Washington State Alert

It's happening


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Other urls found in this thread:

lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2019-20/Pdf/Bills/House Bills/1073.pdf

Limpwristed Seattle faggots will back this.

>Sponsors: Peterson, Valdez, Appleton, Dolan, Frame, Ryu, Robinson, Macri, Walen, Bergquist, Kloba, Pollet, Thai

I'm guessing these individual(s) in question are the usual suspects for this?

I would also like to add on it is still being discussed by the Committee.

please don't let this and the mag ban pass committee

I will say this, if it gets passed, I won't be suprised if this is used as precedent for other Anit-2A bills.

Committee is the best place to get these bills killed. I encourage you to go to Olympia and speak at the committee hearing as long as you aren't a sperg.

>As if 594 and 1639 haven't already done this

they will back anything retarded

Stab each and every one of their children and rape their bodies to initiate knife and sex ban

WA was based before CA locusts swarmed in

I'm actually a East Coastfag. I was gonna ask if there was anything we could do.
He's only joking Mr.FBI.

These people want to turn your civil liberty into a class C felony /k

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That is a disturbingly large proportion of women

Their all pussys and not one has birthed a child

Women's rights is the downfall of civilization. They constantly do shit like this until we get pillaged by barbarians and utterly destroyed.

The final redpill is realizing women need to be treated like property because they are fucking retarded.

>not one of them has birthed a child
Tell me about it. My district just ousted our trad Republican mother of 4 for some dumb grabber Democrat professor with no kids in her 40s. It’s all so tiresome

>but muh ay arr fiteen
imagine not using a nugget

"If any part of this bill is deemed unconstitutional none of its kther parts can be taken off."

LITERALLY genocide all californians now

should I register my NFA items considering I had to notify CLEO?

A lot of these bills are getting a committee hearing on Monday. That day's MLK day so some of us have work off. Myself and a few other Jow Forumsommandos are heading down to testify that day, so if you got the day off go testify.

No Quarter for Commies

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What info do I need to testify?


Welcome to the
~California Suicide Pact~

Seems like we're taking us all down with us

At least you'll be an example of how bad things can yet in so little time, in the modern age, at least.

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watch me comply, I'd rather die

Just bought a 60 drum for my AR. Would have never bought one if it where for these fuck laws.

How likely is this to pass. Also, what would be stopping someone from buying all their shit from Oregon? Not American btw

nothing is stopping them except that oregon is gonna have their 5 round cuck law

>>Bans possession of everything cool..

I swear the sooner these totalitarian iceholes get hit by a bread truck the better.

Well even it it did pass, the question is if it holds to that part of Heller that says you can't ban guns in common use. And there is literally no more common gun than the AR.

I WILL be fighting. LEO here, and I will fight every cop who enforces this illegal law

To bad they won't have a gun to shoot out the tires, engine or driver.

Serious question time:
Is it not time yet for the Revolution to begin? When is it time to take up arms? AFTER they take our guns? Or should we wait it out and let the Committee deal with it?

Where is the line in the sand for our rights? I'm willing to storm Olympia, but I'm not doing it without support of at least 1,000 other angry pissed off rednecks.

Aren't there teepee niggers in Washington? How are you supposed to take on the trogs without a thirty round mag or better?

Oh, here's the caveat for the AWB Bob Ferguson is pushing.

There's a clause in there that says that if one part of the law is struck down then it doesn't affect the other parts of the AWB. Meaning you'd have to sue for ALL 72 parts of the AWB.

I'm thinking the AWB ban is a red herring bill that the faggot commies can virtue signal over then the DNC can appear to compromise with a mere mag ban.

Could be wrong I ain't registering shit though

How the fuck is this kind of ruling allowed?

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hard to say, the final bill could be quite a bit different than what we have right now. On one hand the Dems hold large majorities, and in my opinion using 1639 as a litmus, a full register AWB probably isn't that popular of a position.

I'd say 35-40%



You Washington bros need to listen to this user, he's your friend!

Anyone that can go, please do. Anyone that isn't going to spill their spaghetti speaking, please do it as well. WA is legit on the path to be more neutered than CA, NY, or NJ.

holy shit

in 5 years WA has gone from having pretty decent laws to worse than California. WTF is going on there?

You guys I'm worried about the magazine ban BUT I'm also even more worried about this

lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2019-20/Pdf/Bills/House Bills/1073.pdf

""Untraceable firearm" means any firearm manufactured after July 1, 2019, for which the sale or distribution chain from a federally licensed dealer to the point of its first retail sale cannot be traced by law enforcement by means of a serial number
registered with a federally licensed manufacturer imprinted on its major component"

They want to ban all private manufacturing of firearms for personal use. P80 Glocks, 80% lowers, all banned under this bill disguised to only be banning "undetectable firearms" basically those crappy 3d printed guns that are unsafe. Even California is more lax in this regard, you can still make firearms you just have to put a serial on this. There is nothing in this bill about putting on serials after it goes into effect, it leaves no option at all for this. Simply put you cannot make your own firearms if I'm understanding this correctly. This is a big deal.


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fug... welp I guess I don't need those greyhound tickets now.

>No state is safe
I told you when they started passing this shit in California. That it was a test for other states. Bypassing the federal assault weapons ban. By doing it on a state level. Nation wide.

....Now dont forget to support the NRA, shop at buds gun shop. And buy Federal ammunition.

>do not comply
>get arrested
>take case to Supreme Court
>law revoced cause unconstitutional

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sue stating that the rule requiring us to sue on individual parst of the law is unconstitutional.

Kek, was thinking of moving there.

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it's time to either invade california or wall it off.

>9 women
The 19th amendment was probably the last nail in the coffin for the US. women consistently make decisions based upon emotion and coercion rather than logic and fact. If you look across the u.s., a majority of these trash Bills are sponsored by non-whites or women. And
>in b4 "fuck off stormfag"
Prove me wrong faggots.

I fucking knew this was gonna happen. Saw this shit coming from a mile away.

Women don't belong in politics. Non whites don't belong here at all.

pretty much this

Sooomeone missed Article 4 of this mean mother hubbard

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>Women, nonwhites, and men with conspicuous noses

Can't, you're right. Women think they're everyone's mother. Nonwhites are natural peasants that want to be stripped of their rights and ruled over in an idyllic little village. It's how it is all over the world. Europeans invented human rights to begin with and women have always been the first to want to punish men for every little vice and risk.

How long till califags shit up the entire west coast and start moving eastward like an infectious cancer?

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they will never leave the coast, port cities are too rich

what they'll do is abolish the current way representatives are doled out so populous states completely control the senate no matter what making it perma-blue (amurrica is a democuckracy righjt!?!?!?? where is muh popular vote! san francisco must exercise control over all of arkansas!)

Its already happening. Theyve taken oregon, theyve taken washington, theyve taken Colorado and soon they will take idaho too. The west coast is lost.

That cant happen unless the electoral college was abolished

They want that too because it prevents a few select cities from deciding the fate of places hundreds of miles away.

You can stop this by making the point that these people do not represent you and that the system is unjust in that seattle is making laws for republic. And then not complying. Along with the cops. Until you are denied state funds. And then you grab your gun and become one big state with idaho.


The Democrats have already proposed bills in the house for the ending of the electoral college. For 2019

>You can stop this by making the point that these people do not represent you and that the system is unjust in that seattle is making laws for republic.
Should we reverse a few seats in the senate for NAMBLA members as well, because no non-pedophile will ever truly represent them?

Remember, you hang traitors for all else to see.

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I don't understand why no one is organizing a bigger rally to demonstrate how this is not wanted. There was one guy mentioning it and asking for Anons to join in. But everyone here is just screaming, "MUH CALI SUICIDE PACT!!!" Go out and show your reps they aren't there for them, they are there for you. March and all that shit, it works both ways not just for leftists.

I think it's because we've mostly accepted that nobody is changing anyone's minds. The political climate is such that people feel compelled to vote for or against whatever will "hurt" the other side more.

>gun owners
>doing anything but slowly losing

That fatalist mentality is what is ruining contemporary gun owners. I don't even live in the state and I'm letting people know.

Just realized I got double dubs.


Just be thankful that in a generation those people will die without children to replace the. Darwinism works.

Except schools brainwash kids to be gungrabbers. They don't need to have kids when they teach everyone's kids.

How do we put the hurt on those
fuckers in King and Thurston?
Weaponize the homeless against the liberals perhaps?
Several camps of nutters blocks away from the state offices.
Let’s get creative.

Not a Washingtonfag but you cunts need to fight this as it progresses tooth and nail. How can there ever be Cascadia if you guys let yourselves get cucked on guns?

Why is it always women and also always Asians?


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>tfw Michiganfag

How in the fuck is that allowed?

since heller california and other states have been banning guns in common use. it has to be fought all the way through the courts which takes years

Michigan is underrated. Washington is dank as hell and the whole PNW is beautiful country too, Oregon to Alaska.

Am I reading this right or is open carry of a rifle and conceal carry with more than 10 rounds a class C Felony under this shit?

>inb4 lolbertarianism
You know it's true. The longer we wait, the worse off we'll be

WA fags need to go to the meeting happening on Monday and let the committee know that this shit isn't going to fly. Let your reps know this is not right. Gun owners cry and bitch when rights get infringed but never crush it legally when they see it forming and happening.

Here are a few protips if you're going to speak at a committee this week:

1) Prepare your remarks in advance and do at least one dry run to rehearse.
2) If you're nervous and flub your words, don't worry. Simply correct yourself and continue.
3) Try to construct your statement so as to find common ground with the people you are speaking to, then build your argument off that common ground.
4) Avoid inflammatory or violent rhetoric.
5) Don't insult people. Don't insult the AG, the governor, other politicians, the opposition in the room, etc. Don't even create a strawman and insult it. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
6) Do not use memes. Memes are not an opinion, argument, or fact. They are an explicit admission that you don't have anything original to say.
7) Look presentable. This is Washington so no one is probably going to care if you don't wear a suit and tie, but at least don't look like you just rolled out of bed.

>Jow Forumsommandos
>speaking in public
Have you been to a meetup?

As pessimistic as it is it seems that sometimes the only things we can do as civil gun owners is postpone bills/laws/etc. Such as these...unless we tire of being civil

>Have you been to a meetup?

Good lord no. Most of you people shouldn't be allowed within 5 miles of a committee hearing, but I assume there are at least a few people here who can pass for normal.

How would things be is a few tens of people arrived open carrying ARs?

>I'm willing to storm Olympia, but I'm not doing it without support of at least 1,000 other angry pissed off rednecks.
If even a few hundred showed up in kit, I think that would get their attention.

>If you're nervous and flub your words, don't worry. Simply correct yourself and continue.
>"h-h-h-h-h-hey g-g-g-guys, i'll h-have you know this bill is exhi-- extr- extremely uncons-stitutional"
>Try to construct your statement so as to find common ground with the people you are speaking to
>"Everyone knows the 2nd Amendment covers EVERYTHING including machine guns, missile launchers, and recreational mcnukes. It's our constitutional right. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, amirite fellow patriots?!?!"
>Avoid inflammatory or violent rhetoric.
>"you commie libcucks try to take my guns, a lot of the liberty tree will be refreshed with b-blood... ...i-in ...minecraft
> Don't insult people. Don't insult the AG, the governor, other politicians, the opposition in the room, etc.
>"I noticed there seems to be many people of a certain... *makes echo gesture with both hands*... demographic in this room who support this attempt to disarm LAW ABIDING citizens of their ability to not get burglarized, brutalized, or even murdered in this morally declining society"
>Don't even create a strawman and insult it.
>"You wanna know what the real massacre and genocide in this country is? Abortion. Kills hundreds of thousands of innocent lives a year. I don't see the supporters of this bill banning abortion."
>Do not use memes.
>"If this bill passes, pleeenty of us are gonna lose our eevil black rifles in a boating accident, I'm sure......Liberals seem to be spouting how the war on drugs doesn't work, why do they think it'll work with guns?......Think of all the innocent little doggos that'll be killed!!"
>Look presentable.
>"No ma'am, I'm not a veteran. There's nothing disrespectful about my shirt, RWBY is a highly empowering webseries that focuses on strong female leads."

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Check a look at the high-capacity assault rifle I just picked up today.

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A few hundred with hunting rifles unseen.
Oh fuck yeah.

based and red pilled

Hey hey theres some based califags

t. Live in California and want to die

To everyone blaming Californians, it's literally just Jews and all the Midwestern states liberals who leave to the PROGRESSIVE WEST COAST. You guys need to realize no matter where the jew or liberal is from they are going to want to remove your rights, they just moved to California first and fucked it up and then ran away to king county Washington in the 90s.