Is magic a viable weapon?

is magic a viable weapon?

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Cock Magic is

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90's shooters were awesome.
I remember handing out copies of a bunch of them to everyone at school. The teachers would uninstall it, but it took 5 seconds to set up most of them. Computer class was basically LAN parties half the time.

okay but do you know real magic?

If you've lost your virginity and you're younger than 40, you won't become a wizard.

Doesn’t get any more real than cock magic

A thread died for this you fucking faggot

Firearms and explosives more or less ARE magic. Press the trigger: BANG! Now there's a hole in something. Pull the pin: BOOM! Now there's a crater. For that matter, electricity and electronics also qualify for examples of modern mundane magic.

Only when used in conjunction with firearms

What the hell is that one quote? A technological difference of a grand scale is no different than magic or something? Essentially if you were to get some tribal person and show them the front of the line technology theyd portray us as gods or doing witchcraft (tribal magic)

The Arthur C Clarke quote?
>Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Not that it would stop people from shooting at helicopters with bows and arrows.

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any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic iirc

Yee that's the quote, cant really blame them though, to them it's a giant metal demon bird that's constantly roaring at them and makes it really windy

I mean lets be honest it more falls in the realm of alchemy with a hobby of blacksmithing

You're being catered too these days.

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off topic but have you played amid evil yet? its pretty damn good

>is magic a viable weapon?
No. Magic was in a pretty serious decline by the 9th century and was more or less completely eliminated globally by the 16th century.

If a few religious folks with firewood are able to beat it, it's not all that great.

oh shit I wasnt aware

Why do you think magic was an accepted established fact for most of human history, then it disappeared and became a myth? It's not a coincidence that magic just disappeared after Abrahamic religions spread across the globe, with one of their core tenets of belief being that magic is evil to be eradicated.

What game is that? Looks like heretic but I don’t recognize the gauntlets.
The green went red with the tones of power, but they were always metal, not cloth.
Got heretic on steam a few years back and still think it’s way more fun than doom ever was.

Bedlam is better than dusk, but both are good throwbacks.
Bedlam has some really “out there” stuff I refuse to spoil. Such an interesting set of environments to experience.

Pretty sure that's Hexen, Heretic's sequel. It's fantastic.

depends on the magic, because Harry potter magic aint gonna match good ol fire arms

but DnD magic is straight up BS, especially at high levels
even a simple magic missile is effectively a handgun that never misses and ignores armor
while true resurrection can turn all the plastic in your weapons back into the micro organisms they once were, thereby disabling it

man that was such an awesome game. you just made me nostalgia fucking hard.

but no, magic isn't real. science is though.

it is. and it is.

Competing demon gods theory. Magic was derived from the powers of other demon gods. The abrahamic one killed them and ate their corpses. The few that survived do not provide their followers with enough power to worry the abrahamic satan complex, who may have been too weak to fight them anyways by the time he got around to them, or they are capable of providing so much power that he fears them. Then he stopped being such a dick to his followers in an effort to gain more of them as he ran out of godflesh as sustenance and had to get by on prayer and human souls.

This is also why we see fewer miracles. The abrahamic demon god is weak without godlfesh. He is no creator, just a mundane deceiver. Above us but not as grand as he says he is. Just another sort of animal. When you die, he eats your soul if it is pure and naive, because the flavor of a soul untouched by wordly pleasure is akin to that of a god's. If you lived a mortal life, he casts you aside as scraps for lesser demons.

Nigga in front has a huge jack off arm going on. His right arm is twice the size of his left.

Heretic > Hexen
Would have been the opposite if Hexen hadn't had awful puzzles and level progression. And boring enemies.

Hello, Carl

I am not Carl I am Moonblade Darkwing XVII "The Destroying Angel" Batman Sesshomaru Eridanus.

Where do I read more about this? Not religious, just like folklore and myth.

I actually bought that on steam too, never really could get into it like heretic.
I should give it another chance.
I never even owned more than the first chapter of heretic because we didn’t have much spare cash back then.
Heretic, commander keen, and duke nuke 1&2 were my thing back when windows 3.1 was a thing.

And you're the only person mad about this.

I strongly suggest using a source port to play them rather than the normal DosBox that comes with the Steam release. Use "Chocolate Doom" to run Hexen with full authenticity but better performance and launching options. Use GZDoom if you want to be able to use fancy features like an opengl renderer, nice mouselook (these features can be individually toggled), mod support etc.

It's a mod of some kind. Game is clearly still Heretic with the Wizard's Firestorm weapon ported in.

Man, I even owned the N64 port of Hexen. Playing that in splitscreen was fucking boss.

>Cleric Firestorm
>Heretic Golems
Which mod is this. I've been on a binge ever since Guncaster 3 came out.

>while true resurrection can turn all the plastic in your weapons back into the micro organisms they once were, thereby disabling it
No way would that fly, nor would it be cost effective to trade a 10,000 gp diamond for some broken plastic. Just use Shatter like any competent wizard or cleric who needs to make a fool out of someone holding a weapon.

>Local man creates gun themed magick dungeon.
Op I can see your headlines now.

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