could pick up 10 by offering them a cup of clean water?

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>Never liked civvie life
>Slavic living in australia
>Every single man in my family served in either the ADF or Serbian / Macedonian army as infantrymen
>Born to see war, and been myself as many other men in my family
>Never tell anyone at work my experience or my military past
>Desperately want to go back, contemplating killing myself that's how much i hate being a civilian, civilian jobs, and how boring and mundane it is

I work as a bouncer now hating every single minute being here.

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>Go teach in Korea for five years
>Come home
>Everyone I know is either dead, moved away, or is my immediate family, who love me to death but share exactly zero interests with me

I just want to fucking cook, talk about alcohol, and play comfy video games from my couch.

Become a bounty hunter/game warden, faggot.

>be loser
>join army
>come home for first leave
>still a loser
I don't know what I expected

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I joined the Australian army as an infantrymen after i left year 10 in school, i don't even have a year 12 qualification and the only thing i achieved in life was coming back from deployment. No one besides my mother and sister / grandparents were waiting for me at the airport.

Here in australia, at least in Melbourne. You need to know people to get a job regardless of qualifications.

8 yr army vet and I approve this message. Although I didn’t give a fuck about seeing people. My priorities were pussy and fun when I was on leave.

Then move and manage a shitload of land out in the middle of nowhere. Kill the faggoty animal species, shoot poachers, laugh at abbos being abbos, watch whatever you want with your feet kicked up on the dashboard of your Jeep.

Nah, not for me. I'm over it anyway. I also have mental problems I've come to notice. Where my head always feels jumbled and i cant concentrate as well as memory problems, not to mention no motivation. Haven't told anyway in fear the police will take away my firearms at home.

It's a sad life, but I've come to deal with it. It's the life god gave me.

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i think everyone loses motivation when you realize you're neck deep in a swamp and there's not much time left to turn things around. my plan was to enlist after high school. parents pressured me to go to college. completed a terminal degree in my field and now i'm stuck in a job i fucking hate. after well over a 100 applications i couldnt't even get an in-person interview for another job.

fuck them man. leave the old world behind.

Dubs checked.

Feels aside: what's that stuff on the table?

>having female friends
nibba tf is u doing

Thats your problem

washers/bolts and other small things

>Be me
>2 infantry Civilian from the boot camp hometown Deep South
>quit high school because of gangs.
>get promoted by Sgt State CDL Licenses
>my mission everyday is to make sure i keep Americans alive and healthy by being on time and delivering the goods to each state camps out on the map of the USA
>I have to follow my objective and dodge the road side bombs called state troopers and DOT
>Being an Infantry civi aint easy we have to pay taxes to the state to give it to Israel
>our main objective soldiers is to fuck dump the cunts give them to the state and pay them a fee.

Remember your dreams doesn't matter nothing does work save money and die?

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