What actually happened at Nisour Square in 2007?

Attached: blackwater-logo.jpg (1468x889, 128K)

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Turns out, actions have consequences, especially when those actions are taking potshots at cars that drive "too close" to you in dense traffic.

BlackWater dindu nuffin

>stop and get dragged out your vehicle so they can kill and probably rape you before looting your shit
>risk letting an SVBIED get too close and take you out with the rest of the city block


>scare a few civilians and make a point for them to back the fuck off and not red flag themselves as potential threats because they don't know how to drive

I'd rather not die.

This. Sandniggers aren't people anyways.

You're mom gave it out for free.

It was before the era of truly professional PMCs that only hired guys with combat experience, languages, etc...

Blackwater (and nearly all PMCs) in 2007 were a bunch of ex-mallcops and retards incentivized to play soldier for way more money than they could make in either the actual Army or at home.

Look at James Yeager; under-trained, low IQ, and a massive complex that makes him swing his nonexistent dick around 24/7.

Attached: 20292612_1281840145259698_8414218353320332787_n.jpg (960x786, 171K)

>Contractors stuck in intersection of dangerous city
>Shit going down not too far away
>Took some small arms fire
>Returned with overwhelming violence and volume of fire
>Lots of civilians catch bullets and explosives in the process
Shitty situation and the contractors opted to kill any and everyone nearby in order to ensure their own survival and eventual escape. Not real forward-thinking, professional or competent but it got the job done.

Blackwater had its fair share of shit heels, but they had a hell of a lot more experienced and competent ground level shooters than a majority of other outfits. Yeager did not have the credentials to get hired by Blackwater.

> play soldier for way more money than they could make in either the actual Army
You'd think that would draw in better caliber employees.

The question was what happened, implying "how could it have gone that wrong", and that's as good of an answer as any.
No PMC in 2007 had anywhere near the level of professionalism, experience, etc... as they have today and it shows.
I was making a more general overarching statement than directly critiquing only Blackwater.
And yeah, Yeager got fired from being a small town cop, he should've never been there in the first place.

>You'd think that would draw in better caliber employees.
It does nowadays.
2007 was the surge; highest troop strength pumped into country, highest casualty rates, highest number of dudes who had gotten out already being yoinked back from the IRR, etc...

There weren't a bunch of jobless combat vets with good qualifications just walking around for the hiring.

That's true and because the pool of combat veterans, especially those with advanced schooling/training/operational experience was much smaller in '07 than it is today. It was also because, as you mentioned, the demand was much higher so lower grade dudes could get gigs because they needed warm bodies with at least basic levels of gun and tactical competency. You are correct on that front.

>truly professional PMC
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the only thing they've gotten more professional at is keeping their mouth shut about who they work for.

Look up Raven 23 and how they all get sent to prison.

Eric Redguard Holder sent in his best attorneys to make an example out of 5 Blackwater mercs with faulty witness testimony, but still led the jury to a conviction.


What happened with Raven 23 in 2007

Attached: Raven+23+Infographic.png (1000x6201, 2.87M)

mercenaries murdered a bunch of civilians and were rightfully locked up

good fucking riddance

>sand niggers

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school year can't start soon enough

>when you grow like me you’ll embrace bouncing your mutt grand child on your lap


>edgy faggot shits out a mindless non sequitur

the absolute state of underage Jow Forums