China doesn't have enough fresh water, timber or gas/oil, should Russia or taiwan be nervous

China doesn't have enough fresh water, timber or gas/oil, should Russia or taiwan be nervous.

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You basically just described Canada...

The Spirit of the Generalissimo will return to deliver China from this evil and set things right.

What’s with China trying to show the world how much they want to fight the US without actually saying it

They know they would lose.

Sun Tzu said to appear strong when you are weak and appear weak when you are strong.
China's economy is on the verge of collapse.

china is a paper tiger, russia or the u.s or hell even the e.u could stomp the shit out of them

China was able to defeat US forces in Korea

Unironically this:
In addition to what these two said, Sun Tzu also said something along the lines of, when you are smaller you defend, when you are the same size you skirmish, and when you are larger you conquer
China is trying to posture and make all the lesser countries suck them off because they’re standing up to the big kid on the block
It’s sad, but it’s how Russia managed to stay relevant despite losing their population to AIDs, starvation, and the cold

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Russia will easily wipe out China without flinching. Keep in mind that Russia is also China's 2nd biggest source of oil.

They've been nervous since '49.

They tied with us, and that was back when they had soldiers that understand what combat is like. Those guys are long gone now.

>The US government cant beat its own citizens militias with ar15 in a civil war
>the US can beat 1M chinese soldiers plus its military war machine

>The US government cant beat its own citizens militias with ar15 in a civil war
unrealistic scenario that would never happen
>the US can beat 1M chinese soldiers plus its military war machine
the chinese "war machine" is pitiful


I remember reading that Chinese soldiers can't go on week long field exercises without losing morale, and needing luxury items to be good to go.

Just as they play a big hype game on global stage, that goes with almost every facet of their military ideology. If it sucks, still say its good.

QBZ-95, regardless of it being a bullpup and unable to take modern optics, the 5.8 round is fucking garbage. Yet they say its the best.

Airforce? A lot of copied designs. If their fighters are anythingblike their drones, expect a huge dropoff in capabilities compared to their peer's available airframes.

Their navy is probably their strongest asset, but only able to force project into territorial waters. They copied a Russian carrier that sucks ass so......


You guys FUCKING ANNIHILATED the chinks in Korea. The only reason that you retreated is because you didn't want to have to invade china and start ww3 with Russia, who were actually dangerous. I mean, bro look a these fucking numbers:

>326,863 troops
>36,574 dead
103,284 wounded
7,926 MIA

>1,350,000 troops
>400,000+ dead
>486,000 wounded

That's an 11:1 KD ratio right there. Man to man one US trooper was worth 45 chink corpses.

The only reason why it didn’t turn into the Pacific theather all over again is because no one thought it was worth potentially starting WW3 over, and even then the Chinese needed to have a fuckhuge amount of troops to cause any sort of damage whatsoever. Soviet Russia was what everyone was concerned with.
According to them masturbation and video games is also supposedly fucking their military up pretty hard as well.

Maybe you should worry about your sexuality first, you probably a deranged albino closet faggot with 1776+ fake genders, but you just keep denying it.

Please does anyone have that link about the Chinese needing luxury goods on training?! I have been looking everywhere for that article!

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The Chinese can build military islands in months- America will take decades to build a fence. What does that say?

That seems like a crazy high number of US wounded

>When you're trying to aim the unit's mortar but Li's jerking off so hard the round undulates through the air like a retarded swallow in really retarded flight

oh no it's damansky all over again

Shit ton of exposure casualties.

I think we should be more worried about Canada. There's a lot of Chinese in Canada. How long until there are PLA bases and Chinese nuclear missile silos, on Canadian soil, aimed at us?

>should Russia
Yes. I could easilly see Siberia being taken by the Chinese military and it would be difficult to retake/hold for the Russians.
Probably, but not for reasons of a Chinese resource grab.

Pretty sure Tom Clancy wrote at least 2 novels containing the events of China invading north into Siberian Russia. Both times due to the timber and oil found there.

But America always won in the end so I believe Tom on this one.

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Joke on you
Russians would conquer beijing in 2 days after chinks attack

>but only able to force project into territorial waters

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No, the Chinese should be nervous. China is deveroping Basedrnet Green in prison camps to sorve food probrem.

>China doesn't have enough fresh water, timber or gas/oil,
If they need anything like that, they'll just buy it. Russia currently sells oil, gas and timber to China effectively at 40-50% discount, and is happy to do so.

China has no real combat experience

The people in here shilling Russia seem to pretend that the Russian army has any meaningful & Fresh combat experience.

Syria & Caucasus


Russia won't even break a sweat. Anything the Chinese want, the Russians will be more than happy to sell it to them. Taiwan however should always be nervous.

>implying this isnt correct
1 chink isnt even worth 1 american nigger.

that americans have better standards.
if your military island structures are anywhere near your shitty infrastructure on the mainland its not really impressive that you can pile enough cardboard to create an island in a month.

Why do you think they are aiming for Africa. Taking ports/fishing, mining and water rights. Soon large area of farm land. They bought tons of port areas in Canada for the forestry and oil from shale. Then they move in large portion of their population to Africa easing the strain on the current nation and basically make colonies under China's control.

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Is this an argument?

What happens when they can't b

>Chiang kai sheik
>having the mandate of heavens
pick one and only one pathetic tawain nigger

That wouldn't prepare them against Kitai.

All of their neighbors are nervous.
A war with Russia is even likely in the next 50 years. Nevermind resources, it'll probably be the biggest of the upcoming Climate wars.

The US doesn't even have a war machine because we've sold off most of our industry. Industry is what wins large scale wars and the Chinese have half the planets industry. You can spout the China incompetent meme all you want but the US could not win a full invasion of mainland China. We also can't match them in technological war time production especially given how much electronics matter for modern equipment.

Taiwan doesn't have enough gas, oil, timber or freshwater for it's own population. Taiwan has 22 million people, more people than Australia. Let that sink in before trolling and baiting with Jow Forums bait you subhuman troll retard.

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soooo, how is China gonna invade us with a shit Navy? and how will they fair against an armed populace - many of which would be itching to use their arms to finally kill commies

I love how dumbasses like you think these kinds of threads are created by Chinese propagandists. Because that's what China wants to project right, making everyone think China is their enemy and going to invade them- oh wait.

Taiwanese Aboriginals armed with spears and matchlock muskets defeated American marines armed with rifles.

>Russia will easily wipe out China without flinching
They have the military experience but their economy is a fraction of China's. China could out-produce, out-number and out-gun Russia by orders of magnitude.
There's be some rude lessons at the outset but there's no way that a few battalions hardened from Chechnya are going to wipe the floor with the PLA, the numbers are just ridiculous.

Russian pilots don't have the experience to challenge China, there's been no near-peer air war in the lifetime of current military pilots.

It doesn't even work to block Chinese, I'm in China and I can read and post.

What will block Chinese posters?

Images of safe cooking oil that didn't come out of the sewage.

No one said they would retard. More than likely they'll just become more relevant than us in Asia and the point is we can't beat China in an invasion.


as much as i hate to say it, china isnt stupid. they wouldn't have gotten this far if they were. their biggest assets were their marketing and and the general apathy of the west, the ladder of which is gone. so now they have to rely on marketing themselves as powerful enough to take what they want by force. but their leadership knows damn well that they can just roll up to taiwan without getting body slammed by the west and friends like Saddam. so taiwan is out of the question for now. russia on the other hand is a serious target for Chinese "investment" and could be turned into a political slave if they play their cards right.

>China doesn't have enough fresh water, timber or gas/oil, should Russia or taiwan be nervous.

the big one that the Chinese communists spend vast effort covering up, they can't feed their population and desertification in china is advancing rapidly

>China's economy is on the verge of collapse.


>China was able to defeat US forces in Korea
not even close

Never going to happen, at least not in Western Canada.

Chinese army defeated US and forced them to retreat

American army never again invaded north korea

Sounds like a defeat to me

>Chinese army defeated US and forced them to retreat
you forgot the part where they took back SK by handing the PLA their yellow asses.

The last time China won a war was against themselves. They haven't had any war since they tried invading Vietnam.

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I still can believe how adamant Mc Arthur was about allowing unrestricted nuclear warfare against the Chinese during Korea. It is honestly hilarious to think about every time it get brought up.

You'd think it was just an exaggeration of an actual event or speech.
But no he really just wanted to start using nukes. Its amazing.

>the US government cant use all its heavy ordnance to maintain a delicate police state
>the US government can use its wealth of resources, logistics, experience, and strength to pierce through Chinese defenses and destroy the three gorges dam, effectively crippling the entire nation

Our military islands are mobile. Any one of them can put tomahawks through the three gorges dam.

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carriers cant put tomahawks through them but it can help JDAMs along the route.

What's the American equivalent of this? I want to spam that on American military threads, since it seems that mods are okay with this spam.

>not enough water
they border the ocean, they obviously aren't trying.
>not enough timber
compress bamboo into boards, problem solved.

Ask the US government. See if there are any topics which if mentioned online get the user banned from the internet for life for disrupting social harmony.

>China could out-produce, out-number and out-gun Russia by orders of magnitude.
>Seriously thinking that the next peer war will play out like WW2.

Production capacity is completely irrelevant when the enemy knows exactly where your facilities are and can annihilate them in a single air raid or missile strike. Russia is fucked now because it has no readily available power projection anymore beyond subs, not because it can't produce enough.

Attached: 1177582841-Combat-Cam-Russian-airstrikes-destroy-ISIS-convoy.jpg (700x462, 19K)

Unfortunately America has freedom of speech, chang.

China will grow LARGER

Russia has nothing to fear because nukes, Tiwan maybe, no one is going to go nuclear to defend Taiwan.

Taiwan has nothing to offer but decadent westernized civilians, and Russia could turn China to ash before they even knew the war had started.

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Nobody is going nuclear for Taiwan because it's not necessary. Trade sanctions by the EU and US would implode China in a week.
The reality is that China is a paper kitten trying to puff itself to look more threatening to its near neighbors. Actually taking military action is not something that china is capable of.

In a war against China, Russia would deploy strategic nuclear weapons on day one and win immediately. China has only a few hundred bombs and lacks second-strike capabilities.

Who would stand up to defend China in a nuclear war? America? The French? Nobody cares about China.

You raise a valid point. Does China have any remotely formidable allies?

I don't think this thread is so much made by their propagandists so much as this will keep them from coming here to defend their beloved shithole.

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China builds ghost cities because every province and city lies and grossly exaggerates their census reports so they get more government funds. The Chinese central government allocates funds to these areas based on the projected (false) growth, and the local governments use the money to build cheap-ass buildings to appease the quotas they reported, then pocket the rest. Everyone benefits in the scheme to one degree or another, so even though everyone at every level of government knows it's all a lie, Communist party officials get their pockets lines and everyone keeps mum.

tl; dr China has a false economy and it's entirely possible there are only 500-600 million people actually living in China because of false census reports.

Califag here. That nothingburger was a contrail.

>Both are controlled by chinks
>Both have restrictions on freedom of speech
What's the difference?

What a laughable classic sub 90 IQ boomer that was, RIP.

Canada is a pile of fresh water, timber, gas/oil the size of Western Europe.

Holy shit you stupid nigger. The US is the second most industrilized nation in the world. China is 20% of global industry and the US is 18%. The US only outsourced light manufacturing/industry anyways. We have always kept a significant portion of heavy industry protected and internal due to it being a strategic interest.

We have almost no microchip industries which is what powers all of this smart shit we have. China also makes most of the world's cars and can outclass us easy, US industry grows weaker as china's grows stronger.

No they very much are stupid. Due to the One Child Policy China is staring down the barrel of economic implosion due to demographic shift. There are not enough young people in China anymore. There is going to be major shrinkage over the next decade.

>Does China have any remotely formidable allies?

the US

nah, its a house built on sand, acute poverty, fraud, copying and tyranny and quantum bullshit

>referencing those two loser back home sexpats as source

My nigger you are a retard.

Also the bigfest car manufacturers are in Japan and Germany.

Did you actually watch the video?

Wait I'm retarded wrong list that one was by brand. China produces twice as much as the US. At 28mil units.

>Korean war draw when the Chinese have garbage tier equipment
>Americans thinking they can win when the technology gap has shrunk greatly
>That economic and military gap is shrinking every year

>thinking the economy gap is shrinking when China is slated to experience total economic collapse within the next decade

Americans were still using fucking M2 Carbines in Korea...

Easy there Gordon Chang.