How would Jow Forums deal with an advanced space threat?

How would Jow Forums deal with an advanced space threat?
A few ideas for consideration.
- Much more advanced firepower.
- More advanced armor.
- They aren't stupid, any ground troops would be wearing gas masks/pressurized suits.

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If they have space travel, they have the ability to crash objects into the planet at high speed.

Friendly reminder that Killzone is a game in which you play the bad guys of the story.

diplomacy would be the only real way to handle the situation

declaring war on a civilisation that has FTL would be like cavemen declaring war on the US army
they dont even have to be in the same neighborhood to vaporise us

Why with an advanced space response obviously

Assuming they're only a few hundred years more advanced not a few thousand, ie. we don't get instantly vaporized by some kind of super weapon:
Casaba Howitzer
Rail guns
EMP weapons

friendly reminder that if your grandpa was a kraut war criminal you are looser refugee thrash

Collaboration. I'm not dying to an alien species who have technology far beyond what we can hope to bring down. No reason to die fighting what can't be beaten, I'd rather sign up with them and get some sweet alien weaponry and gear.

Also this. The Helghast were repeatedly unjustly fucked over and had every right to lash out at their enemies.

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>t. never played the game and literally cannot stop thinking about muh Jow Forums


This only like the end of every sci fi movie slip in a bio engineered virus during a friendly handshake. Small pox killed the indians and something like that will kill the ayys

Surrender and join the Universal Union.

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>Small pox killed the indians and something like that will kill the ayys
We're the Native Americans in this scenario user, you realize that right? Who the hell do you think is gonna be more vulnerable to biological attack, the species that hasn't even cured cancer yet or the species that probably made themselves biologically immortal, has possibly been studying us for thousands of years, and might not even be made of flesh?

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>"Commander, why are the humans putting a nuke in a hole?"
>"Apparently it's some impromptu kinetic weapon. Move the ship over a few hundred kilometers, send down a few drones to kill all the soldiers and construction workers in that sector, and send a message to the humans reminding them that our military surveillance and intelligence is far beyond theirs and we've browsed Jow Forums as well."

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Nuke them

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Easy sauce. Fool them to thinking that where not the top species. They be waging war on some other animal. Give us some time to think of something better

When you say double digits? How big of double digits?

All warfare is based on deception after all

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Any military conflict has stated goals, otherwise it isn't worth the resources. Someone traveling that far must be seeking to gain more materials than the cost of coming here and waging war.

That could be as simple as our planet is habitable, to wanting biomass, or perhaps some unrecognized element on earth. Especially if we're talking sending dedicated ground troops whose purpose is to control land.

Truly the answer is to show credible cause and capability to an hero the planet earth, and make sure they understand whatever material gain they hoped to get would not be worth the effort.
In this scenario we lose everything, but they gain nothing, thus proving their war irrelevant, and peace talks can occur.

If it was our annihilation as some religious cult sacrifice, or kill us early to prevent competition, they'd send an interstellar bomb to decimate the planet anyway, we would be dead so quick it wouldn't even be an issue.

There are no resources on Earth that the aliens could not get easier by mining asteroids or some dead planet. If aliens are really invading Earth it's not for our minerals or our fertile land, it is for us. Either they want us eliminated because they see us as a future threat, or they want us assimilated because they see us as a useful underling. If it's the former, we're fucked no matter what. If it's the latter, have fun being an alien's pet.

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>Fucking retard who has never played the game tries to relate

What does better armor have to do with anything? It's in space. Unless you're a billionaire you are no where close to getting anything at all up to space to start with.

The Helghast did nothing wrong

Give them AIDS. Send our gays and trannies in space ships and have them do the sex.

But seriously Ayy's will vastly smash us in most attempts outside of us doing chemical warfare.

Agreed, kinda disappointing after I realized this part way through.
retard alert

Don't forget the Orion drive space battleships. But like you said, this only works on aliens that are only moderately more advanced than us, and are working under significant logistical constraints. That is why I like Footfall so much - the authors put in a lot of work to come up with alien invaders that are a serious, global threat, have a reason to invade, but are still beatable by human tech.

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10mm should suffice.

Well you could always implode the sun into black hole, in lets say 100 years or so

This....what if they came not to invade, but absorb?

Didn't the Helgan get relegated to an ASS PLANET that gives you LUNG AIDS ? So that's why they wear the mask, literally.


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Redpill me on Killzone, only played 3

*Penetrates your armor*

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You get told the whole series that he Helgast are literally some space Nazis, but it turns out that they were normal humans that were forced onto a planet that has SHIT for air. That's why the Helgan wear suits, and masks.

Also this means that all their women are probably delicious pale goth chicks.

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.50 cal everywhere

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Take a seat my child and let Scolar Visari tell you a story...

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absorb our biomass?
absorb us into a galactic federation?

The latter...and to some degrees, the former if you wanted it.

Absorb us into their fascist empire. Use Pavlovian conditioning, propaganda, and economic incentives to turn us from resistant subjugated population to patriotic citizens willing to fight and die for the nation. Using our natural bodies in the roles they are best suited for, allowing entire species to specialize in certain roles and making the economy more efficient.

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Oh! So basically modern Mameluke's?

Is there another source on this? It sounds fucking magical, and I'm failing at googling it.

My knowledge of Mameluke history is near non-existent so I'm just gonna say yes and hope that's right.

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Give you the short and best to my know.

>Lets arm them and have them fight our wars!
>Slaves revolt with tech given to them and establish their own countries
>Well, that was bad idea.

I had a feeling of this in Killzone and Killzone 2 but Killzone 3 was really the nail in the coffin that the Helghast did nothing wrong

>declaring war on a civilisation that has FTL would be like cavemen declaring war on the US army
>they dont even have to be in the same neighborhood to vaporise us
I thought about this a few times, the only way I could think of for a story that would work is where the aliens attacking had a poor understanding of their own technology, something like they looted it all from another extinct race or their society regressed to the point they forgot how things worked like in 40k.

It would also solve the issue of motivation to invade another planet, they could have a decent amount of military hardware but be lacking the skills to make use of lifeless planets for resources and living space.

I literally just said thunderwell.
Also, the US did similar research called operation plumbbob, specifically the Pascal-B test
Results were "inconclusive" because the high speed camera only managed to capture the cap on 1 frame, and was never located afterwards. Some theorized it vaporized itself in the middle of the atmosphere

>Suicidal Russian style tactics
>Tactical and dirty nukes at every advantageous situation
>Devote basically all the resources not centered on ground warfare to building a fleet of Orions and finding the location of their homeworld
>Threaten to accelerate the Orions to 50% C and crash them into it if they don't leave us alone
It's a very, very long shot but some form of deterrence would be our best shot at avoiding extinction.

This could work as a long term survival strategy but would need insane dedication over thousands of years
>Make humans into a big part of their army because we ARE suited to kill
>Carefully and under extreme secrecy plan a revolt or coup
>We space kangz now

It would be amusing to see how an intelligent species that evolved from herbivores that didn't kill each other with no military experience would fare against humans which naturally like war and hunting. It should theoretically be possible, parrots are among the most intelligent animals so with the right circumstances it should be possible for a non-predator to end up dominating another planet.

Thanks guys, you just gave me another great idea!

This man gets it. There's virtually no reason to fight us unless we pose a threat to them, in which case they can just send a huge rod towards us at lightspeed and destroy the planet.

>How would Jow Forums deal with an advanced space threat?
By joining them. Being a quisling is what smart people do in these situations.

What if they don't have diseases on their planets?
What if their immune systems are shit?
What if they've never encountered a serious viral disease that required vaccines, or viruses at all?
If they never had to prepare for something, they probably don't have the means to fix it. Our technology evolves around what we need or benefit from: if they've never had serious diseases, parasites or viruses, be could just bio-engineer something retarded. Or just give them AIDS.

Bunch of writefags started a whole "Deathworlders" meme around that. There's this one story were an unnamed protagonist ends up in an alien army, and despite not speaking their language, helps them beat the shit out of other Ayys and teaches them how war is really fared.

Aliens didn't know about indirect fire, combined arms, squad tactics or deception of any kind. All they did was get in groups with guns then run at eachother shooting, then retreating when their herbivore instincts took over.

In that universe, humans are one of the only sapient carnivorous/omnivorous species ever, and earth is considered a very dangerous world, inhospitable for intelligent life (high gravity, high oxygen (bigger and more dangerous critters), crazier diseases, etc). Basically, this makes us extremely violent, strong and quick compared to "softer" species. But due to our infighting and our home planet's hostility, we are backwards technologically, and thus only recently discovered by ayys.

The main story (og writefag) gets pretty weird with space marines, space illuminati, mind control, war and other shit after a while. Characters die a lot. Also the chinks are cunts.

This was the covenants issue in Halo, all of thier shit was running at like .5 percent of what it shoild have been running because their religion forbid them from modifieing any of it

>There's virtually no reason to fight us unless we pose a threat to them
There's plenty of reason why it could happen, let's say they were about 50 years ahead of where earth is now but they completely ruined their own planet and they are quite good at building large non-FTL ships. They build a large fleet and target the nearest habitable planet they can find, earth.

Imagine this all happened 300 years ago earth time, the fleet is now only a few years away, from the aliens perspective far less time has passed, earth has been emitting radio waves and showing signs of technological development but it's far too late for them to go elsewhere, if they have designed their ships to have reduced radar, thermal and optical signatures from the front we probably wont detect them.

You end up with a fleet of desperate hostile aliens appearing in orbit that want the planet intact, have perhaps 50 or 100 years lead in tech but are extremely limited in how much military hardware they were able to bring.

This. And it doesnt even half to be that hardcore.

Just there ability to come over here, reach out and touch us, denotes extremely advanced capabilities. Skyline did it the neatest, qhere humans put up a fight....but its futile. ID did it the stupidest, but Battleship and Battle LA were atleast entertaining.

Tldr. No, we dont get to fight Atvar and the neat 4foot tall space lizard bros who at least kinda obey laws of war, and we dont get to capture some of them and watch them use body paint to make an american flag.


This. And it doesnt even half to be that hardcore.

Just there ability to come over here, reach out and touch us, denotes extremely advanced capabilities. Skyline did it the neatest, qhere humans put up a fight....but its futile. ID did it the stupidest, but Battleship and Battle LA were atleast entertaining.

Tldr. No, we dont get to fight Atvar and the neat 4foot tall space lizard bros who at least kinda obey laws of war, and we dont get to capture some of them and watch them use body paint to make an american flag.

Neat story, but its been semi done before.

During the Pascal-B nuclear test, a 900-kilogram (2,000 lb) steel plate cap (a piece of armor plate) was blasted off the top of a test shaft at a speed of more than 66 km/s (41 mi/s; 240,000 km/h; 150,000 mph).

>a 900kg steel plate going66 kilometers PER SECOND

Jesus fucking Christ, imagine it hitting something.

>from herbivores that didn't kill each other
You mean they exclusively eat fruits and vegetables? So no hunting or even herding, just farming? So no method of relieving early civilization population pressure by people who want to drop out and just wander around with a srick and stab big animals and eat them?

So basically, land , farming land, likely in strict geographic areas, is the only food resource worth having? And COMPETING over?!?!?!?!?

This meme that a herbivorous species would be less violent is wrong. Very fucking wrong. They would exclusively fight wars over land, fighting staggeringly bloody wars over land against migratory grazers. Theyd only tame PREDATORS, and EXCLUSIVELY for exterminatng other herbivores.

Obligate Carnivores would likely be more peaceful.

They would just buy everything. And everything they couldn't buy they'd hire PMCs to take. You might not sell your gf to aliums for a shiny infinity gold machine, but your neighbor will sell her. People kill each other over dime bags of dope every minute. It would be an economic war, and we would lose everything.

No you can't.

>They build a large fleet and target the nearest habitable planet they can find, earth.
First, let's define what habitable means, with a quick biologically lesson.
To cut a very complicated explanation short for the sake of brevity, what I'll be explaining was the largest extinction event in this planet's history, the Oxygen Catastrophe. This event was caused by some bacteria learning to produce dioxygen, the shit you now breathe, in order to ward away predatory organisms. The problem is that no counter was really developed by anerobic life, so this O2 stuff filled the whole atmosphere as these Oxygen-producing bacteria multiplied (easy stuff since nobody could touch them) and killed off most forms of life at the time. The only survivors learned to counter it, and that's who we evolved from.

My point is that some bacteria on another world could very well do the same with methane or some other shit that would be considered deadly fucking toxic to us. So, killing us for our resources or our planet makes little sense. It would be akin to murdering a bunch of innocents to live inside a tank of ammonia, and resources are abundant in space. If they needed water and their system happened to not contain any ice balls like Europa, then they could come here and take Europa or mine the asteroid belt instead of taking stuff on the one world that will resist. With these resources, terraforming isn't very difficult either.
Slavery would be too costly to justify. You'd need separate environments, complete with atmosphere, food, and breathing apparatus and protective suits, all for simple slaves. Enslaving your own kind would make more sense and take up less resources.
As for traveling without FTL, we already know the stupidity of it, wasting precious resources that could be put to use virtually anywhere else simply to send over a limited force that may likely be overwhelmed by superior technology by the time they arrive, or find that the world they set out for was obliterated before they came.
The only reason they have to attack is if we pose an existential threat to them, be it now or by extrapolation upon our current path. As such, their response depends on their level of compassion. If they're generous, they do invade and occupy, thus allowing us to live. If they're not, they send a huge rod towards us at light speed and watch the planet pop like a balloon.

Try to incapacitate them and then rape them

Basically this. If they have the ability to come over and visit and, they have a multitude of options to absolutely btfo us without even physically setting foot on the planet.

Did you even read the post you're replying to? user made it very clear that the aliens weren't expecting intelligent life and they were not capable of terraforming. So no, they're not going there solely for a fight and they're not going to live on Europa because it's presumably uninhabitable for them.
If the aliens are seeking a new planet in the first place it stands to reason that they don't possess terraforming technology, and if they are targeting Earth it's either because it has optimal conditions or it's the closest planet they can live on. I'm also not sure what point you're trying to make about the oxygen crisis?

detonate as many nukes as possible to wipe humanity off the face of earth, regardless of what submissive cucks here might say extinction is a preferable alternative to surrender

My point, as stated, was that any alien life would likely be almost entirely incompatible with our own biology, and vice versa. To them, our world may very well be a planet with a poisonous atmosphere. It would be so to a species that could only breathe methane, or ammonia. A very similar event could have occurred on their world using different gasses. As I said, this would be akin to murdering a bunch of innocents to live inside a tank of ammonia

Also, I'd like to add that terraforming isn't even their only option, they could easily construct orbitals to live inside if they're capable of building big ships and slowly drifting towards us. As I mentioned earlier, there are plenty of free resources in space, including water and metal ore. Artificial constructs would definitely be possibly with about 100 years of advancement over us.

>If they have space travel, they have the ability to crash objects into the planet at high speed.
If its a law enforcement action then relativistic impacts might be out of question as violation of laws and or treaties.

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>Much more advanced firepower.
only attack lone troops or small groups
>More advanced armor.
Use some form of big gun a la .50 BMG or even a full blown 20mm antitank rifle, aim for the head, you now have advanced armor
>They aren't stupid, any ground troops would be wearing gas masks/pressurized suits.
landmines, sniper attacks car bombs, rotten eggs and a sustained harrasment campaing focusing on earthside supply lines if they use those, if not simply attack any planetside structure they have.

>implying aliens would ever invade the Earth
>implying the US wouldent invade them
>implying there arnt hundreds of millions of warning bueys spread around SOL for 60k ly saying ABSOUTELY DO NOT ENTER, AVOID AT ALL COSTS. HELP WILL NOT BE SENT BEYOND THIS POINT

>implying we arnt the survivors of the last invasion, stranded and interbred with the natives over millions of years

Why would they even bother coming here in the first place if they are willing to destroy the friggin planet, nigger?

don’t let them land

>Also, I'd like to add that terraforming isn't even their only option, they could easily construct orbitals to live inside if they're capable of building big ships and slowly drifting towards us. As I mentioned earlier, there are plenty of free resources in space, including water and metal ore. Artificial constructs would definitely be possibly with about 100 years of advancement over us.
There's a big difference between being able to operate fleets in an area and being able to live there. Imagine you told the US navy they have to build and maintain all equipment at sea using only resources taken from the ocean and they had 10 years to figure it out or alternatively they can annex any 3rd world country they want and set up everything there.

muh nigga.

This is rather incomparable to the sea. Unlike the ocean, space does contain the resources needed to construct orbitals, and in great abounds. The sea, by comparison, may contain some driftwood at best.
It's not overly complicated to build either, the only real issue is cost, which a species on the verge of extinction would have no qualms for, I'd imagine.
As well, building such large ships and with cryogenic facilities that would be necessary for interstellar travel without FTL is significantly more difficult and resource consuming than a simple orbital would be, and the distance of which you speak is far greater than any nation upon the seas. It would be more akin to telling the navy to travel to the moon and build a base there. We're talking about a distance that would, at light speed, take several hundred years. The very closest distance would take at least a few years at light speed, longer at the speeds you suggest. For any realistic expectations of how far a species must travel, the former option is more likely, seeing that we have found no evidence of life anywhere near us, or anywhere we've looked for that matter.

my fuckin dude

cassaba howitzer

Missiles, lots of missiles.

Armed with bomb pumped laser/graser/x-ray warheads.

This both keeps your ships out of their range (hopefully) and at the same time makes your attacks very hard to intercept as the actual attack is done at light-speed from beyond their point-defenses reach.

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>What if they don't have diseases on their planets?
They will. Evolution of single celled organisms happens vastly faster than evolution in multi-celled organisms. They will have diseases from bacteria and such and have medical expertise to deal with those diseases.
>What if their immune systems are shit?
Then they wouldn't be alive to make it to space in the first place.
>What if they've never encountered a serious viral disease that required vaccines, or viruses at all?
Highly unlikely, but even if this was the case they'd still know about human diseases and be able to prepare for them.

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It was extremely painful

my loins doth quiver at the the thought

we should shoot the moon with it

just because we can

Sounds like some good reads, thanks!

So, basicly as pic related shows, if they can do this, why even bother?

Galactica was good user, but its last iteration stole from Sonoda's Gall Force towards the end. You can even tell by the Colony main ship.

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>if they can do this, why even bother?
They aren't interested in our resources. They're interested in us. Best case scenario, this means they plan to assimilate us into their empire and treat us as equal citizens. Worst case scenarios, we become pets.

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Oh, so Cannon God Exaxxion?

Never read it, so I'm going to assume you are correct.

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Starts the former, ends the latter, we become the food, we fight back and it becomes a stalemate because we cut off their way back home.

>So, basicly as pic related shows, if they can do this, why even bother?

>The Epsilon Eridani Edict was named after the Epsilon Eridani Incident.[1] Tired of cleaning up after the atrocities of other nations, the Solarian League drafted a proposal that would lay out guidelines for attacking a planet. [..] the writers called for a referendum and had the Edict written in as the 97th amendment to the Solarian League constitution in 1410 PD. The Edict was perhaps the only clearly defined and immediately actionable foreign policy that the League had. (HH8)

>In essence, the Edict required star nations to take all reasonable precautions to avoid civilian deaths. Indiscriminate warfare affecting a planet’s surface or biosphere would violate the Edict and guarantee Solarian intervention on behalf of the survivors.

>The Edict didn’t offer a blanket protection for noncombatants. The restrictions were limited to avoiding the needless death and destruction of targets that could not threaten the attacking navy.

>The majority of the onus of following the Epsilon Eridani Edict lay with the attacker. First, the attacker must control the system, such that the system had no hope of relief and/or rescue. Second, the attacker must call upon the planet to surrender before commencing any attack or bombardment. Thus, a raiding ship was not allowed to hyper in and launch a few missiles at the planet, for it neither controlled the system nor called upon the system to surrender.

>As a corollary, any accidents which resulted in massive civilian deaths were considered a violation of the Edict. The Edict assumed that any such accident was preventable and that the nation that allowed it to happen was a rogue state.

>The Edict had been enforced about five times prior to 1921 PD. (HH8)

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>advanced space threat?
If by this you mean sufficiently advanced aliens or hypothetical future interstellar humans than the most logical attack strategy against an enemy limited to a single planet is a relativistic kinetic projectile against which there isn't much defense except fleeing if you have enough time.
If the invaders are idiots and decide to land on the same planet as you than it shouldn't be too difficult to outsmart them because they are obviously lacking in common sense.

So, in short its cheating?

Its basically the type of a war crime that guarantees (on paper at least) a military response from the largest human polity and numerically superior navy even at the outer limits of human colonized space.

In the long run, at the time scale a galactic-wide species can envision things, we're on the verge of being ourselves interstellar. Could be 100 years, could be 1000 years, or 10,000, for them it's the blink of an eye. And we're about to become competitors for finite resources.
I'd kill the fucking humans too if I were them.
It's caled the Dark Forest and it's a valid answer to the Fermi Paradox.

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Ah, like the Great Prohibition with nukes in Dune? Ok, thank you!

Sorry, but for as good as The Three Body problem is written, it rebakes of Chicom nihilism.

I knew of the Dark Forest waaaaay before. I didn't like the Three Body Problem that much myself and have not read to following books yet.

Chinese seems to be a very descriptive language and the traduction seemed unharmonious to me, a lot of "XXX did this, then XXX did that.then XXX tought this so XXX said that" which made for a difficult read. Besides, yeah, i just couldn't take that worldwide nihilistic scientific secret society seriously, it's way too hard to swallow.

I did love the last few chapters when you finaly get the explanation about the physics going haywire, though.

The magitech explanation to cheap long ranged communications sucked donkey balls, however.

Illiterate faggot.

You're literally describing the plot of pic related. Read a Book, Nigger.

Here's a tl;dr

>AYY Lmao
>They drop rocks on Earth. Fucking shit up.
>Ground forces
>Earth nukes the beachhead
>Aliens aghast at self defeating strategy that could fuck them over too.


>Fuck huge Orion drive powered warship is launched (USS. Michael)
>Proceeds to remove circus peanut throughout Earth orbit
>Eventually locates and targets Filthy Space Elephant colony ship. Loaded with Juicy noncombatants.
>Surrender or die
>Book ends with the President of the United States standing on the head alien's exposed, supplicating underbelly like a boss.

So pretty much how it would play out IRL.

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Was there ever a sequel?