

Why does Jow Forums look up to a crazed criminal?

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I've never liked the Punisher though.

One of the best antiheros in cape shit to date.

Only comic nerd libshits like the punisher. See: Yankee Marshall.

Fuck off back to r*ddit.

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no thanx desu

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He doesn't believe in catch and release. He puts mad dogs down, not let them come back time and again to victimize more people like Batman. How many has the Joker killed and yet Batman won't do what needs to be done and kill him.

If only Garth Ennis hadn't shoehorning his political beliefs through every orifice.


Punisher shit is 200% sheepdawg muh thin blue line crossdraw 1911s type cringe

Pretty much this. Most superheroes are not moral, they're plainly selfish. They sacrifice untold thousands because they hold their bizarre sense of "morality" above the lives of the innocent. That's more cowardly and disgusting than the cops at stoneman-douglas, at least they could argue they feared for their lives.

I crossdraw my 1911, what's wrong with that? Sheepdawgs use Glocks because MUH DELTA.

>what's wrong with that
Nothing inherently, it's just worse than basically every other type of carry, with the possible exception of using a shoulder holster. Stop cowboy larping and carry hip or appendix.

Vertical shoulder holster carry is GOAT for seated carry and totally fine for everything else.

>He doesn't tanker holster

He killed a nazi so Jow Forumsfags got super butthurt.

It's perfect right up until someone you are fighting with pulls your piece right out of YOUR holster where it is perfectly located and oriented for grabbing with one's right hand.

Serves you right for not having your hands up.

Sheepdawgs use Glocks because theyre cheap. DELTA uses HK because its the OPERATORS BRAND OF CHOICE

Buh Buh Buh if we kill them we are da same

That could literally be said about any concealed carry method without retention. For that matter vertical shoulder carry is one of the few methods of CCW that typically uses a retention strap, if anything it's one of the least likely carry methods for that to happen with.

>Garth Ennis
Yeah he does those who nazis are evil bit.
Not even pol but its beating a dead horses skeleton at this point.
Find another villain yo chastise.

You do know most cops would get shit canned or straight up jailed for doing an percent of what the punisher does you fucking child?
It's like you think cops are allowed to do whatever they want.

>He killed a nazi so Jow Forumsfags got super butthurt
Pol fag here, protip we dont all love nazi shit, some of it is ironic.

I was criticizing the type of cringelords who aren't cops but have thin blue line stickers on their shit like a bunch of bootlicking cucks. I don't think cops get away with everything. I think if you're not a cop you're a fool for thinking they are actually working for you and the community rather than whichever politician wants numbers to go up or down.

Pretty clear you fall into that category though, I bet you can identify agency by boot flavor, faggot.

I know, I just like busting yalls balls.

>burnt out vet who, after trying to live a quiet, simple life with his family, gets pushed too far, decides to take matters into his own hands
>frustrated with conventional justice systems
>plenty of violence, gore, and shit
>gun porn galore

Why would Jow Forums not like Punisher?

something something bootlicker something something SJW edgy

>not being a blindly subservient bootlicker makes you an SJW
pick up that can

>>not being a blindly subservient bootlicker makes you an SJW
Yeah it dont make much sense to me either

>It's not bad to see actual LEOs and soldiers identifying with a psychopath vigilante who executes anyone he feels deserves it with impunity to the degree where they're putting his logo on their uniforms.

What kinda retard actually wants cops like this patrolling their streets?

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Man, 4channel was a mistake
I looked forward to the Punisher thread dumps that were posted by that one tripfag

Because his enemies are more admireable than a boomer sociopath

Liking the punisher is fine. being a leo and wearing punisher gear isn't.

Capeshit is bad.
Anime is bad.
Go to the range.

Yeah, Punisher-guy was based.
I have pretty much the entire MAX-run back home, Man of Stone is my fav

>literal serial rape gangs and child traffickers are more likeable than a guy who kills murderers
Now who's being edgy?

I thought Jow Forums thought cops were B&R?

>wanting to murder everyone who threatens your boring, bankrupt, boomer world
now thats what I call edgy

Bait, you overplayed your hand

Range is a once-a week activity for me?
And as long as it doesnt devolve into rabid fandomism, whats wrong with enjoying pieces of media?

only the statist cucks who migrated here from Jow Forums and r*ddit post sandy vagina think that. Cops, despite their many well documented failings, apparently are the best thing since sliced bread cos they can legally blast nignogs.

I'm actively trying to be an LEO and I think the hero worship of cops is retarded. As a cop you're basically like a DMV employee with a gun.

>somehow lost the better version...

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Pick higher quality pieces of media then.
>capeshit is bad
>anime is bad

>literal serial rape gangs and child traffickers
>everyone who threatens your boring, bankrupt, boomer world
Oh, ok.

I like anime and I have to admit about 97% of it is irredeemable trash. the "90s anime is kino, fuck new anime" meme is absolutely rooted in reality.
>also anime films are usually way higher quality than anime series

Negative, much of Jow Forums hates cops outright because they're 16, and some portion reveres them because they're brainwashed. Fact is that cops are just people, but many of them are tools of a corrupt government, and some embrace it and do shitty things that they could just as well not do.

Thin Blue Line is absolute dogshit, but antifa red bandana over face molotov cocktail shit has been fucking dogshit for much longer. Neither anarchy nor statism is correct. Fixing the problem is a lot more complex than either fully trusting the cops or fully fucking up the cops.

Jow Forums didnt even like cops until boomercons migrated there since the Trayvon case

glad to hear

Jow Forums is a firmly NO STEP board.

If you genuinely cannot understand why an individual whose job is to be the state's monopoly on violence and violently enforce the mandates of the state shouldn't be openly rocking the logo of a murderous vigilante who kills criminals is bad, then you're a fucking idiot. Cops are more-or-less allowed to kill with impunity in America, and even getting one fired for a bad shoot is borderline-impossible. Why the fuck would you want someone whose punishment for killing you if you step out of line (or they can say you stepped out of line after the fact) is to get a paid vacation EVER having the mentality of "yeah bro I'm just like the Punisher!"?

>Fixing the problem is a lot more complex than either fully trusting the cops or fully fucking up the cops.
For some reason it's now become unacceptable to dislike bad things unless they are partisan.
>inb4 muh radical centrism

>Jow Forums didnt even like cops until boomercons migrated there since the Trayvon case
that's terrifying but I absolutely believe it. I wonder what population of Jow Forums are boomers. I know reddit has a boomer problem and that's what gave rise to Q larp and Alex Jones.

>my opinion is fact and i am unable to comprehend why other people may enjoy something

Its pretty NPC of you to just say "x is bad" without providing supporting evidence

Boomer cop fetishization is cancer, agreed. It seems you can't love guns but hate cops in the normie world

not arguing with you here. Just thought Jow Forums loved cops (except for the ATF, which I have seen argued here are not real scotsm- I mean cops)

>that awkward moment when you look at your video media history and realize you actually just like irredeemable trash
I like good stuff too, but frankly most of the time im just looking to relax and watch something awful. Besides, just about all media outside of literature these days and the occasional exceptional movie or season of a TV show is some level of trash. If im gonna watch shit i might as well watch something that knows its shit and excels at being shit instead of desperately trying and failing to be good.


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No shit though, if you can work your way into normiebook Q groups, they're stuffed to the brim with swiss-cheese-brained Actual-Boomer-and-older people straight up explaining how to use Jow Forums just to get on Jow Forums to other people in that demographic to encourage more of them to get in there.

I promise you the demographics on Jow Forums probably skew a full generation older than the rest of this place.

Because you need to have hard conviction to get things done. Being a milquetoast moderate, even if it is more rational and correct, isn't gonna get shit done

Its gotten worse since Trump.

2013 seems like such a long time ago

>Cops are more-or-less allowed to kill with impunity in America, and even getting one fired for a bad shoot is borderline-impossible
>"unions are necessary to protecting workers from retaliation by their employers"
Also liberals:

>kill a nazi in a comic
>Jow Forumsniggers throw a hissy fit
>kill a feminist in a game
>SJWs throw a hissy fit
Big think.

Holy shit that's hilarious.
>grandson, get me on the Jow Forums so I can read the latest Q news
>oh heavens, where did I put those pictures of that cartoon frog Peter that everyone likes?

>I like anime and I have to admit about 97% of it is irredeemable trash.

I guess us with no taste for the crap have a hard time understand why its appealing to others, so it's a hard to diagnose problem. I can only presume people are entertained by random flurries of motion and thus are attracted to capeshit and action movies? I really dont know. All I know is that there is little substance to any of it, and how people fanboy about imaginary, depth-less characters really gets my noggin joggin.

>abloo bloo hoo people like things I don't like
t. 13 yearold

So, do you have a gasmask with a hose up your ass so you can smell your own farts automatically, or do you do it the old fashioned way? And how do you make the fedora fit over the gasmask?

>implying people who hate cops are liberals
>implying liberals dont shill for cops as long as they wave a rainbow flag

>hating unions so corporations that dgaf about your freedom can get cheaper labor

Rrrrright. So what sort of TV shows do you watch? or lemme guess, you only watch foreign films and read?

Old fashioned way. Have you not been paying attention?

>tv shows
>not documentaries
peak onions

I dont watch TV. Cant even remember the last movie I watched. I read technical material on /prog/ and Jow Forums, do programming projects, cook, hike, and shoot. But boring adult stuff and relationships take up most of my existence. Shocker.

He's a true anti-hero, not a milquetoast psychopathic jackoff like Batman. I was never big on superhero stuff growing up but I can respect Superman as a larger than life legendary figure like Jesus or Buddha or King Arthur.

Batman should be seen for what he is, a rich amoral sociopath who intentionally keeps around white whales to captivate his attention. I remember Wheedon freaked out about how the Punisher has surely killed innocents - Batman's probably killed tens of thousands over the years for how many criminals he's punched, choked, given concussions and fucked up.

I'll also take people idolizing a vigilante who kills criminals over people idolizing a terrorist who kills civilians whose crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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clearly he only consumes underground slam poetry written on vinyl discs in the poet's own blood

>i-i have gf and life guise
>has enough time to throw bitch fits about people liking things he doesn't like on Jow Forums
[x] Doubt

I wasn't implying you're a liberal, I just hear that shit often. They whinge about how cops don't get fired when they fuck up, and that has everything to do with how much fucking raw strength and resources the FOP has. When the lawyers who go to bat defending dirty cops are ex-prosecutors, it's already an uphill battle.


BLM is just a PR ploy to federalize the local law enforcement community. Liberalism is just a PR campaign to whitewash the powergrab of the elites. Expecting principles and consistency from them is missing the point

I think of it like this: everything that makes anime specific as a genre is, as of 2018, more self-referential than anything. That's why people think it's crap: it's marketed towards people who are already huge anime fans. Earlier anime was less infused with NEET loser mary sue characters and is still more enjoyable for this reason.

If an anime series has a protagonist who is in high school, it's probably shit. If it involves magic or fantasy, it's probably shit. If it was made after 2010, there is a strong likelihood it is marketed directly at people who are not you and you will not enjoy it.

>be protagonist in vidya, movie, etc.
>vengeance mission or whatever the fuck
>kills wave afted wave of bad guys without a second thought
>main bad guy however is the only one that protagonist can't kill cuz "moralz"

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Good post, i like that reasoning

He didn't kill a nazi in the Max series. That was and still is god tier.

>killing with impunity
He's very methodical and precise in the Max series. Haven't read any others tho. Just the Castle x Fury crossovers.

While it's definitely true that post-2010 anime sucks way more ass than before, I still think the other dude saying
>there are lots of terrible anime and shitty genres, therefore the medium is bad
Is kinda retarded. It's like saying
>movies are a bad medium because Spiderman 3 and the romantic comedy genre exist
The vast majority of movies and TV are fucking god-awful, but that doesn't invalidate the minority that are genuinely good. But for some reason people (including weebs) treat anime like a genre instead of a medium of expression that contains multiple genres. There are lots of really fucking bad anime. Including a lot that are considered "classics" *cough evangelion cough*. There are lots of really fucking bad genres, like Isekai and highschool SoL shit. But there are also genuinely good anime, they just tend to get buried under all the trash. Largely because a lot of weebs have really shit taste. Great example: there's this show called Garo: Vanishing Line which is really fucking good with great characters, great writing and super well-choreographed fight scenes, but it got completely ignored because everyone was too busy beating their dicks over the latest isekai/SoL dumpsterfire.

Because this crazed criminal stands for a moral code that many people agree with. Evil must be punished. But most people aren't a one man army like Frank and wage a war on crime.

The courts let heinous criminals get away with horrible crimes. They don't get away from the Punisher.

Also, he is fictional. Obviously, such a psychopath would would be disturbing in the real world. The Punisher is a source of entertainment, with little difference from an action movie.

Slavers was my favorite, with Mother Russia next.

Cops are a mixed bag, like any other group of people. At their worst, they are corrupt tools of a corrupt government. Cops can do great work, or they can do shit work. The issue is accountability, Frank Castle isn't held to the same accountability to the public, because he isn't financed by the public. There is no Punisher tax to keep the bad guys away, but your taxes do pay for the police, that may or may not keep bad guys away. Again, in make believe land with plot armor, the Punisher always delivers results, and because he's fictional, he's generally incorruptible.


Their job is to kill the enemy.

Silly wehrabois, I meant Garth's innate hate for conservative values (especially neo-con); not Your circlejerk. Yet at the same time he falls in every philosemitic cliche possible.

Because he kills robbers, rapists and murderers. Does that answer your question?

>i-i'm not a Jow Forumsnigger guis i swer
>muh ebil j00s
God damn you fags are fucking stupid.

Punisher is better and more believable than Batman. Discuss.

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Less than 5 years ago most department's would let cops get away shooting unarmed innocent people. It's really a recent development that cops gave criminal charges. Just last week a woman cop ran over a 4 year old, killing her and will get off free in my home town.

Why are you picking on Frank Castle? The Avengers kill a lot more people.

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Is that why Ennis keeps going back to Vietnam? Because he's afraid to show Castle shooting black thugs?

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>5 years ago most department's would let cops get away shooting unarmed innocent people

Who told you that shit? CNN?

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>Glance at OP's gay article.
>Scroll down and see this.
Pretty interesting.

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boomer tier image macro desu


Its socially acceptable to kill yellows but not blacks

>Just last week a woman cop ran over a 4 year old, killing her and will get off free in my home town.
Why hasn't your home town formed a lynch mob and hung said cop from a tree? Do they have any sort of backbones anymore?

Nobody believes you anymore, nigger.

Why the fuck are these paragons of wokeness allowed to breathe again? These stupid fucks remind me of a retard happily cutting the branch that they are currently sitting on, completely oblivious of what might happen. They constantly screech about "mah fashissts" while shitting on police and the military.

These literal children should read up on the Spartacus Uprising, and what happened to the Jewish-Marxists when they decided to beef up on said military and police. Protip; it didn't end well for the "woke" resistance. Sooner or later the "woke" bloc will get it in their heads that they can overthrow the lawfully elected government like in Harry Potter or Star Wars, their merry band of teenagers and diversity hires can defeat the "stormtroopers" who miss every shot and are tactically inept.

In reality? They'll get mowed the fuck down, and they'll be BEGGING to surrender to the police and military, because the Freikorps will do shit that would make Judge Dredd blush.

>Why the fuck are these paragons of wokeness allowed to breathe again? These stupid fucks remind me of a retard happily cutting the branch that they are currently sitting on, completely oblivious of what might happen. They constantly screech about "mah fashissts" while shitting on police and the military.
>These literal children should read up on the Spartacus Uprising, and what happened to the Jewish-Marxists when they decided to beef up on said military and police. Protip; it didn't end well for the "woke" resistance. Sooner or later the "woke" bloc will get it in their heads that they can overthrow the lawfully elected government like in Harry Potter or Star Wars, their merry band of teenagers and diversity hires can defeat the "stormtroopers" who miss every shot and are tactically inept.
>In reality? They'll get mowed the fuck down, and they'll be BEGGING to surrender to the police and military, because the Freikorps will do shit that would make Judge Dredd blush.

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Wow dude you are off to a great start as a trip. I would stay as user if I were you.

Is this the same faggot I keep seeing using @ to reply or is it a new meme?