How to get fit Jow Forums

i'm tired of looking for hard to find surplus in my fat asses size, what's the best way to drop waist size quickly ?

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By eating less you fat fuck

go to Jow Forums shitlord


but seriously just do an ECA stack and eat less

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We have a dedicated board for this

by eating less and exercising

I can literally see your brow furrowing because you were hoping for a magic miracle cure that you could have mom order for you

If you don't understand how to not eat a ton of food and how not to spend all day at the computer then kys

Look into fasting hit up /fast/ or whatever they call it on fit. Straight up not eating is easier than trying to manage calories.

I lost 60 lbs in about 10 months by completely cutting soda/sugary drinks and bad fast food out of my diet. No exercise at all, fuck that nonsense.

Calories in less than calories out. That is it. That is how physics works. Don't listen to fad diets, don't take pills. Eat better, and move more.
Look at the back of your food or go online and look it up.

Jow Forums isn't fit

CC a dozen Deagles or similar gigantic sidearm, and walk up some stairs a bunch of times every day.

This is coming from a guy who lost 160lbs for what that is worth.

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Don’t drink soda, tea, or anything like that. Drink water only. Walk your dog or take a hike for a few miles after work every day. Start with this and you will get results. Once this is a routine start dieting and eating better along with no sugar fluids. Ramp up your daily excercisies accordingly. From this point on the sky is the limit my friend. It’s going to be a long road but no better time to start than now. Good luck and stick with it user.

Count calories.

You know that plain tea has no calories right? Same with coffee. They both have some serious metabolism benefits if drank plain.

On the same point OP, he's right in the sense you need more water. If you are like the average american you are chronically dehydrated. Get big ass water bottle, carry it around and drink two every day.

100 Push ups. 100 sits ups. And 100 squats. Then a 10 Kilometer run. Do it every single day!

eat less.
drink water.
DO CARDIO. this could be just walking quickly in your neighborhood, but definitely step it up to jogging and sprinting. get your heart rate up.
do not drink soda or beer or liquor.
do not eat junk food.

t. army user, went from 245 to 180 to get in. my diet was tuna/pickle/dill on toast and chicken soup. then dropped to 160 in AIT.

When it comes to weight loss, there is:


You can only pick two.


What's fast and safe?

Based user

How did you start losing weight?

Easy and fast?

Take DNP and do LIGHT cardio, dont pull a zyzz

Be careful bro

liposuction, stuff like that

various shady drugs you buy to lose weight quickly, or some of these weird fasts can also be very harmful

If you want easy and safe, it gonna be what other anons said, calories in vs calories out

I'll blog if you want but It was a culmination of a lot of events. I was unhappy with being fat, things happened, and I made a decision to try to lose weight. It's strange how it much changes the way people treat you, and how much better you feel about yourself.

I just did what everyone is recommending. I started counting calories, walking, and hitting the gym. The most important advice I can give is that it's okay to fuck up, we all do it. Face it and continue.

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>Ctrl + f DNP
>Only one post

Wow. How has only one person recommended the ez mode to weight loss?

Dinitrophenol faggots. Google it.

>Used in explosives
>Used as a wood preserver
>Classified as a poison in Russa


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I got fit and got some muscle but still no woman wants me. I am 29 and have never gotten laid. Which is the best gun to off myself? I thought about getting this one.

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Decapitation sounds like a good way for you to lose a stone of ugly useless fat lmao

strangle yourself dont use gun also its personality and confidence not muscles and money