2 to 3 years: AWB Florida and Beyond

I'm worried /k
> be 18 in Florida
> move here just as Scott cucked and made it 21 to buy any raifu
>Desantis wins ( thank fuck) but dems are being bold ie ballot initiative > Pic unrelated but tf of as smug of florida lib as u can get

Should I be worried /k. It seems every day and week the dems are getting more bold with this shit. The GOP is cucking hard nationally and locally.

How worried should I be /k and what can we do to stop this shit

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>The GOP is cucking hard nationally and locally
No they're not.

Stop shilling.

This thread sucks.

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Say what you want about the NRA, but they're scared shitless. They're even starting to realize all this pushing for a grab could backfire.

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So is this a good thing

> Obama era NRA 2: The Electric Boogaloo

Can we start calling him "Red Flag Rubio"?

> goes with the gun control crowd despite being publicly spat in the face by CNN and Hoggwash and friends

What progun laws were passed under trump

Nah. NRA has lost a ton of support here recently. Only a total Fudd still gives them $ in 2019. The sad fact is there are way more Fudds out there than there are 2A absolutists.

They're trying to get the Hearing Protecting Act and Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act passed.

Good questions user. Sadly cant think of any.

The HPA nearly passed, until a Bernie Bro shot at the people trying to pass it while they were playing baseball.

Wishful thinking but good luck with that

Great, another anti-Trump, anti-NRA, definitely-not-Shareblue shill thread. Just what this place needed.

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20 years ago Pennsylvania, Virginia, Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado were red states. Now they're blue states.

20 years from now (maybe as little as 5-10) Texas, North Carolina, Florida, and Arizona will be blue states.

Serious gun control is not matter of if but when. Nothing can stop this, even if trump stopped all immigration (legal and illegal) tomorrow. Kick up the minimum voting age and you delay it by a few years.

Please fuck off back to Comet Pizza.

I understand that the NRA cucking out on bump stocks isn't good, and I am not a member. But part of me wants to join simply because I know how much they make Grabbers shriek. It's like my vote for Drumpf; far from perfect, but light years better than the alternative.
Again, I have mixed feelings about them, so I don't want to sound like a shill. But the NRA is the Left's Emmanuel Goldstein, and that matters.

Nice demoralization thread, Mr. Soros.

nothing he said was wrong tho

the pendulum swings both ways dude.

Then go commit toaster bathtub if you think things are hopeless. But pease stop posting shill threads here.

Not to be a shill but we should be concerned now than just have wishful thinking and reeee when the libs pull their shit

penn voted Trump in 2016

I don't think any rational personviewed Trump, or Kavanaugh, or any politician as a savior. Trump is a speedbump and we managed to plug the hole in the damn for a few years, possibly 8.

that is a win. The courts have all but said they are going to let the states decide and largely everything they have passed hasn't been struck down. Count your blessings

uh huh

Reminder that not supporting the NRA is what people want you to do

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This. Only a few loud retarded MAGApedes unironically trust them. Trump, Kavanaugh et al were to buy us some time.

The only thing stopping me from joining is the prospect of them sodomizing my mailbox.

Not gonna happen anymore with the new House. Those proposed laws were virtue signaling by GOP to pander to voters for 2018.


Are the courts too scared or too pussy to take up an AWB case cause if they deem it unconstitutional it will blow a gaping hole in the gun control crowd

>if you point out the current Republican administration has done dick for gun rights, you're a Soros shill!
>if you understand that demographic shift ensures the 2A dies slowly state by state, you're a demoralization blackpill shill
The absolute state of Magapedes

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>please gun money, we need more to "fight" for your (bolt-action)gun rights

NRA recommended the bump stock ban.

Sign up for Gun Owners of America instead. They are actually filing lawsuits all over this.

I'm sure Hilldog would have done so much more for gun rights.... dumbass

because it won by like 20,000 votes in key areas. 20 years ago it was as red as alabama is, now it usually goes blue

> lawsuits

Better than being complicit but lawsuits can take months even years to move and even then theres no guarantee its not thrown out by some lib judge

Agreed but that's all they can do. NRA has done nothing.

It's been two fucking years

Hispanics are more against a ban on semi autos than even whites. The reason why Hispanics are shown as anti gun is due to a cultural language barrier that the democrats have mastered.

Same reason I joined

I’d love to believe this is true but I don’t really believe you bud, any proof?

No they’re not they don’t even have good gun laws in their nations

1986 machine gun ban that was supposed to be a fucking 2A protection bill
>HW Bush
Gun control (AWB proposed)
AWB enacted
Actually good
Actually good
Bump stock ban and red flag bill proposed by BASED Republicucks
It doesn't fucking matter. Do whatever you want. Take the agorist pill

>Actually good
Fuck off, revisionist piece of shit.

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Obama appointed 2 Supreme Court Justices.

He was playing the long game by accelerating the demographic change and having his SC reject all major gun laws.

they're already trying hard to vindicate him

He was all talk, just like Donald "take the guns first" Trump. It's a one party system

It's data from a Reuters IPSOS poll. It's legit. The reason why Hispanics seem anti gun is because the questions usually ask things like "do you support making it harder to obtain firearms". Hispanics are mainly for more hoops to jump over as opposed to whites but don't actually want to ban the stuff outright

>vote anti 1A/2A & pro bigger gov in every single country they inhabit, including this one
>heh, they ackshually oppose bans more!
This is your brain on The_Donald

If you don't want to give your money to the NRA (I don't they haven't helped us in forever) give it the 2A Foundation. They also litigate. They don't rape your mailbox.

Said he would sign any gun control bill that showed up on his desk
Said he would renew the AWB if it came to his desk
Tried to take guns away from NEETbux recipients until Trump stopped him
Took guns away from veterans using the VA for mental health treatment

Obama also altered the wording on 4473 forms so Hispanics were grouped under "White" - Hence why any major shooting related person (Zimmerman) was referred as white in the media.

>20 years ago it was as red as alabama is, now it usually goes blue
>1996 Presidential election: Pennsylvania votes blue
You are, however, correct on Colorado and New Mexcio

>Hispanics want to restrictively limit rights instead of throwing them out altogether
Wow, so based.

fix it pls

Of course.

I’m glad a republican won, I wish it was Rand instead.

import bans and steel core surplus ammo ban

lol no. Pendulum doesn't sweep back towards freedom without war.

Never said they were based. Just slightly better than the population at large. Gen Z inthe other hand is based and while being the least white generation, is the most pro assault weapon legalization

Democrats are good at wording their legislation to pander to low iq Hispanics. They phrase their stuff to seem like a public safety law rather than a ban

>Red Flag
Stop calling it that. That dishonest name was given to that law by its supporters. Call him Mendacious Marco or RINO Rubio or anything that doesn't appear to legitimize gun confiscation.

They use "public safety" and "regulation" and other such terms to hide their true agenda. Doesn't strictly have to be towards Hispanics.

I'm a member and it doesn't cost much to join. They are sure to annoy you as a member though. Chris Cox and Wayne Lapierre are cock sucking faggots.

Y'all should've voted McAfee

>I wish it was Rand instead.
They'd never let him, but a man can still dream of a better tomorrow

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>Shitty Shareblue shill thread.
>300 replies guaranteed
Fuck you, OP

Today the batshit crazy left think that Rand is Russian operative. I can't believe how retarded this country has become.

Discussions of gun control belong on Jow Forums

Anyone not 100% percent in line with the DNC is a Russian stooge now. Emmanuel Goldstein Syndrome.

Nice shitpost.

explain the vast expansion of CCW laws since the 80s

I wouldn't exclusively join them but at the end of your day it's your money. Just be real about who they are and the games they try to play with the modern political landscape. that being said I'd lean more towards supporting GOA

Suck my dick nigger

>Satan's goblin
I know, dude. This was probably someone who harassed people, and then suddenly decided to call herself "reformed" to get attention after the shooting. The sad part is she's a member of the incrowd, so she can get away with anything (I'll bet they'll put out a news article in a few years about her getting arrested for domestic violence or something)

>morons who all of sudden love the CIA, Bush family, and Mitt Romney cause "FUCK DRUMPF!" don't like the only decent man in politics
fuck them, fuck berniebros, and fuck Noam Chomsky for falling for "muh precious Syrian babies/Kurds". I don't want to share a nation with these so-called "people" at this point

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That is all.

>The sad part is she's a member of the incrowd, so she can get away with anything
I read a HuffPo article about her (I read leftist shit to steel myself against their psyops) and they were gushing about she's as latina bisexual (as if that means she's immune to criticism).

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I doubt it.

There's just no real path toward libertarian ideals anymore except maybe using the nationalists as a means to an end. The country needs to break up into pieces.

1. Shop federal courts and fight what you can in the best possible court.
2. Run for office as a pro gun candidate, but be to the left on social services. Libertarian Socialism.

The exception to the rule does not disprove the rule. Besides that isn't really a gun or magazine being banned and then being unbanned, which is what we are talking about. That only happened when the AWB sunsetted.

With the demographics and the importation of democrats from other countries any gun right progress will be wiped away in the coming years.

Just check the box that says "don't mail me shit"


Isn't the new governor going to get the chance to pretty much stack the Florida supreme court? If yiu have the courts nothing else.matters.

It really doesn't. She's a bully regardless. No different than Los Zetas. But you won't get them to see that because a lot of these guys in her peer group have the critical thinking skills of a doughnut.

I've accepted balkanization as the best option at this point, the question is will it be amicable or will people have to suffer before it happens. I'm not optimistic about the next 20-30 years but I'd be lying if the yellow jacket shit going down in France didn't give me a booster shot of hope

You and me both, m8. And I'm nowhere near your state.

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We could always find an island or something. I mean, it worked for Chiang Kai-shek.

I also forgot to mention, Liberia too

>but I'd be lying if the yellow jacket shit going down in France didn't give me a booster shot of hope
I know, right? Macron is shaking in his Armanis, and Gilets Jaunes don't even have guns.
Neoliberals are losing, populists are winning, and all of a sudden, the Powers That Be can do nothing but clutch their pearls.
Part of me wishes the feds would pull another Ruby Ridge (and fuck up, as they usually do) to kick the hornet's nest.

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> nothing else matter

Implying that courts dont take their sweet time with gun cases and then reject it. Once you loose freedom, good luck getting it back without pointing the muzzle of a rifle at someone.

Fuck the NRA bunch of goddamn traitors

>pro assault weapon legalization
>pro assault weapon
>assault weapon
You're a clever divide and conquer shill, I'll give you that.

Mama's boy had his title handed to him in a landslide election with the banks behind him and he's still winds up going into hiding within a single fucking term cause socialists and nationalists could find common ground in hating him. Not to mention Merkel's crashing her party with no survivors, it's almost enough to bring a tear to my eye. As far as another Ruby Ridge all this red flag bullshit has potential but we gotta do our part to get other gun owner's past "muh blue lives matter" bullshit

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Things didn't get worse directly as a result of Obama even though he wanted more restrictions. He okayed the national park and train carry...though I think they were just attached by republicans to bills he really wanted to sign despite that.

That's literally all the democrats ever do. If they want gun control, they simply release a bunch of illegal felons or activate one of their sleeper agents and wait for them to shoot someplace up, then deny the affinity that shooter had with the democratic party.

Trying to ban and confiscate firearms will only lead to a micro civil war. PD in my area won't even try, I've heard it from the 727's police chiefs mouth.

>PigDicks in my area won't even try

bullshit. Give me ONE example of police refusing to enforce gun control?

I hear this shit all the time from bootlickers and it's always bullshit. They will cave when their job is on the line, they will kick down their door, they will shoot your dog because they "fear for their lives" and they will shoot you if you 'resist'

cops are inherentley anti 2A

I seen that too. Hispanics seem to like guns but would rather have them illegally and vote blue anyway.