Why doesn't Glock just make a version with a safety?


Why doesn't Glock just make a version with a safety?

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They tried, portugese police bought them...then returned them because they did not work.

the basic bitch Glk brand Glk holster for 15bx would have prevented that. darwin has to darwin.

I still don't get how he managed to holster the gun with something in the trigger gaurd without the pistol going off, yet somehow putting pressure on the gun while leaning forward does.

Its usually clothing that does that. Its sitting the holster loose, and then you do something that stretches or pulls it.

There is no way that shit was properly seated. You can see the entire trigger is still exposed above his waistband and not covered by the holster at all.

The real question is why don't they sell them to us.
>factory cross bolt safety

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In that case, if he'd put the gadet on his pistol and reholstered with thumb on the back, would he have felt the trigger move after he failed to clear his undershirt?

Maybe I’m slow, but how is a trigger safety a safety when whatever is going to push on the trigger is going to push on the safety as well? Never could understand that. At which point why not just have a bare trigger and no safety at all?

Its not. Trigger safeties are a 100% meme.

>but how is a trigger safety a safety when whatever is going to push on the trigger is going to push on the safety as well? Never could understand that.

because it's not. the small trigger on the Glk trigger is a drop safety that prevents the trigger from being pulled under it's own inertia in a fall. the trigger being polymer and therefore very light makes that very unlikely but the added small trigger makes it basically impossible. look at the debacle with the Sig 320 where a steel trigger and no small trigger led to exactly those kinds of NDs when the gun was dropped.

It's in case something catches the edge of the trigger but not fully across it. There's a video I cannot find at the moment of a guy with a small indent in his holster that sets off his Glock every time he reholsters. Some user pointed out he'd removed the dingus.

>the basic bitch Glk brand Glk holster

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Have a Jojo reference for your concise explanation

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Marketing. They're capable, because they put one on the military variant, but don't want to produce a new version of their top sellers that doesn't involve a frame dye or finish. They then convinced everyone that had a Glock as their first pistol that safeties will get you killed and their pistol already had 4 patented safeties. Now Glock tards throw a shitfit whenever they see a striker pistol with a safety, even though they will never buy another brand.

Me? I bought a different brand. It's a pretty simple solution if peer pressure hasn't hooked you onto the "perfection" PR.

I heard a lot of talk like this before the VP9 came out from HK buyers. Glockleg was their meme. The same people were the first to buy the VP9 when it came out. Clearly, they were just brand slaves and none of the shit they would spew about Glk or anything else held any water because it was just impotent and jealous ramblings against a superior gun and manual of arms. when HK released their Glk clone, they got it and thus aknowledged the Glk superiority and that the only thing they care about is their brand.

Like this?

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Well it was HK, man. That's like Cadillac bragging about their CTS-V and having Mercedes roll up fashionably late in an AMG GT to the after party.

I do not understant that analogy sorry. I am however glad that HK made the VP9. it vanished as quickly as it came and is now basically a forgotten weapon.

Just don't carry one in the chamber.

>falling for the Israeli carry meme

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Glock leg never ceases to be funny.

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It was the holster , that kydex retention style uses the trigger well to lock the gun in , his was loose and he forced the pistol downward when he bent over thus forcing the trigger against the Ill fitted holster .and tataa taters .

>iwb holster with serpa tier trigger guard lock

wait what?

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Acting like muscle memory and persistent training can't make up for the extra step and still retain a high engagement speed .
>What is a no gunz for 200 plz

I love having a safety on my gun, which is why I switched to a USP compact. Unfortunately, I can't shoot it as well as I shoot my glock. I much prefer the glock in actual shootability.

there are like 7 videos of heebs getting rekt because of israeli carry off the top of my head alone.

Might wanna take a look at that holster again neanderthal Paul .

Oh yeah, let's make the gun damn near inoperable with only one hand. I'd rather carry a DAO revolver at that point.

Not him but I would never Israeli carry because a threat is most likely to engage you when you're close. Especially a barehanded opponent or one with a melee weapon. You might need to use your left arm to hold an attacker back, hold his slide of his firearm, or block incoming strikes.

gib name/pic then.

Didn't say I supported it .
Just said it was good as any with the right time and training .

>implying anyone on here consistently trains

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You're supporting it by saying it's just as good. When it's not. Not to mention that racking under stress can also help create a malfunction.

Drawing a gun and racking it and then aiming it can take anywhere from an extra second or two. In a game measured by milliseconds.

>Just said it was good as any with the right time and training .


So good that it's namesake dropped said procedure when they finally got a real service pistol.

Clothing, obstruction, or holster, whatever the case may be why would you risk shooting yourself carrying around something you (let's be honest) will never use, when you could just get the safety model and have the extra fail safe?

I understand the purpose of no safeties for law enforcement and that's about it. For civilian and military purposes you don't need to be a gunslinger. I'd rather be and know I'm safer than have that supposed 0.1 second it saves.

If you're dumb enough to want a cross bolt safety just install the $30 trigger that has a crossbolt safety in it (the siderlock). Crossbolt are shitty for a defensive gun and you'll have to train specifically to use it. If Glock just fucking put a normal safety like everyone else it would just be ingrained into your training to draw with your thumb high on the frame, pushing down on the safety as part of your consistent grip.

>At which point why not just have a bare trigger and no safety at all?

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>If Glock just fucking put a normal safety like everyone else


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>parroting tactics that solely exist because kikes are too cheap to just buy one standard pistol and instead buy one of everything with completely different manual of arms, and instead of training properly they just tell them to carry them without one in the tube

Why does everyone ignore that these problems can be completely avoided by removing the holster, reholstering, then reclipping.

It's really not that hard

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>Just said it was good as any with the right time and training .
Objectivly false.
You lose speed, you lose the ability to operate the firearm one handed easily, and you open up the opportunity of short stroking the slide during a stressful situation. It's far inferior while only offer a very small margin of "safety".

Post them then, so far there's only one video of a dude getting rekt because he carried with one in the chamber.

how do you like that grip? was considering buying one but I hear they tend to rotate. also how much bulk does it add?

some people use belt loop holsters
idk why you would iwb, but some people do

>dick carry


Burst should be standard for police sidearms

Civilian Carrys too

>There's a video I cannot find at the moment of a guy with a small indent in his holster that sets off his Glock every time he reholsters.

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I have something that is even better for you:


>shoots his finger off

tHE trIGgEr iS ThE saFEtY

And how often do you train?

>a game measured by milliseconds.
People don't actually die the instant you shoot them like in the movies. If it comes down to milliseconds even if you shoot him in the head he's probably going to still pull that trigger on you. Chest shot he's definitely going to. Don't expect anyone to go down instantly. Either side step, shoot, then step again or shoot then step. Train this way (on an open range, indoor ranges are a meme that should be dropped once you have the fundamentals of marksmanship down enough). Never ever stay in one place after shooting even when training. 99% of shooters have this bad habit because they never leave the baby steps of the indoor range.

Still kinda far back, makes it difficult to rest your thumb on as part of your normal grip, but I'll take it.

Dear gods... So people that use those sandwich holsters are completely relying on the trigger nub to save their dick/butt cheek? That's insanity. I mean even if you have it adjusted to the point it's not squeezing enough to affect the trigger it could definitely get squished and blow your dick on the reholster.

I know a lot of you think the reholstering part isn't a necessary thing to train but it definitely is. You may draw and then the guy drops his weapon but still charges you. Or he fucks off but his unarmed buddy comes at you. Or the cops show up and some bystander without all the information called it in as a shooter, and you're sitting there with a gun. You ALWAYS want to be able to quickly reholster, especially in that situation where the cops are coming. There may be people srill around so you don't just want to toss your gun on the ground, and honestly don't be holding a gun when the cops get there with limited information about what just happened. That's been bad news for some people before.

I also advocate retention holsters, like active retention not sandwich bullshit, because you can't always jump to deadly force for a misdemeanor assault. Your shit better be secure, not able to fall out or get grabbed. You're carrying a fucking gun not a second cell phone. Literally I've seen boomers with more secure cell phone clips than what some of you carry your guns with.

>get grabbed
is there a holster system you prefer for this?

Those people are retarded and can't be helped.

This may not be the day but eventually a video will exist of a negligent discharge caused by a slap on the ass.

level two retention like a safariland or bladetech. with a hood if you're really worried about it being grabbed

if the holster retains at the trigger guard its dangerous. it should leave room in that area and retain at the ejection port or wml. comes down to whether the guy making the holster knows his shit or not. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

>you can't always jump to deadly force for a misdemeanor assault
I am not fucking boxing somebody with a god damn sidearm on me. I'm either gtfo, or he prevented it, at which point my state allows me to escalate to lethal force for standard assault.

I doubt it. Unless the gun was flush against his stomach, he wouldn't have noticed the gadget. The gadget flap thing doesn't even move an a quarter inch.

>So people that use those sandwich holsters are completely relying on the trigger nub to save their dick/butt cheek?
That was another example of an aftermarket trigger. Pretty much every person in the world will tell you not to put an aftermarket trigger on a carry gun.

Because they're too busy committing slow motion brand suicide through their complete disdain for innovation or giving people what they want.

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He was using a common and rather well respected holster. an Incog IIRC.
Its only meant as a drop safety. It's there to prevent early p320 style shit from going down.
It was his shirt. If you go frame by frame when he removes the firearm after NDing it untucks his shirt in the process, the two were interacting in his holster.
not him but
IMHO the time saving is a myth with anything using a quality safety(not slide mounted or tiny). When disabling the safety is a byproduct of a natural high and tight grip it takes no longer than drawing a gun without one while also providing a nice index point for reliable grip positioning.
>MVQ nobody makes quality low profile CCW retention holsters
According to the brain trust "that's redundant".
Read the actual comment on the video from the people who were there and got to fiddle with the thing.

I keep all of my weapons with a round in the chamber and no safelty. No accidental discharges bc im not a cuck


>Read the actual comment on the video from the people who were there and got to fiddle with the thing.

What about it? They claim it could happen with any pistol, yet we never see this happen with a stock Glock trigger. Why didn't one of them insert their stock Glocks into the holster in the video to demonstrate it if they really thought it was a Glock problem?

I use a serpa, I prefer the safariland ALS types but those are way bigger. The serpa is OWB and definitely prints without a jacket. Then again I don't give a shit if my gun prints desu.

The only thing that won't print too much is an IWB holster with a thumb break (the two strips of nylon that button at the top). I'm not aware of any specific kydex ones with this feature, but I know they exist. You'll have to go nylon (or leather if you're full retard) if you go with this option. If you have a safety it's not too big a deal to have a floppy holster. Maybe even a double action with a droppable hammer since you can thumb the hammer when you stick it back in the holster.

But I wouldn't trust the kydex sandwich holsters to hold shit during a fight. When you throw a full punch/kick/impact push or whatever it sends a huge jolt through your body. I've had a desantis holster come unclipped and fall on the ground while hitting the heavy bag, and desantis holsters have fucking strong clips. If that shit happens during a real fight you're fucked and even moreso because they may notice it before you.

>i pulled the trigger of my gun
>it went off
>I didn’t expect it to go off
>all guns should have safeties !!1!

Presumably because their trigger pin hadn't walked out. If you feel confident in saying that malfunction couldn't happen with a stock trigger as somebody who's never even seen that malfunction in real life, contrary to those that have and without even trying to replicate it yourself, then good for you.

What are you going to do when you're in touching range of the attacker and have to fend him off with your off hand while drawing?

I won't deny that the additional time and the need to use both hands when carrying without one in the chamber can get you killed, that's a fact.

That said, I do believe that those situations are a small subset of an already unlikely scenario that is having to defend yourself with lethal force. To me this is a simple trade-off - higher risk of being killed in a self-defense situation in exchange for COMPLETLY eliminating the risk of a negligent discharge. This might not sound like a good deal to some, but the fact is, the dudes in , and would be better off if they made that trade-off. One would save his dick, another one wouldn't lose his finger, the last one was lucky enough to have an empty chamber at the time.

>inb4 training issue, finger is my safety, etc.
I do not believe training can completly eliminate the risk of having a negligent discharge. It can greatly reduce that risk, yes, and you definitely should train and exercise proper firearm safety, but at the end of the day we are all still humans and prone to error regardless of how much training we have. Not to even mention accidental discharges that can be caused by mechanical failures. I can gurantee you that all 3 dudes I already mentioned thought they were good enough to carry with one in the chamber, turns out they were not.

>this is a simple trade-off - higher risk of being killed in a self-defense situation in exchange for COMPLETLY eliminating the risk of a negligent discharge.
This is true, although you can never completely remove the chance of an ND unless you don't carry a gun. There are many carry methods and firearm designs that make tradeoffs in the area of ease of use and speed of use for reducing the chances of misuse ranging from chambered carry with a 1911 and it's safety off to carrying on an empty chamber. The thing is that none of these completely remove the chance of an ND, just decrease it. Proper decocked carry or carrying with a safety address 99% of the causes for NDs while offering essentially no draw back. Cases of people dying from an extra long first trigger pull or the non existent amount of time it takes to flip off a safety are effectively non existent in comparison to the numerous examples of israeli carry causing the users death. You're free to carry how you want to and an unchambered gun is better than no gun at all, but that being said looking at the body of evidence it is perfectly fair for people to call it out as a dangerous choice with dubious advantages in comparison to other carry methods.

>crossbolt are shitty for a defensive gun
>and you'll have to train specifically to use it
safety's a safety, crossbolt or not.
you'll have to train on yourspecific firearm, no matter the safety

you're retarded and should be ashamed of how foolish you sound. I hope you don't go around spouting your opinions in public because that means tons of people you know secretly think you're stupid but don't tell you because they would just rather avoid you.

>well I just wouldn't let myself be in that scenario

It went off when it was holstered you retard.

The issue with guns that don't have safeties is mostly with holstering them, not then sitting in the holster. OPs video is highly unlikely and preventable with a good, tested holster. Your method of carry doesn't account for a situation where you've racked a round, either fired or the threat is now gone, and now you need to do something with your gun. Let's say the cops are coming but you want to stick around and give them your side of the story, you don't just toss your gun on the ground where it's not secured. I for one am always going to holster my gun after the threat is ended unless I'm in uniform, because you don't know if fucking soccermom Susan is calling in freaking out and telling them you're abmass shooter or you just stuck up a poor innocent homeless man.

Or let's say they backed off enough for you to escape the situation entirely and you see a nearby wall as an out. You need both hands to hop this wall. With your method you have to drop the mag, rack the slide to empty the chamber, reinsert the mag, find the bullet if you want it, then holster and even then you'd have to draw/rerack if the threat presents itself again. That's some arcane shit, just get a gun with a safety. It's far more versatile and better for damn near any civilian self defense purposes. Remember it's not just you who can end up with your gun in their hands. The safety also acts as another form of retention. If Tyrone McRobbinyoass gets a hold of your gun do you think he knows what a safety is? They super glue that shit off on their hi points. That extra few seconds of a monkey trying to figure out how the shape fits though the hole may give you enough time to proceed in carving him up with your knife.

>This is the only safety you need.

Based Austrian bros know this, and like there grandfather Hitler they believe in eugenics. An are doing there part to thin the herd with slipery firearms

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They do, just not for everyone.

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Now this is the type of post you don't see to often on Jow Forums Mexican carry of a Glock with an empty chmsber is the comfiest and best way to Jow Forumsarry. Try hard tactifage need not shill their holsters and classes for Instagram. All you will do is shoot your dick off.

I can't believe i ever thought carrying a glock chambered was safe, its unbelievably stupid. anyone doing it is begging for an ND

DA pull and decocker is the most patrician and safest way to carry.


Carrying without one in the pipe turns your fucking handgun into a twohandgun.

I recall reading some theories that this video was fake, and indeed there's no signs of a real gunshot and their reactions feel scripted.

holy shit that lady was on point. what was that tape she was messing with, just tourniquet material or some specific first-aid thing?

SA/DA or nothing


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Why they don't just design an iron holster that deflect the bullet from the body?

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Because Glock intentionally gimped them because they're so petty that the base glocks arent actually Perfection.

It's not a real saftey, it's just a drop saftey and Glock's marketing department is retarded.

Shoulder holsters don't have this problem.

>Drop safety not a real safety
I didn't know Ron Cohen had internet access in jail

did that guy just shoot his dick off?

also you will never convince me that making the trigger the safety is actually a good idea. the safety is meant to make it safe if the trigger is bumped, making it one and the same leads to shit like this.

Glock has never tried to convince people that is a manual safety in a traditional sense. It's supposed to be the ultimate drop safety. Unrelated to an imbeciles ability (or more like inability) to keep their trigger finger off the trigger until they're ready to shoot.

OP video happened because of aftermarket trigger.

It's not.

>Reholstering a CCW like an operator.
>Not just taking the holster out of the pants, putting the pistol in it and testing it's retention properly before reinserting into pants.

Why do these retards always re holster with it in their pants like it's at all a requirement. I'd rather look like an awkward dingus for 30 seconds than shoot myself or be "that guy" for the rest of my life.

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why do you faggots keep buying guns with ridiculously light triggers?
in fact? why the fuck do you faggots not buy DA/SA pistols?
seems like that would prevent all this faggotry

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I bought a p30sk for this very reason, and my wife stole it because she liked it. Just goes to show you can't think of every possibility.