How the heck are you supposed to fight the government without reducing the public support for your cause...

How the heck are you supposed to fight the government without reducing the public support for your cause? If you plant a bomb in a government building and a bunch of people blow up, then most of the public is gonna hate you and much of your support will be gone, which in turn will decrease the amount of recruits you get and make it all the harder to actually fight the government.

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IRA did fine

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You are now realizing revolution in America is so unobtainable because kalergism has fully gripped this shit ass nation.

I've never heard of kalergism before, what's that?

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>and a bunch of people blow up
Do something that doesn't involve a bunch of random people blowing up.

target military installations? give enough warning to evacuate buildings but not enough to disarm the bomb? bomb at night when there should be less people working? youre retarded and cant do the simplest critical thinking?

Long story made un-long, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, the “father of the EU”, conceived a plan to blend the nations of the world into a light-brown 85-IQ underclass which would be ruled over by a (((leader nation)))

“The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. [...] Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process”

Kalergism is the destruction of free peoples

But even if you personally don't blow up civilians, one of the less careful members of your cause inevitably will at some point.

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>If you plant a bomb in a government building
Terrorism =/= fighting the government

I would try to crawl up her butt if I was one of those dudes.

Well how the hell are you supposed to fight the government without attacking any government officials?

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That's a factor, but the biggest factor keeping a real revolution from happening, is that the wildly varying opinions and political stances don't have borders. You could place some bias on big cities, sure, but state by state, town by town, the left/right thing is as varied as is the color of houses. There are no clear borders to be drawn like in the Civil War. So it would be hard to mobilize any local force with a cause behind it that could overcome meaningful resistance. Sure some super rural tiny towns could all be on the same page, but they wouldn't get any further than the closest town with a Wal-Mart. You could have 50,000 enclaves that are all on the same page but it doesn't mean anything if they can't mobilize. The irony is that the poorest small towns which have the most conservative (mostly older) populations simultaneously have the poorest, government dependent (mostly younger) population which will tend to lean left

>There are no clear borders to be drawn like in the Civil War
Actually fractions and borders in the Civil War did not prove so concrete as taught: There is the proposed state of Nickajack, the free State of Jones, the anti-Confederate rebellions in Tennessee and even the political geography of West Virginia.

The real issue is that no sides are considering or pushing for secession like they did in the 1850s, and that the country is not as polarized yet combined with a more expansive federal government.

That's just the thing user, there needs to be a point where the public at large or at least a good enough number to be powerful becomes so dissatisfied with the government that they desire change in the form of upheaval. Oftentimes that means that the government has to make an incredible overstep of their perceived power or grate on the public long enough on issues they disagree with until they've had enough. Until such a time comes, your fight for the government is either your own or confined to a small group of people perhaps. There's got to be a tipping point that generally speaking the government has to provide, look at the Russian Revolution for example. Until such a time comes, it can be very difficult to build resistance against a large government, at least with violence.

Not initially. But they quickly gained popular support because of the way Bongs handled the situation.

Individual attacks against important figures, rather than using indiscriminate weapons like bombs.
However, gaining popular support in America is basically impossible due to the political/class/racial divides. Someone will always hate you for something.
Also, terrorism is not necessarily about attacking the government. Its just about achieving ideological/political goals through the use of terror.

That bitch would be fucked. even at that size those tanks shells might come of as something like 32. acp shit still gonna kill her. fucking degenerates.

kill jews and only jews

I want that smelly hobo to step on me.

You first need to recruit substantial amount of people, especially the influential ones, and establish media support after that you can gather external powers and reinforce your cult even more. Eventually you will have either majority of the public or the military in your clutches, and your very own puppet politicians who are in the parliament; then you can go seize the goverment without any backfires

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By garnering more public support for your cause.

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How do you know when the public is ready for an upheaval though? It seems like much of the time everyone is waiting for someone else to make the first move, because everyone is so afraid of trying to kickstart the revolution only to find out that they were the only ones who wanted a revolution in the first place and getting arrested for their efforts.

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So what you're saying is whoever fucks up the least wins.

The shameless promotion of individualism and the demonizing of collectivism keeps us from experiencing philia, therefore nobody believes they have meaningful support even if they do, and so all of them wait for a savior or idol (that will never come given the above climate) to rally behind.

When you have 0 support from like-minded individuals in the real world, putting your life and well-being on the line for an ideological stand doesn't get you anywhere except financial ruin and dead. No hero's parade, no martyr status, no success - and not only your opponents, but THOSE YOU WERE FIGHTING FOR will ALL mock you and use you to dehumanize others taking a meaningful stand once you're eliminated.

No steps forward, two steps back.

This is the social landscape (((they))) have been working towards for the past hundred years, one where critical thinking is harshly punished because it roots out our best and brightest and keeps them from reproducing, either by imprisonment or socially ostracizing them.

We'd need 2 tings:
A) a committee to decide with authority the course of action for the body/movement to take
B) an unkiked publication to disseminate the opinions of the committee and unite the cause.

Huh, leftypol's still trying to shill us into thinking a revolution is impossible unless we go full commie. Say hi to your discord friends for me, OP. The serious answer is that optics and the Fake News won't matter anymore when it's time to revolt. Anyone who trusts CNN is already not on our side.

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We always hear of people blowing shit up, but its always public spaces or government buildings. How come they never target areas of vital infrastructure? Take CA for instance: a lot of the water used by So Cal get sent there using only a handful of extremely outdated pumps that can't be replaced. If you can control that, you can control their access to water and do what you will (I would personally deprive LA of water, fuck em).

no, the real reason is because people are still well fed and well entertained, no matter how much they hate their neighbors.

every major revolution or revolt has been preceded by hunger and economic downturn. i suspect nothing's changed on that front.

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Become some kind of red paint assassin, and go after unpopular targets, but instead of killing them you simply splatter them in red paint using paintball guns and paint bombs. Red paint, to keep the violent connotation.
The point is not to get kills, but instead to show it's possible, to put the writing on the wall for a revolution.

Pretend-assassinating multiple people in a distinctive way is very important because:
>You show that an individual can do heaps against the government and get away with it
>If you target people regardless of their party affiliations, you encourage people to look past bipartisan politics and realise that the enemy of their enemy is not their friend

Doing this can get the public used to the idea of unpopular powerful individuals being able to die randomly in an instant, and if they show support you can do something for real if it doesn't happen by itself.

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>risk spending decades in jail so I can put red paint on a guy
Yeah, no. That how plan sounds like a high risk, low reward situation.

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already been done with pies (full of lefty stuff but still)