Amerimutts think we are allies

>Amerimutts think we are allies
>doesnt realize we would be ordered to frag your ass and take all your shit once kim reunifies the country
We are loyal to our race first.

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What country?

funny enough I almost shot a 50cal at an american during one of those retarded combined ROK-USA armored drills

This is like 100 % bait but i will suck you off why would you want to go from a economic power house a peice of shit 3rd world nation that would not exist if china was not giving it aid

this guy is a north korean puppet and he is becoming more and more authoritarian even considering jailing right wing pro-american reporters.

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Canada. Asia will kick your fat asses.

I once fugged a Korean chick named Song Song. Very tight pussy, squealed nice, went for hours, filled her up with semen. I recommend it.


Canada is a myth.

What stops us from just turning your entire country into a parking at that point?

>implying we couldn't instantly glass your country overnight

Guess I'll miss Samsung phones. That's it.

Attached: 1546251626591.png (1920x1080, 3.02M)

We'll turn you gooks bodies into sandbags again like in 50-53, and this time China gets the nukes too

Attached: Gook Killer 9000.jpg (879x910, 106K)

hi white ocelot

Canada? Whats a Canada?

Remeber to sage and report :)

wipe-out Koreas, I hate that constant hacking they do like their trying to cough-up a poodle
Taiwan has better 'everything' as well as a moat

Good we need to glass another country.

Thats a funny looking jew

Not a goddamned thing.

We'll just have someone else make them.

DESU the Korean camo is much better looking and more effective


>Some MAGA-tard posted this