/meg/ - Military Enlistment General

AF edition


>Do your own research to start, then come here for clarification.
>No vague questions, like "What job is best?"

Guides to prepare for high-speed shit. (SEAL, Ranger etc.)

For Ranger info, obviously.

SEAL/SWCC site with videos and fitness plans and a forum

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

>Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

US Army High school to Flight school

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
tl;dr: Long hard school, to do shitty work, and the job prospects are a lie.

CG info

ASVAB for Dummys


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Other urls found in this thread:


So I am going to university next year for Engineering, hopefully at a good school (either Uni of Manchester or Durham). I plan on joining the UAS (brit version of AFROTC) where they give you flying training. When I graduate I want to go for Pilot but I do not mind WSO or EngO. EngO is the only role that requires a technical degree as the RAF only requires A-Levels to be a Pilot or WSO, which I already have.

I spoke to this older dude at my part-time job about it. He says being a pilot is a bit of a pipe dream and they mostly recruit Oxbridge grads. Which if you look online is false since apparently, 40% of RAF pilots came from the UAS (AFROTC) across all universities. Meaning there are 60% of pilots who may have not gone to university at all or done any flying training previously.

I still understand where he is coming from but he is known for spouting bullshit a lot and it is annoying how he thinks he knows it all because he is a 50-year-old MGTOW and works part-time at McDonald's for 'tax' reasons. Any Britfags know where I can get more reliable info on this topic outside of the RAF website?

I as in UOTC trying for Army Air Corps in uni and I'll just tell you what I know,

They want uber chads as pilots, engineering grads who were captains of societies and played lots of sports etc etc, comissioning in the UAS is a good idea for it, and anything else like volunteering, duke of edinburgh etc puts you closer to getting to where you want.

Turns out my eyes are too fucked for mil aviation and I'm too poor for laser surgery so I'm self funding civvy training now that I've graduated. Good luck m8

Got a .50cal surplus ammo box that has the top spray painted orange and "Light Box" stenciled in the orange. Otherwise it has normal identification for ammo on the side and is identical to my other boxes, save for the top.

Google is failing me, so I figured I'd ask here what that means.

Any advice for an aspiring 68W Army Ranger?

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Cuckolding has nothing to do with Jow Forums.

If you want to be a cuckboy under some some Negro command fighting wars for Israel you can post about it on r/cuckolds.

So uh I'll be honest I've kinda fucked up my life a bit, I'm 20 and haven't held a real job and kinda decided to be a bum around the house. I've taken some college but much. I want to get out of the slump that I'm in. My parents are more than willing to pay for a 4 year school but I have no idea what I want to do... I don't want to spend their money out the ass while I'm just twiddling my thumbs deciding what to do. Is enlisted a good path? I kinda want to rough it for a few years to really find myself. I just don't feel right going to college just to say I went to college. (especially when it isn't my money)

give me that link to the discord server please.

Hey, man thanks. What kinda stuff did you do in UOTC? I heard some people get to do flying training as well.

navy eod is spec ops too reeee

Yeah that infographic is retarded
It calls the SEALs the "maritime equivalent of the Army's Green Berets"

I had asthma when I was a kid
Haven't even owned an inhaler since I was 7 years old. Will I still get rejected?

Damn, are you me? Im 20, not living with my parents, but with my brother. Been working IT for the last 3 months, but ive had 5 or 6 jobs in the last year and a half. Could go to college, but dont want to spend the money, especially since I dont know what the fuck I wanna do. I think we just need to bite the bullet and do it user.

Hell yeah man, that's the kind of motivation I need. What branch are you considering?

SARC would be more badass

yes. odds are you'll break down during a ruck/run

What exactly did they say about your eyes? Could you not read enough letters or were your eyes too astigmatic?

What's the best way to get into sniper school and what should I expect physically/mentally? Also I heard it's easier to get a slot as a 19D than as airborne infantry, is this true?

Who here /toothfairy/? Wanted to get something IT/tech related but colorblindness fucked me up, went for HMDA instead. Hoping I can move up to hygienist for those certifications.

Found out last week i swear into the army this Wednesday, ship out the 29th. I got an option 40 contract. I can only do 13 push ups and 15 sit ups in one set, i started exercising again 1 week ago. Just read the ranger requirements and dumped my soda out into the sink afterwards. Any tips for me to get in shape asap? Im about to go for a 5 mile hike with the recommended weight in a few minutes. Do you guys think it is possible for me to get in to shape for rasp in time? Im going to try either way. . .

Dude I can run a mile in about 6:05 and I can run long distance no problem
If I'm performing fine why should asthma from my childhood be an issue to the military?

>13 push ups and 15 sit ups in one set
Is this a fucking joke? You wouldn't even pass the PT test for infantry forget about the rangers

whats the pt test for infantry? i cant find it online

no... op 40 is something that takes 6mo-1yr to prep for

dont tell them and try it

just dont quit or get injured like tf

captain america was fucking trash but he had heart and didnt quit so they made him a god

But won't they ask for medical records?

is it something i have to pass before basic or just the one after?

Of you work your ass off in basic/ait you can make some decent improvements. What’s your mos? If your ait is pretty long that’ll give you some extra time to prepare. You’ll also have about a month in pre-rasp before you’ll have your chance to class up. If you don’t class up your first time, you’ll have about another month to try again. You’re going to have to work your dick off, but I wouldn’t say it’s impossible.

Can I get a rundown on MARSOC? Nobody ever seems to talk about these guys.
Do they even get deployments and if so what do their missions look like? There isn't much info on these guys

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they're the joke of the spec ops community.

They can't get them. They only know what you tell them.

read the OP

The guys in MARSOC are badass. They select from marines who are already the hardest enlisted dudes

They will only ask for your medical records if you say something about asthma or whatever else, and even then they cannot obtain your medical records without your explicit permission, according to the rules of HIPAA. Best idea is to only tell them about things that have left permanent identifiable marks on your body, such as surgery or dental work. At MEPS they will drill into you over and over that omitting anything will be deemed a fraudulent enlistment and will get you kicked out, but there is no way for them to find out that you smoked weed once upon a time, or took a puff from an inhaler, or even had diagnosed ADHD and were prescribed medication for it. They will only know if you tell them, so keep your fucking mouth shut.

This is all i know. i am going airborne infantry. What does OSUT and BAT mean? i just noticed the 3 month difference in them. Is osut basic and airborne school?

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>AFSOC is it's own box instead of just replacing night stalkers and putting in CCT's/TACP's with weather commandos
>Don't event mention JTAC abilities

t. civilian

Osut is basic plus your infantry training. Bat is airborne.

Ive got RCAF aircrew selection in a few weeks. Been working on mental math and my short term memory, but does anyone know what else that I should be working on?

>Don't event mention JTAC abilities
JTAC is kind of nebulous to all branches

MARSOC are basically spec ops but Marine only, as in they respond only to Marine command. Gotta be in the Corps for a few years before you try out as well.

You're an HMDA? Hygienist is a C-school you pick once you frock. It's either that or dental technician or something.

Bumping for response with Menisectomy and waivers. Is it worth it to lie about it? Scope scars are pretty faded. Idk if it matters if I have to go to a dr on base for something. Can your Dr in the military tell your command that you lied about a surgery or had a previous surgery? Or do the Drs not care

We talk a lot about getting into the military but what are some good stories/tips about getting out early?

Fuck this gay shit

Want to get an option 40, but nervous about need waivers and risking trying to get one at basic/ait

gimme the discord link please

That kind of blows, thought DAs could still go hygienist assuming all the planets aligned on a leap year and whatnot. Whatever though, at least DA still looks interesting.

OSUT is One Station Unit Training, meaning you'll stay with your drill sergeants into AIT, and stay at whatever station you do BCT. And Then, after you finish Ranger School (For the Tab only), they will ship you to Airborne School. Since you are 11X, you'll be at Fort Benning.

Is there any reason I shouldn't be a Navy Corpsman? What is the difference between glorified nurse corpsmen and combat medic corpsmen?

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No, they can go hygienist. I'll have to look up the exact details, but the point is, once you reach Petty Officer 3rd class, you're expected to specialize.
For tooth fairies, I think it's regular dentist's assistant, dental hygienist, and maxillofacial prosthetic something or other.
If you're a stud and the dentist you work with likes you, you shouldn't have an issue getting whatever you want.

Go for hygienist. The school is like special operations-tier long, but the civilian quals you get for it are worth it.

That’s good, guess I misunderstood what you said. Looks like I have some goals for the next 5 years, which is nice.

>Handpick the very hardest of hardcore enlisted marines
They specialize mainly in DUIs, domestic violence, sexual assault, and drunken bar brawls over stolen valor accusations ending in a shirtless suicide-by-cop in McDonald's parking lots.

Yeah, don't let the other HMs fuck with you, you're on a good career path. You lucked out. If you stay focused and motivated, the world is your oyster and you get to clean its teeth.

The only major downsides to Corpsman is that there are a fuckton of them meaning getting to Petty Officer is going to take a while a majority of the time, and if you don’t specialize in anything you have diddly dick as far as civilian certs and qualifications go despite experience. The good news is that there is a fuckton of things to specialize in and all of that looks pretty good once you get out, and anything medical related isn’t that bad of a career at all if you’re interested. Also get respect from the Marines as well as good places to choose for duty assuming you aren’t retarded.

>13 pushups
>15 situps
>he's signed up to be a fucking infantry airborne ranger
You wont even make it past OSUT, let alone fucking RASP
What the fuck were you thinking picking 11x if you're so weak?

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No lie, the very hottest girls outside of the Air Force are here.

Honestly the only thing I’m miffed about is the fact that I won’t be wearing the blueberries.
That so?

Who else here /fraudulentenlistment/?
I got Med Fraud a month into Marine basic in diego because of a low back injury. I'm currently hoping the Air Guard will approve my waiver. I gave it to my recruiter on September 26th.

>shirtless suicide-by-cop in McDonald's parking lots
kek has a Raider ever actually done this?

The blueberries are being phased-out anyway. Trust me, you didn't want those.
And yes. My sister was a dentist's assistant in the Navy. Her whole shop was a smoke show. (Not my sister. We're not from a fly-over state) Even the dentists themselves were top-tier MILFs.

Minimum passing score for infantry on the pt test is 42 pushups (in 2 mins), 53 situps (in 2 mins), and a 15 minute two mile time
You better start getting the fuck to work

>15 minute two mile time
tfw 12 minute one mile

>Tfw I can do more pushups than sit-ups
Should I just do more sit-ups

Whats the best MOS for someone who is socially inadequate and has a completely incompatible personality?

Mess Hall

Can I get braces while doing ROTC?

68R Veterinary Food Inspection Specialist

this please

You're not just saying that because you have bad experiences with people in those jobs right?


Wouldn't an infantry squad need to be the exact opposite of that to be effective though?

Anything IT related

There are differences with individuals but when I was stacking tower for 7 years the most squared away guy I worked with was a master sergeant reservist and the hardest guy he knew in marsoc showed up for 2 weeks. This guy was the real deal. He would jog to work and back 12 miles while we trucked it. At lunch he'd stay on site and workout. Smart too.

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300 pt, don't fall asleep in class

Inna 68W AIT with RASP after. Good luck user

I don't know guys...lying to MEPS? I mean, I already have to get a waiver for my healed elbow and my misdemeanor from when I was a little shit head. Can I really get away with lying about my ADHD and being put on meds when I was 12? Along with my psychiatrist putting me on anti-depressants when I was younger?

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>68W AIT with RASP after. Good luck user
You're the one that needs good luck. That's an incredibly challenging pipeline, two years long.

if you make it, damn, props to you.

If you didn't get healthcare through military medical insurance they will never know

What if I get injured, though? Won't they have to access my medical records?

Would you say that people fail out of stuff like Ranger and SF schools because they're unprepared or more so because they're honestly just that difficult.

I've just heard so many stories of people just enlisting into those programs on a whim with no real preparation and I'm starting to wonder if that's a big contributing factor into high fail rates.

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i also would like to know the answer to this question

You’re fine so long as you never used Tricare before.
Medical records are a funny thing, in a way you sort of get a reset once you’re in. Your records are protected under HIPAA so unless you flat out tell them something they won’t know. The only thing you shouldn’t white lie around is criminal history, as they will find out about it.

I planned on going infantry and then ranger later on, but the recruiter made it sound like i would have time to get in shape. They had also told me i would probably get shipped out February or march, but now it is the 29th.

Do you all want to know the real answer? The answer is none. You don't belong in the military if you don't know how to interact with people without causing a scene. Work done in the military requires unit cohesion and if you aren't compatible with the people around you then you are a detriment to the job and a burden to your unit. I'm sorry, but you just can't hack it. Go see a shrink or try talking to some people and learn how to what literally everyone else already learned when they were 3. The military isn't a daycare for autistic lonely kids who got thrown in the trash can in highschool.

Of course the recruiter made it sound like you'd have time because hes a fucking recruiter and will lie until hes blue in the face because that's what they do

better start working out like a fucking mad man

So I fucked up my knee playing rugby two weeks ago and I’m going to MEPS in the next week. How fucked am I?

fuck you im joining anyway. i have no where else to go. eat shit mother fucker

You waive HIPAA on one of the first forms you fill out when you enlist. You also give them (or are supposed to) your insurance’s and primary care doctor’s so they know where to request records from. The trick is that they don’t bother to request things unless they discover physical evidence you lied and want to kick you out (example you get an MRI and they see you didn’t disclose you had a kidney removed) or you admit that you had something. So if you stick to your lie and there is no physical evidence (scars, things that can be seen on X-ray/ct/mri, having an asthma attack or allergic reaction, etc) then you should be okay.

>Would you say that people fail out of stuff like Ranger and SF schools because they're unprepared or more so because they're honestly just that difficult.
Both. Recruiters hand out 18X and Option 40s to all sorts of guys who seem to be in top physical condition. Those guys who don't prepare for the strenuousness are among the first to wash out. For those who are both prepared and in proper physical condition, sometimes it's simply too taxing mentally.
These programs are meant to be difficult, they are meant to filter out only those who are fit enough but also have the correct mental outlook.

Basic will be easy for you, everyone hates everyone else anyway, and the Drills will forget your name a week after you finish.
Your unit, however, will be a nightmare. Your first line supervisor will make a camp in your ass until you either get a general discharge or change your shitty attitude. Folks like you do not last in .mil.

People like you are all the same: losers. And the military has ways to deal with your kind. You're going to the shit hazed out of you until you quit. You're going to be broken down in every way imaginable until your nothing more than a pathetic husk- but your type of people are already pathetic husks anyway. You won't last a year.

chill bro.

fail a couple apft and you're good

dont think you know me mother fucker. you fucking dont. if getting hazed is part of the military than ill get hazed what the fuck makes id quit. fuck you cocksucker im not a pussy im not a bitch you dont fucking know me fuck you. ill last 4 fucking years ill show you mother fucker fucking faggot your a nigger
im chill dude im chill its this mother fucker that thinks he knows me thats not chill

you must be 16

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Just refuse to train. Straight up. Stop doing things.
Still show up to work on time in the right uniform, but refuse to do anything. "I refuse to train." That's the mantra. Don't follow any directives for corrective action (smoking). Attend all the on-carpet dress downs you will be dragged to (CSM grayhair chewing your shit)
Just be polite and respectful, don't grin like you're pulling a fast one, because you're not. You will lose a lot of your bennies for getting a general under honorable conditions rather than an honorable discharge.
"I refuse to train sergeant/first sergeant/sergeant major/sir"
>t. snco who gave this exact advice to my problem child to get him the fuck out of the unit and army. It worked.

>itt: a degenerate gets reverse-psychology'd into acting like a normal person

What rank my guy