How to win with infantry against an army armed with airburst rifles?

How to win with infantry against an army armed with airburst rifles?

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gravity gun

Shoot them. The 20mm has a laughably small blast radius paired with its slow reload time.

Flak jackets and anti-concussion equipment

you dont know how combat works do you?

What about an entire squad using these?

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CAS or Arty

>What about an entire squad using these?
1. quadcopter
2. handgrenade
3. greetings from 200m of altitude

Airburst right the fuck back with 84mm HE

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Wow, another OCIW. New 20 mm grenade launcher. Never seen something like this before. Wew.

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One nerd playing lawn-darts with his FPV-plane to distract them.
When they start aiming for the plane dropping said darts, throw a grenade and say goodbye...

>How to win with infantry against an army armed with airburst rifles?

The same way you win in infantry combat with any force with superior support weapons. You close and engage within 150 meters and move to contact an combat within 50 meters. You move your forces into the enemy and close with the enemy with as much surprise, speed and aggression as possible, if possible commencing with sappers to burst holes in any enemy permitted. This prevents your enemy from utilising air or artillery support or intermediate support weapons like medium mortars. Your aim is to move from contact to close even hand to hand fighting at any cost. The consequences will be high losses both of your forces and of the enemy. The NVA were excellent users of this strategy on occasion but only on occasion. Certain environments facilitate this strategy urban, jungle, small field thick hedgerows. Speed and aggression is the determining factor. High discipline and conviction (or hatred/will to kill) is necessary. Any use of traditional combined arms tactucs is ONLY to facilitate the rapid close, eg suppressive artillery and smoke immediately at contact to facilitate the close. In this environment a technologically superior force has limited options, win the struggle or call in support which destroys both sides which have become intertwined, or attempt to disengage and establish a new perimeter on a support line. It is a sign of arab infectiveness in warfare than concentration of force and use of this tactic in urban areas in Iraq was not utilised. Arabs can't fight. Some Vietnamese can.

True but also far less rounds per soldier and more overburdening.

they have an airburst grenade, it is basicly like skeet shooting lol

this approach to combat is only effective against tactically inept goat herders. Against a more aware force you have already been fixed while you fuck around using expensive AT weapons to destroy a perceived static fixed sacrificial force at minimum risk and are already being flanked. Its sloppy and a detrimental approach that via afghan has caused a lazy poor, expensive and defence minded squad level infantry tactic in US forces. This mentality combined wit lax signals discipline and fear of taking losses to complete missions needs to be addressed in US squad level habits as it is only appropriate against illiterate goat fuckers. If I am prepared to sacrifice a MMG team, your squad no longer has AT.

As they can't hear the quadcopter 200m above them and it beeing smaller than most birds, I doubt they could shoot it before it drops the grenade.

>1. quadcopter
terrible flight time, highly susceptible to wind, very low load. May as well use a missile. If drones have a use its for scouting not delivering ordnance

>If man portable drones have a use its for scouting not delivering ordnance


It takes aubout 2-5 minutes maximum to drop the grenade, you don't need all that much flight time.

I mean, that would be true if talking about anti-personell use of a javelin, but taking out an MG team in cover is exactly the sort of thing you'd want to use a recoilless rifle for these days. That and light vehicles/buildings of course.

Against a single shot, bullpup, breach loaded, tiny 20mm? Usual infintry tactics. It's essentially a m203/gp25 that's far less lethal, harder to employ, but with more range. It does not even have multi use ammo. Airburst is not the same as HE, and so on.

>How to win with infantry against an army armed with airburst rifles?
Remove the air.

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>accurately painting a maneuvering quad copter with a ranging laser

Good luck

>How to win with infantry against an army armed with airburst rifles?
Get the infantry to call for an air strike.

Shoot them.

>How to win with infantry against an army armed with airburst rifles?

the normal way, i.e. suppression, maneuver, and assault. Airburst rifles aren't superweapons, and they don't do anything that mortars or grenade launchers don't already do.

Stand up and run them in with my bayonet as the little chinese tries to shoot me with their prop guns

incredibly loose to no formation equally enforced on every flank possible

No formation = no weight and coordination

how lethal are airbursts anyway?
full body armor when

exposed face and limbs are vulnerable and full body armor is not a solution due to mobility.

>20mm airburst
Why even fucking bother


So implessive it doesn't exist.

By knowing that your enemy has reduced shooting capacity because a third of his ammo loadout is comprised of 20mm with a retardedly ineffective explosive yield

The QTS-11 is issued to highly specialized scout units as of now. They wouldnt and cant get into a prolonged firefight, since that's not their job.

Their job is basically rapid offense in urban terrain, denying the enemy their defensive bonus through airburst and other grenade weapons and pull back to call for artillery if they fail that.

This is also the reason why the PLA wanted corner shot capability for this gun so much.

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Nah, there is no reduction in carrying capacity. It isnt a XM-25 that lacks a carbine section. And the 20mms should be rather small so that every guy has like a dozen of them, especially since they arent magazine bound and hence can be stored anywhere on the body.

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da fuk am I rooking at

One PLA soldier transforms into a whole squad.

Clowncar tactics.

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alright post your ribbon rack fag

>90s aesthetics of "sci-fi"

builtup to the downfall of america - all in one pic

Even with Krauts space magic couldn't saved American program. What a bummer.

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Quantum soldiers

Distract them with a Golden Retriever
Kill them while they eat

unironically this

>a whole PLA Combined Arms Group Army folded onto itself in 11 spatial dimensions

How can america even hope to survive?

How's that gun even working?

The GL is offset to the left and has a seperate single stack mag?

North Korea already put OICW into service. This truly a sign of American firearms invention/innovation decline. American downfall is assured. It's time for European, China to take charge of 21st century civilization.

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I really like the pragmatism of North Korea's take.

They're 48 years behind the curve.

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You tried so hard writing that and literally no one cares. Nice armchair general attempt though.

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crayonposter and his last haze

That helmet looks bitchin'. What is it?

>implying 90s aesthetics of "sci-fi" are bad

Radio for fire support.

>Needing a howitzer to kill a single squad of men

We really need to get away from the idea that every single thing that shoots at us is worth dropping a 2mil guided smart bomb on. Just fucking shoot them. You have rifles for a reason.