Would you kill an enemy trying to surrender?

would you kill an enemy trying to surrender?

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Are they white?


holy shit fpbp

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Muslims, niggers, Albanians, "Latinos" - absolutely.

Why would I burden my own forces with the cost of feeding and monitoring these worthless bastards?

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Only if they are German

if they're mudslime, brown or nigs, just kill them all.

I would absolutely accept surrender if they threw down their arms and their side had no past of tricking the enemy and killing them after surrender (like the japs)

Do I believe them to be responsible for the deaths of anyone I care about or to be unreasonably inhumane in their actions?

If they're Japs, then no.

and then your POWs get executed or tortured way to go dumbass


You fight a war to win it, you realize that right?

>Your POWs

Honestly, if I knew some of our guys surrendering, I wouldn't hesitate firing on them myself.

Probably all fucking rear echelon types and conscripted arts students.

You are willing to violate the Geneva Convention and the Hague Convention, you realize that right?

>someone in your unit rats you out because you killed 3 people trying to surrender
>court martial

I'll give you a hint: your question and OP's will have the same answer.

Shut up boomer. "Winning a war" doesn't mean being a savage and acting like the enemy.

You expect Darky Dark and the Monkey Bunch to tread POWs with any respect? Brownos will torture someone just for the sake of torturing someone.


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>You are willing to violate the Geneva Convention

That convention is only to be observed when fighting an honorable enemy, like other White men.

Muslims and shitskins have no such word in their vocabulary.

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>reports an allied unit in your area is execution POWs in mass
>word gets out because smartphones and starts an international incident
>your squadmates rat you out
>president/high command condemns you and sentences you to prison

plenty of POWs survived asians in ww2 and vietnam and korea

there actually is a clause in the geneva convention that states that being a signatory means you will observe these rules with all parties, whether they have signed the convention or not

still a war crime

Are they Irish, Mr. Lightoller?

Killing surrendering soldiers and PoWs when the fighting has obviously cleared up gets you no benefit:
-You can no longer use prisoners as translators or to convince their fellow soldiers to surrender
-Opens the gateway that the enemy may respond in kind to your soldiers and civilians
-Gives the enemy a propaganda tool that says "They will kill you so your only choice is to fight to the death."
-Drags war out and gets more on both sides killed
-Should your side end up losing then you will be treated very badly

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No, if word gets out we shoot surrendering soldiers the enemy will be less likely to surrender in the future

>because smartphones and starts an international incident
Just like what happened during Desert Storm, right? How about you give us some more details rather than the most basic of gestalts. Just remember that while Schwarzkopf and his men were marching through Kuwait, soaking up all the limelight, Fred Franks and friends were actually burying Iraqi soldiers alive in their bunkers and trench systems if they refused to surrender.

>if they refused to surrender.
That's the key part.
There were Iraqis (and Iranian prisoner-conscripts) that were throwing down their arms when they saw armor coming by or even if they saw a battleship's spotting drone. They weren't harmed.

How did using concrete to seal Iraqi combatants in their bunkers, indefinitely, not start an international incident?

its only a warcrime if you lose

>surrendering ever
executing them would be a kindness


Forgot the old "ask them what they know"

fuck am I supposed to do with it otherwise?

not based and bluepilled

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It really does, though. We tried the hearts and minds approach in Afghanistan and Iraq and got our shit pushed in for it. We could've paved both those places in 72 hours if we had the stones for it.

Oh yeah, gaining intel can be a big one. So long as they don't lie to you, but that's why you try to get a capture a group and interview them separately.

Holy shit, that's edgy. You do realize that tons of troops on all sides surrendered to the enemy in WW2, right? Now, had they known what would happen afterwards (see: Pacific Theater) they probably would have fought to the last man and ended it on a bayonet charge when ammo ran out. Even US combat training says you should surrender if death is certain and you can only inflict minimal casualties on the enemy.

False. SS and Japs fought to the death, especially on their own soil. Read the stories about US forces begging Germans to surrender.

While you are correct, isn't wrong. There were entire army groups and divisions that surrendered to the allies and the soviets. Plenty of allied battalions and such also surrendered to the Germans.

Of course not. My dick ain't gonna suck itself.

I believe Japan and the SS, but regular German troops weren't nearly as crazy as members of the actual Nazi party.

Marines don't take prisoners.

>kick in door
>enemy is trying to clear jam
>he panics and drops his gun
>i put 6 in him anyways

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No, I wanna tie him up and make him squeal like a pig

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> Hitler Youth tier Overzealous retard
> Not a inspiring leader what losers and conscripts require to do shit
Straight to the first group to spearhead the assault for you Hans-lite.

>Paved Iraq and Iran in under a month
>The whole world views us as Nazi germany now minus the style and physical fitness.

Thanks a lot jeff.

fun fact: the last defenders of Berlin were the French foreign volunteers of the 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne (1st French)

No, unless they were liberals

Lol i was think at first why a tiger is being carted but horses. Fuck me.

That must've really sucked.

>Muslims can't be white
Do you know how I can tell you are a boomer?

>The 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the ϟϟ Charlemagne (1st French) and Charlemagne Regiment are collective names used for units of French volunteers in the Wehrmacht and later Waffen-SS during World War II. From estimates of 7,400 to 11,000 at its peak in 1944,the strength of the division fell to just sixty men in May 1945. They were arguably the last German unit to see action in a pitched battle during World War II, where they held central Berlin and the Führerbunker against the onslaught of Soviet infantry. Knowing that they would not survive should Germany be defeated, they were among the last to surrender in the brutal house-to-house and street-to-street fighting, during the final days of the Battle in Berlin.
>Reduced to approximately thirty able men, most members of the Sturmbataillon had been captured or escaped Berlin on their own, or in small groups. Most of those who made it to France were denounced and sent to Allied prisons and camps. For example, SS Hauptsturmführer Henri Joseph Fenet (1919 in Ceyzériat - 2002), was sentenced to 20 years of forced labour, but was released from prison in 1959. Others were shot upon capture by the French authorities. General Philip Leclerc, the French divisional commander who had served under the Americans, was presented with a defiant group of 11-12 captured Charlemagne Division men. The Free French General immediately asked them why they wore a German uniform, to which one of them replied by asking the General why he wore an American one (the Free French wore modified US army uniforms). The group of French Waffen-SS men was later executed without any form of military tribunal procedure.


And to think they were killed so we could have child drag queens. So sad

Same reason why the Army isn't as homicidal as the Marines, Seals, rangers, paratroopers, or Green Berets. Really no normal sub branch outside of elite units and the foot grunts that boast the IQ of 6th graders.
There was the Werhmacht rank and file the equivalent to our Army, then you've got the Marine equivalent, the fallschirmjaegers, sturmtruppen, panzerjaegers, and the schutzestaffel; can't think of the others but same deal.

Once we start making graphene bullet proof plating and actually manage to get them to fucking work then we could be the good guys when bullets literally bounce right off of us. But in reality there is no way you're going to manage the thirst for revenge of your own troops when they see their buddies get gunned down in front of them.

it's pretty sad listening to them talking about it. can't even imagine what it was like

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No. Any enemy who has taken up arms against the United States forfeits their right to live. Moreover, any hostile action against our forces can be considered murder or attempted murder, for which the only punishment is summary execution.

So what? A good soldier either wins the battle or dies on the field. Retreat and surrender cannot be tolerated if we wish to maintain our freedom in the face of foreign aggression.

>No. Any enemy who has taken up arms against the United States forfeits their right to live
I would love to see that logic used against you when (not if, when) the US government decides to take your guns

This and also are they rabid leftists?

>(not if, when) the US government decides to take your guns

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>plenty of POWs survived asians in ww2 and vietnam and korea

And tens of thousands of allied soldiers were tortured and executed. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of their own kind that they kill.

Fuck that, man. If I'm ever fighting a non-white enemy I'll be sure to save the last bullet for myself. They're all sadistic monsters.

are you planing to take up arms against the united states?

Whites or east Asian? No. Blacks, spics, jews, Muslims? Hell yeah.

>but goyim! They’ll do the same to your POWs!

Those subhumans would torture white or east asian POWs anyway.

so, they were traitors to their own country...they got what they deserved.

sure thing, champ

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Unironically my grandfather fought in the Waffen-SS in 1944-1945, spoke highly of his fellow Kamerads and their flighting elan also the superb field commanders and their willingness to sacrifice.

Something that you Mutttniks would obviously never understand being footsoldiers in the ZOG army of Israel.

Leon De Grelle did nothing wrong:


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>Sunni extremists
.webm related. It's not even so much that I'd want to kill them as it is a safety issue.

That wouldn't happen regardless with the factions either of those posters were talking about.

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>ISIS are sunnis
fuck off rawafidh

t. Sunni Persian

I saved that webm. Based and mudpilled.

>Sunni extremists

What do you mean you treasonous bastard?

These are America's allies. You helped arm them with Saudi Arabia and then let them carve out their own little terrorist hideout province in Syria, and when Russia+Assad threaten to bomb them to shit, your (((government))) threatened air strikes against Assad.

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What the fuck is a muttnik you retard? Vatniks are those shitty jackets the solviets made that russian homeless in Moscow wear. I do agree with your sentiment on the SS though, t. Swissfag.

Sounds like they made a deal with the wrong guy, guy.
>we got your back, kurdbros
>we also got your back, roachbros

Shias need to be exterminated

I hate kikes, but I will absolutely cheer Israel bombing assadist cucks

You are Muttnik, for example.

It'a creature that was created by breeding Midwestern double-digit IQ Whites with the most aggressive West African slave negroes, and then instructing them to sacrifice themselves for Israel without questioning.

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Sorry, didn't catch that you are Swiss before responding.

Butthurt Ukrainians brought the "Vatnik" slang from Krautchan here at some point. The Mutts were only to happy to pick it up for their own use.

The insult is pretty confusing. Isn’t mutt good enough for American meat shitskin without the “nik” part?

It's additional punishment for the low-IQ types around here slinging around Vatnik at anyone that remotely doesn't suck Israeli dick.

>ISIS is mad

t. not a dirty haji

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Unironically your granddad got raped and erased from existence because he was a delusional faggot.

OP's question isn't even interesting until you get to the "you are not equipped to take prisoners and will just have to send combatants who surrender away" condition.

oi, midwest midbest, now excuse while i scrap pipe out of the old steel mill

Did Jow Forums escape its containment board again? Do we just have a particularly bad case of day/k/are? Why is this thread so bloodthirsty and retarded?

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No, he's got like 12 grand kids now.

Enjoy your "victory".

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Non-edgelord answer: Guys like in the pic should be shot. Honour is a lost thing in warfare, we aren't 17th noblemen on an open plain, letting our peasants take potshots at one another in lines. One of those guys is liable to be rigged with explosives. Challenge once at a distance; if they don't stop, take aim, challenge once more, then shoot. Even that is waiting too long desu. If they get within 50 feet you're liable to be killed anyways.

>Still got raped hard but inferior beings lol

If I had no means to keep them.
I don't have to take prisoners.

You can't kill them if you take them prisoner.
You don't have to take them prisoner.

Really? No Japs nor SS survived WWII?

Killing PoWs isn’t a winning strategy. It becomes a war of extinction real fast. That becomes pointlessly expensive for your side, and it may contribute to your eventual loss.

That's alright, Hans. He can have 100 grandkids, each of them are going to get the bullet like their pop pop if they sperg out again.

Wrong. They were killed for being traitors to their country. Treason is a capital offense.

>A good soldier either wins the battle or dies on the field.
That’s not a good soldier you’ve described. You’ve never served, have you?

It gets that way every time it’s posted. Happens a few times a week.

Sounds like a great way to ensure you lose a war and that its final days are fought by unsuitable conscripts with poor equipment.