What would Jow Forums do in this situation?


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Id listen to the police and not act like a fucking nigger.

We need these guys in the States desu. Situation was handled professionally and they actually treated him like a human being. Well done, bongs.

...in a scenario like this, of course it's best to cooperate.

that cop got some thicc hips

At least he didnt get shot, or tasered, or whatever. I thought they handled it fairly okay.


Electric boogaloo time

>living with his parents despite being well into adulthood
>"theres no equality here"
>"I'm being shat on, so are you (referring to indian/paki trained firearms officer)"
>"I don't like it here its not a healthy environment"
>"its all fucked, everywhere"
>"I was born in shit"
>endless victimhood, victim complex ad nauseam
>going on and on self pitying himself for the officers
>"my mum slept with someone I'm pretty sure" voice starts shaking a little
What went wrong? Aren't they supposed to respond well to this sort of conditioning reinforcement
Why are British men so pathetic? He's a fully grown man and he was pouring his heart out to these officers, one a paki/pajeet at that, trying to get their pity
Acts like a naive cunt for the camera when their little diversionary tactic to keep him talking finishes

>dysfunctional parents sic cops on their kid
>cops distract man then mob him with rifles
The way to fix this is to leave the laws and police standards/policies exactly as they are, but also McVeigh a police building with a clear warning that if it happens again it won't just be uniformed police officers that are targeted. You can't fix this shit legally since the people causing it in the first place are operating outside the law.

Seriously. The number of people in the comments saying that the police were clearly justified because "his parents obviously said he had a knife and was willing to hurt others" show that you can't fix this shit with new laws. You just need to kill the people using the cops as thugs to bring back their abused children, and then kill the cops who are willing to do this shit (which, to someone suffering from this shit, can force suicide if they had any respect for the police or people in general prior) so nobody is brave enough to do it again.

The bong police are pretty based desu. Too bad the laws are so god fucking awful.

Aye he’s a big lad, innit.
If he’s in Northern England then it does have some basis in reality, not exactly the best place around, especially with all the shit Britain went through in the 1900’s. Not that he should be as bitchy as he is though, that is inexcusable.

Fuck off loon


>Adrian Schoolcraft (born 1976) is a former New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer who secretly recorded police conversations from 2008 to 2009. He brought these tapes to NYPD investigators in October 2009 as evidence of corruption and wrongdoing within the department. He used the tapes as evidence that arrest quotas were leading to police abuses such as wrongful arrests, while the emphasis on fighting crime sometimes resulted in underreporting of crimes to keep the numbers down.
>After voicing his concerns, Schoolcraft was reportedly harassed and reassigned to a desk job. After he left work early one day, an ESU unit illegally entered his apartment, physically abducted him and forcibly admitted him to a psychiatric facility, where he was held against his will for six days.


Moar like "Clever Girl"

Ignite my best.

you have to yell "dog is good" in mandarin first.

Seriously, the cops aren't there to be your goddamn therapist what the fuck


Did they expect him to have a loaded PKM? You gotta fuck up pretty badly to have that many armed officers arrive in bongland

Absolutely zero situational awareness on the part of the schizo. I hate to say it, but cops did good. Would've caught 3 to the sternum if he was a black dude in Oakland.

Whats this? Looks kind of like an HK grenade launcher but I doubt they'd have that unless its got less than lethal in it or something.

Attached: Screenshot (285).png (1920x1080, 509K)


Attached: DoUYB4CXcAAuLcW.jpg (994x736, 66K)

>britbong shit and piss himself because the officer has a gun
>police officer goes full submissive

kek what a pathetic cuck people

whatever it is, it's less than lethal. probably tear gas.

what did you expect, them shooting 40mm explosives at someone?

Politely inform the officers that their mates around back are going to blow themselves up if they force the entrances, while fingering the laser blinder trigger in my pocket.

>paranoid schizophrenia in the uk

that cop is as polite as cops get

that guy obviously needs help and they're there to help him

>British police officer does not want to threaten a suspect with their gun
Yeah, in America they come up to your window with a hand on their gun for a traffic stop. For a domestic call you'll be lucky if the don't shoot your dog or blind your baby girl. I reeaaallly want more of that ;^D

I'm more curious why he'd have the launcher in the first place, its not like theyr'e doing crowd control requiring gas. Maybe its loaded with some sort of giant beanbag round

The ideal form of help would be two to the chest and one to the head. Police having to cater to the insane is a waste of time and tax dollars, its pathetic we haven't ruled literal subhumans as such yet.

yeah, i was wondering about that, too. must have something to do how his father described the emergency, them turning up with firearms officers wielding grenade launchers and rifles is fucking weird

sure m8

I'm a big, brown nigga so more than likely they call their firearms unit and shoot me.


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ohh you're hard


Keep tolerating the worthless and see where that gets society

>Stealing joke from a previous thread

I don't get it

It's a range timer
Implying there are about to be a lot of shots fired in a short period of time. Probably directed at the police.

There are a series of 40mm less-than-lethal rounds that can be used at as little as 1.5 meters

I wish I could have seen the look of betrayal on the camera man's face. Those 2 cops being nice while distracting him and then back up storming in from the back


4 year Dallas PD here
No fucking way I'd let that dog get that close.

who determines worth? He is someone's son and that person deeply cares about him, he has a mental illness its not his fault, what he needs is compassion not violence.

He's just an edgy zoomer that discovered Jow Forums a week ago.

>who determines worth?
I really hate this argument, it's "but think of the children!" tier; it's not that hard to determine a persons relative worth to society. For example (granted a very extreme one), is a doctor/scientist/engineer worth more to society than a homeless person? I think if people are honest with themselves the answer is yes, the doctor/scientist/engineer IS worth more based on the good they can do for society as functional members. In this case I'd argue the severely mentally ill are worth far less than a average member of society because they are unable to contribute anything to better society. I'm not advocating for rounding up and killing them, but it's disingenuous to claim they are just as valuable as anyone else.

>He is someone's son and that person deeply cares about him
The same goes for every other person he puts at risk when he flips out.

>what he needs is compassion not violence.
What he needs is to be committed so his mental illness will stop posing a risk to himself and others.

>*watch video*
These people are fucking PATHETIC.

Beanbag launcher lads.

>What he needs is to be committed so his mental illness will stop posing a risk to himself and others.
And if his parents are actually hostile and are using the police to attack him?

Worst I'd expect to happen?
>You get a temporary psych hold
>See a shrink who confirms you aren't batshit crazy
>Get released 72 hours later
>Never talk to or see parents again

I have a good friend who works in a psychiatric hospital and this is the basic way it works at least in the states. Hell, they often aren't even able to keep people that have very serious mental health issues past 72 hours because of the legal hurdles involved in getting a court order to do so.

>And if his parents are actually hostile and are using the police to attack him?
Then why the fuck would you be living in their house, if you've reached that point you should have GTFO months to years ago; That sort of resentment doesn't just happen overnight.

OK so you don't know what you're talking about.

Then please enlighten me, this is what I've been told by my friend who's a psychologist and I have no reason to think he's lying to me. You tell me how it works.

You're not going to understand anything I tell you, because you have a fundamentally biased belief system regarding this topic. All that I can tell you is that you're wrong, and maybe someday you'll come around and see how things actually work. I'm sorry.

>*gets hit by taser*

Why am I biased? I just asked you to explain how it works because I want to know more and hear a different view; I've heard from one person, now I'd like to hear from another. I'm not shitposting at you or calling you names, I'm asking you to explain your viewpoint, granted with a healthy dose of skepticism. You make good points and provide sources and I'm more than willing to change my views if I find they aren't reflective of reality.

OK, let me give you the short version.

You seem to believe that killing other people is an acceptable course of action in some situations. That's fine. You also seem to believe that killing the insane/irredeemable is acceptable. That's fine too.

However, you also seem to believe that it's not only acceptable but necessary to actively corral and kill the people you see as irredeemable. This is OK in theory, there are certainly lots of situations in which that is needed, but then we have the last bit that makes me not want to argue with you:

You seem to believe that the mental health system (and really society in general) are generally stable and that the people you see as irredeemable are mostly at fault. When this is combined with the above assumptions, you end up getting a belief system that concludes it's acceptable to find those outcasted by others, put them in unfixable situations, and then kill them for their perceived sins (or otherwise seriously neglect, which, since I'm not going to go into a long winded speech, can best be summed up as the same thing as killing, just delayed).

If I try to explain to you how this is wrong, all that's going to happen is you telling me that I'm wrong while using a seemingly endless number of plausible but in the end flawed arguments to make me look like an idiot. You have already done this with the argument that he should have gotten out beforehand, and the argument that being committed in this situation would result in a relatively easy pull-away from his parents.

If I were to tell you that he probably would be forced back by his parents or otherwise put into another toxic situation where he can't leave, you would ask me for sources. I can't provide any conclusive sources since this stuff isn't discussed. You can provide endless sources discussing the effectiveness of mental health treatment or whatever. I can't win this argument since no matter what I say, you are going to be unwilling to see the truth.

I just wanna pet that doggo

I don't even have the space in a single post to address everything here, you've made a lot of odd assumptions and claims

>You seem to believe that killing other people is an acceptable course of action in some situations. That's fine. You also seem to believe that killing the insane/irredeemable is acceptable. That's fine too.
I think we've had some sort of disconnect here. I never said I'm for killing the mentally ill, I actually advocated just the opposite see: > I'm not advocating for rounding up and killing them, but it's disingenuous to claim they are just as valuable as anyone else.
My post was discussing morality and the fact that yes, you can easily assign at least a subjective value to each person and that it's dishonest to claim otherwise; it's just an idea that people find distasteful and possibly alarming.

>the people you see as irredeemable are mostly at fault.
I never said this either, most people that have mental illness did not cause their condition, although in some cases mental illness can arise from substance abuse.

>put them in unfixable situations, and then kill them for their perceived sins (or otherwise seriously neglect, which, since I'm not going to go into a long winded speech, can best be summed up as the same thing as killing, just delayed).
I do advocate that the severely mentally ill should be sequestered from society for the safety of themselves and others, I don't think this is a controversial position; I do NOT however, advocate killing or abusing them, yet once again see


>If I were to tell you that he probably would be forced back by his parents or otherwise put into another toxic situation where he can't leave, you would ask me for sources.
>you would ask me for sources.
Yeah, That is what I asked for, why should I take some random persons word on the internet with no evidence to offer over what I've learned from my friend who actively works in this field? I'm an open minded person, but you have to provide me with something other than personal anecdote or self righteous rantings and assumptions .

>If I try to explain to you how this is wrong, all that's going to happen is you telling me that I'm wrong while using a seemingly endless number of plausible but in the end flawed arguments to make me look like an idiot.
So then make your case, provide evidence, refute my actual arguments; give me something to work with here man, I'm begging you to actually make your case. You want to change somebodies opinion on something you're going to have to offer something more that moral finger wagging. I'm sitting here patiently giving you the chance to make your case, but you are refusing to do so, that's on you not on me.

>the argument that being committed in this situation would result in a relatively easy pull-away from his parents.
I never argued it would be easy, I was more stating what should happen long term, if people are trying to get you committed to fuck with you, you probably shouldn't be sticking around.

>I can't win this argument since no matter what I say, you are going to be unwilling to see the truth.
So basically: "I'm right even though I can't provide any hard evidence for my positions and your simply unwilling to see the light." I guess this is what I get for trying to discuss difficult issues on Jow Forums, probably serves me right.

The guy you're replying to is reacting and responding very similarly to the guy who posted the video. I have a weird feeling its either him on here trying to get sympathy or maybe some other Chris Chan type trying to defend insane behavior from their fellow tards.

What is with you subhuman shitkickers and your itchy trigger finger whenever you see a mellow dog displaying zero signs of aggressive behavior, even on the other side of a barrier

This is one of the most autistically complete rebuttals I've seen on Jow Forums in a long time, well done you glorious faggot.

Attached: 1546564152278.jpg (500x442, 30K)

37mm baton round launcher.

Damn daddy you sure seem like a man of purpose, if you don't stop giving me the "fuck me" eyes with your sweet words I am probably gonna have to bust that cute Butt of yours.

With my luck?
>get tazed
>spasm and accidentally hit someone, even though tazers usually cause everything to contract and tense up
>get magdumped into my back while I'm on the ground

What these officers did is against the law
Resisting arrest is not a crime in bongland

20 seconds in to the video, it's a fucking welfare check.
The correct answer, even if you're fucked right now, is "Haha yeah, guess I'm feeling a bit down after being made redundant/loosing my GF, hell, if you called, and I'd known I was having guests, I woulda cleaned the place up a little. So, what can I do for you guys? Ya wanna look around a bit?"
While letting them in or whatever, gauge what they're thinking (Which will entirely be based on how messy your house is, how old the dishes are, nothing more), if you think you're fucked, just say "Now officers, I know this doesn't look good, if you'd rather, ya know, detain me or whatever, I dunno how these welfare thingies go, I can sit out the front for a bit, yall can handcuff me if you want, I don't wanna seem like a threat to nobody, I'm just in a bad place, that's all"

You follow this shit, 9/10 times they just fucking leave. All they're there to asses is that you're still a baseline member of society, or will self-recover to one.
Act like you have something to hide, they will intervene.

Attached: NOT Baseline.gif (540x260, 535K)

Let's say I was in a similar position, early 20's, crippled due to a work injury, unable to pay rent, the medical bills, my countries healthcare wouldn't pay for shit, my countries social security wouldn't fucking touch me, my only choice was to live with either my violent, abusive father or my borderline, insane mother.
I said "Fuck it", packed the essentials, loaded what I needed into my car, grabbed my dog, and lived on the street for two months.
That was preferable to living with my violent abusive parents. People need to realise this.
I was homeless by "Choice", yes, but the other choice could have ended up with me killed.
Fuck it.

This unironically. The guy in OPs video is obviously losing his shit and dumping his heart out to some random cop he was just mad at for showing up.
Guys blatantly unstable.

Beanbag, or just rubber load.

>Distracted talking to chill cops
>Turn around
>See this

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-01-12 at 11.55.37 pm.png (223x281, 96K)

For some, the only other option is living on the fucking street.

If you're out in public and a cop tells you to do something that you don't want to do then do it, while protesting and asking for the officers name and number so you can file a complaint later. Being a stubborn bastard isn't worth getting manhandled, sprayed, tazered or even shot.

What was illegal? Resisting arrest is a crime. legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1996/16/section/89

Stop, you can only make me so hard.

>look stuart, i got nothing in my hands, i'm not here to intimidate you
>just ignore the fucking grenade launcher and the taser i have ready to use on my chest rig

still, that guy has a problem and the cops are nicer than any cop in the us would ever be. watch his other video, he's a fucking nutjob.

Foreign love of former Yui love is mixed with foreign material in the child of Ameblo's dragon (art-e-mis; female) of Kumamoto's Yui Ai
It seems that it is becoming. Slime carrier? Analilma? Copic? 2018/12/18 at 19: 15
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It sounds like a baby? 2018/12/18 15: 41 ●
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fucking KEK


it's a thread about paranoid schizophrenia, what did you expect? we're in for a wild ride, like Jow Forums swapping over

>I never said I'm for killing the mentally ill
>The ideal form of help would be two to the chest and one to the head
Sure thing buddy

Trying too hard schizo poster

k. gas him so we don't have to deal with it.

Alright, thanks for the explanation. I've been here for years and haven't quite seen something like that, maybe I'm just not here frequently enough to see it.

I remember when I was 14 too.

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TOP boot. TOP boot.

Besides the bong bs and the neet living with parents, the proper response is " do you have a warrant? Am I being detained? By what statute or law are you trespassing on my property? "
Now remember you can't fight city hall, and you don't want to suicide by cop, you must follow the popo's requests. But you don't need to be a sheep about it.

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>that photo

Nazis lost because every day common people were against the,.

uh, no?

they lost because the allies came and kicked their fucking asses

they came to power to begin with because every day common people voted for them

Enjoy your cold war for 3 generations, billions killed by proxy wars and still see the results of your communism support after 70 years.

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NYPD is corrupt as shit and get a pass on so much shit because "muh 9/11". The entire department needs to be disbanded and rebuilt from scratch.

We've had a couple NYPD guys come to my old department in WA and they were fucking terrible. No idea of verbals, no inkling of community orientated tactics, went to physical forces immediately. Tore in to one of them for whacking a drunk guy with an ASP just because he wouldn't put his hands behind his back (he was too fucking drunk to understand what we were saying) all this prick says "you wouldn't last a day in NU YARK"

Fuck the NYPD.

Nice post and nice quads boœdæ

Sounds exactly like how I picture them and it makes sense. Armed to the teeth department in a city of leftists and sheep who have near absolute authority.

Daily reminder
>cops aren't your friend
>cops are allowed to lie to you
>cops aren't obligated to know the law
>cops aren't obligated to help you
>cops aren't obligated to enforce the law
>don't ever talk to cops without a lawyer.

>The correct answer, even if you're fucked right now, is "Haha yeah, guess I'm feeling a bit down after being made redundant/loosing my GF, hell, if you called, and I'd known I was having guests, I woulda cleaned the place up a little. So, what can I do for you guys? Ya wanna look around a bit?"
No, because that incriminates you. Don't ever talk to the cops.

checked and keked

Ironic considering you sound mentally unstable.

>muh society
Fuck off with that collectivist bullshit.

There are people who feel they don’t need to follow orders from the police.

If you think the police have done something wrong the place to discuss it is in a courtroom
Not on the side of the street.

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If police use force against you
It’s probably because you gave them a reason to use force.

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And every day common people in the rest of the world were against them. As it turns out, when you have a nation full of people desperate due to economic turmoil you can get them to rally behind just about anything that scapegoats something as the source of their problems and promises to change it. Commies did it and so did the Nazis.