Will China surpass the US as a global military superpower?

Will China surpass the US as a global military superpower?
How can the US keep up with the sheer manpower, unrelenting resolve, and might of the PLA?

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experience, excellence, tradition i guess. but china will have surpassed everyone else in literally everything in 150 years or something like that, while everyone else is on the way down, china is moving upwards.
everyone's laughing at their plans regarding naval power, but in about 50 years they'll have an impressive fleet. the state of the us by that time is a meme on literally every board of the fortune

>Will China surpass the US as a global military superpower?

No, the US Military is massively larger and better funded, and it's difficult for China to match us because China is still a poorer country than the US, and will be for many years even if they maintain their currently-slowing rate of growth



>their currently-slowing rate of growth

growth is still growth, while china's biggest problem is their slow growth, everyone else's problem is slow to fast decline.

>will the country that copies all of our technological advancements beat us in a war


how the fuck is that a disadvantage ffs

yeah, it's funny that the chinaman copies everything, but it's in no way a disadvantage in warfare.

It is when all the copies are shit quality


Bug-people are absolutely retarded, and they're gigantic pussies. They'll never win a war against the U.S. All chinks would be fried rice before they even knew what hit them.

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Technological advancements win wars, period.

The gooks don't come up with their own technology, period.

If WW3 breaks out and we send all the gooks to camp and keep shit secret like we did with the Manhattan Project, Turing, etc. they will have no way to get technology since they are gooks and copy everything and lose the war.

Anyone who disagrees with me is a LARPer from New Jersey State who has a carrier rig and operator gear but no guns and has never served

>copies are shit quality

maybe the mock european villages they build, when it comes to military technology their copies are in a different class.

and they also shit out like trillions of them, so how is that a disadvantage

and they're not even at war, guess what happens when china enters total war

>b-but we wear bug shit! that's technology!!!

>we have never been in real modern war with another country
>that's why we're really good at war

Neither has the US.

noone has ever been in "real" modern war with another developed nation

>gooks will practice violin for 12 hours a day
>won't even practice real warfare with a small shitty muslim country


>police crackdowns in and attacking your unarmed civilians
>an actual military conflict
pick one

so we don't know how the PLA would perform in symmetric warfare, allright. but we do know that they have the advantage of zerglike streams of manpower and production, and that's in literally every scenario a huge advantage


What is
>vietnam war
>conflicts afghanistan
>conflicts iraq
>panama/operation nimrod dancer
>libya in 2011
>yemeni civil war
>killing durkadurks in syria
>killing durkadurks in pakistan
>killing durkadurks in sudan
>yugoslav wars
>gulf war

>occupying a failed state and fighting guerillas and insurgents
>an actual war

pick one

none of those were wars between developed nations, fought with symmetric means.

All of those were against a third world inferior enemy and not in total war, and Vietnam doesn't count because none of the current generation saw it.

Gooks still have less of an advantage because their military hasn't been vetted/further trained with lots and lots of asymmetric warfare (read: all the stupid ones are still alive in China)

Sorry, we're going to castrate China just like we did Japan one day

>china still hasn't farmed mudslimes to get their gold/XP to defend against the NATO gank


Japan didn't have natural oil reserves, raw material, and the manpower that China does.

that's why we invented napalm

did the trick in korea

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They owned China in WW2 fuck tard

>did the trick in korea

i think you mean vietnam, but even then that's a stupid statement

are you stupid?

We're talking about the modern day, user.

>russia will just go afk halfway through the match again and leave them on their own

The US is doomed, it lacks spirit and purpose, it is a decadent petty bourgeois empire in its death throes. In 10 or 20 years, it will collapse under the weight of its own immorality and corruption.

no they didn't, they invaded a nation that has been in civil war, and were kicked out once the chinaman formed a united front.

fuck tard

No, is saying we were only able to conquer Japan in WW2 because they didn't have resources. He was talking in the past tense.

If WW3 breaks out then we'll just nuke each other. There's no realistic scenario where US and China fight to the death and keep it to conventional weapons that doesn't make sense.

>t. Gookosphere defence force

That's only if conventional warfare is not economically viable for one of the sides and they want to gamble.

>the scenario of Battlefield 2 wasn't realistic

opinion discarded, cpt retardo

Where is the lie, though? The US will collapse, screencap this.

did they not tell you about the chinese bbq the us had in the Korean war?

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>hurr durr everyone dies one day, screencap this

Worst case scenario we balkanize for a little bit

yes it does retard we'll go to war and then one side will start to win and the other will sue for peace backed by nukes

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Drones and technology

did they not tell you that china still kept half of the fucking country, after being pushed back a bit? it's called north korea and still exists, look it up. shit's hillarious

>still kept half the country

still have little shrimpy half dicks too

did you actually see them?

yeah dipshit china dumped a million troops into korea and couldn't even capture the peninsula

now you dipshit just have a wild dog you have to keep on a short leash because you can't eat it

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Yes, I have confirmed sightings of over 300 gook dicks

As a Chinese guy, I say you overestimate China. We fuck ourselves up in so many ways.

The US hasn't faced a an enemy with modern equipment since Korea and that didn't go over too well.

Sure, it can bully around illiterate farmers at a tremendous cost but even that isn't doing too well. It is slowly becoming as dysfunctional as the UN forces for the same reasons.

The US is a demoralized nation that will be defeated without a shot, just let it bleed itself in pointless wars. The Chinese could start a number of proxy wars in Africa to accelerate the process.

nigga there's nothing like war to bring america together

china pulling the trigger would be the best thing to happen to the us

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>The US hasn't faced a an enemy with modern equipment since Korea

So wrong I'm not even going to disprove you

>The Chinese could start a number of proxy wars in Africa

All white units so morale doesn't drop when we absolutely slaughter these savages

>in Africa

that hasn't even been mentioned yet, China is slowly colonizing Africa. and also tightening the grip around central and west asia, with their silkroad shit

Chinaman take over in 50 years, mark my words

>the continent with all the africans

>All white units so morale doesn't drop when we absolutely slaughter these savages

it's not like the us army is only battle hardened supersoldiers. it's also not like that would be the biggest factor in a war with china, the biggest factor would be china's zerging

>nigga there's nothing like war to bring america together

china on the other hand doesn't even need anything to be brought together, they're a giant hivemind. there's no equivalent to "individual needs" in chinese, it's one gigantic yellow block

>China is colonizing Africa, they so got this for sure

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>the continent with all the africans
Not for long,it is about to get chinked.

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>bippity boppity, mussolini is in a colinazing a
>we will win this a war for sure

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>they so got this for sure

never said that, but it still means a big source for ressources. and regional influence, which might be an advantage depending on how the continent developes in the future. a lot of wars are fought there right now, with involvement of NATO members

africa being unimportant in hearts of iron doesn't mean chinese dominance there wouldn't matter in a modern conflict between the us and them


>export dependent - needs the USA to buy their products or their economy will crash
>import dependent - 3x more dependent on arabian oil than Japan, without which their economy will crash
>busted demographics due to 25 years of one child policy means a still-too small replacement generation for when their investor class retires, at which point their economy will crash
>desperately clamping down on capital flight, hoping against history, experience, and hope itself that their economy wont crash
>Liaoning carrier was literally a floating casino, now equipped with outdated monkey model bootleg Su33s that cant take off fully loaded because >>>a fucking ski ramp
>Subtracting the wealthy (export dependent) coastal cities leaves only a mass of poor, illiterate (import dependent) peasants in mostly barren hinterland
>Vietnam and Mexico are doing to them what Donny Drumpf thinks they are doing to the USA
>All of their neighbours either hate them or are in no position to help during war time

I think America is fine. There's a reason why all attempts by China to reach out during history have always ended with them being dragged back by their own internal problems

The one time this was successful was the story of Xu Fu, a literal chinese refugee who may or may not have kickstarted civilisation in neighbouring and friendly Japan

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Daily Reminder

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>there's nothing like war to bring america together
It used to be true, before the big takeover.

>needs the USA to buy their products or their economy will crash

right now, china is opening a shitload of markets in the 3rd and former 2nd world, a "crash" is not what would happen if Trump stopped producing MAGA hats there

>3x more dependent on arabian oil than Japan, without which their economy will crash

so what?

>All of their neighbours either hate them or are in no position to help during war time

so what? that's the whole reason Tibet iE is so important to china, a very important part of their border with neighbours that might kind of matter in a potential war consists of mountains and desert. it's not like china is at any danger of being invaded by it's neighbours, the only neighbour that really matters is on very good terms with them, Russia.

>I think America is fine

Even when we're not talking about the yellow menace, that's just wrong

Strategically and geographically, the US is in a much better position, and that matters as much in war as technology does.

At the end of the day the Chinese have to fight a US vs China war on their doorstep and not Americas. They are an energy and food importer and a war would have a devastating impact on their economy and their ability to sustain the war. Not only that, but their war time industry would be in range of the Americans within the conflict.

I''m not totally on a the Zeihan bandwagon but he does have a few good points, and one of them is the fact that Chinese are completely integrated in a global network, and even a strong regional war would destroy their market.

Pair that with Chinas long time history of completely fucking up everything when it comes to war and you have a recipe that favors the US heavily.

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>import dependent - 3x more dependent on arabian oil than Japan, without which their economy will crash

a lot of Syria's oil refineries in the north are operated by Chinese state-owned companies, just for example. guess what the situation in most other Arab nations is, besides Saudi-Arabia

When was the last time the Chinese used their military for anything other than drills or running over their own people with tanks?

so a rifle that's never been fired can't compete with a well shot one?

also, patrolling pashtun villages, getting IED'd on the way there, and having a few shootouts across whole valleys doesn't mean the US would automatically fair well in actual symmetric modern warfare

If i watch some Magpul videos and read some books am I ready to go?

probably not, but also not uncapable to use a firearm effectively


No it doesn't but having a combat experienced NCO corp and field grade officers are the backbone of any fighting force. You can do all the drills in the world but until you hear shots fired in anger you have no idea of how you will fare.

Analysts agree, China is on the rise and nothing can stop it.

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>That's only if conventional warfare is not economically viable for one of the sides and they want to gamble.

Which is guaranteed to happen eventually as one side starts winning

>until you hear shots fired in anger

i actually did, and i can tell you that most, or at least many people adapt pretty quick. it makes a difference, sure, but after the first few battles it won't.

Not if you disable their nuclear capabilities in the initial ground war, chink faggot

>it makes a difference, sure, but after the first few battles it won't.

I don't think you comprehend how critical and important the first few battles in a symmetrical and conventional war are.


oh my god Jason Unruhe is my favorite internet meme

the shadow the hedgehog of communitsm

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Analysts also agreed that Iraq would be a three-week “cake walk”.

i feel like this is a discussion about the course of a possible war between Germany and France pre-1914. almost all the factors that possibly matter have seen radical change since the last time it happened, and when it finally happened, it developed like noone would have guesses before. there's so many factors in a possible war between the US and China that it's probably impossible to predict US or Chinese victory based on the stuff mentioned in this thread.

PLA might be a virgin army, but there's so many other factors and possible scenarios for the first engagements in that war that it's possible that it won't matter in any way

it literally was. the problem wasn't conquering, it was occupying.

No and it won't need to. China will need all of its soldiers to quell the mass riots & ssocial unrest that will inevitably break out in the homeland as the middle class finds itself shrinking. Mass starvation is heading your way, again.

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>as the middle class finds itself shrinking. Mass starvation is heading your way, again

what as any of that to do with a war with the US, it's not like Chinas new middle class is in any way a result of trade with the US alone. the whole world is trading with china, and it's opening a shitload of new markets literally everywhere as we shitpost. and with the recent developement of relations in Africa, Asia and even Eastern Europe, and also GMO food, it's also not like China couldn't feed it's population without the US

The US Military is been compromised by patriots and there is nothing they can do about it.

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>the military doesn't even have to leave base to put them in camps if needed

> Chinese cadets' numbers rise in US military academies
> usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2014-08/07/content_18265759.htm

> For China-born William Wang, who just graduated from West Point, serving in the military is a way of showing his interest in "the prosperity of this nation".

> Aside from "the sense of purpose, pride and discipline" of the military, what also attracted Lt Wang to the military was the opportunity to promote Chinese Americans' voice in US society, which he thinks is disproportionately weak.

Sure, there are endless factors. But there are are certainly major factors that we can calculate right now, as they will not change before China and US inevitably get into some shit:

Geography: USA victory
Strategic Influence: USA victory
Technological Advantage: I'll call this one a tie.
Logistical Capability/Power Projection: USA victory
Willingness to Fight: Tie
Economy able to survive a global/regional war: USA victory
Energy and food independence: USA victory

Based on these major factors alone, that all matter incredibly in the outcome of wars, the cards are in USA's favor. Smaller things like soldier experience and raw numbers of military equipment certainly do play a huge part at the right times...however those things can be altered and adjusted in the matter of a few months/years.

If I were to bet who would come out on top in a shooting war between USA and China within the next 50 years, I'm putting all my money on USA.

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some chinese gov official was quoted saying "every expat chinese is a flying dragon, and it's cord will always lead back to china"

chinese migrants outside of china are a serious risk for the host nation if they have trouble with the chinese, if they want it or not. china has been blackmailing chinese in the us to provide intel before, and they're probably doing it right now

fear the yellow

>war between USA and China within the next 50 years, I'm putting all my money on USA

Me too, and i'm not even American. I also think that right now and in the near future, there is no country on earth that could repel a full blown US invasion. But times are changing, and China is on the way to the top, while everyone else is in a downwards spiral.

> "I think it's a good thing for Chinese-American community because they'll have a voice in the military and the government," said Kytoh Li of Flushing, New York, who was accepted to the US Naval Academy at Annapolis this year.

> Li was nominated by Congresswomen Grace Meng to both the US Naval Academy and the Air Force Academy and was accepted at both.

Being open is one thing, this shit is just ridiculous.

Oh no USA loses Kung Pao chicken and laundrymats. How will it survive?

i think it's less about the US losing something, but more about China actually gaining something from that situation. the us are full of chinese, it's not like all they do is fry chicken and do laundry

> At the US Military Academy at West Point, for example, the class of 2009 had 62 Asian Americans or 5 percent of the class, according to the school's public affairs office. The class of 2017 has 84 Asian Americans, or 7 percent.

> Asian-American students accounted for 2.5 percent of the US Merchant Marine Academy's class of 2011 and 8 percent of the class of 2017, according to the school.

> At the US Coast Guard Academy, the percentage of Asian-American students has remained in the 4-to-6 percent range since 2009, according to the school. At the US Naval Academy, the portions are 3.6 percent in the class of 2014 and 7.1 percent in the class of 2017, numbers from the school show.

Chinks are currently 7-8% of Military Academies cadets and that number keeps rising. Not to mention politics, government and private tech companies. This should at least raise some concern, no wonder the US can't keep a secret.

If you are talking about the Chinese in the US inciting any sort of rebellion or internal uprising against the US, you should take a look at China first. They have problems all over their country that makes the quarrels between the North and the South in the US look like nothing. It wouldn't take much for the US to destabilizing Tibet, South China, Ughyres, etc. You know there is a reason that Xinjing smacked China with his dick and got the greatest powers China has ever seen. They are a rebellion waiting to happen and a strongman had to take over.

Oh I don't think US would win an invasion against China at all. We have no reason to invade them in the first place. What the US can do is kick China out of the S. China Seas and basically call the shots on what goes in and out of China.

Since when did Asian-Americans automatically mean Chinese? That includes Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, etc.