I want to be left the fuck alone

>I want to be left the fuck alone.
>I don't need my road plowed, or any road, mail delivered, electricity, garbage pick up, cops, or any schools. I don't want to pay taxes of any kind.

How does one make this happen, tactically?

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move to Alaska and die from scurvy living off ramen and crabs

Become amish
Go inna words/desert/tundra

Own land that's outside of any city or town limits. Build your home there.

As far as I can tell South Dakota is essentially ANCAPistan. I don't think there are enough people there to notice if you just built a hose and started homesteading.

You sound like you should pick up a social hobby like martial arts or mountain climbing classes desu

Just go live in the woods

Woods and land are owned by the gov. or the banks.

Yes, but what happens when the tax man notices and comes a knockin.

I wonder this, too. I hope you find your answer, user.

bomb a federal building and secede your property.

Tax man can't come knocking if tax man thinks you're dead. Set yourself up to live comfortably innawoods and have some one fill out your death certificate.

Pack rat away a ton of money for a few years. Purchase off the grid unimproved land in the middle of nowhere with no vehicle access. Set up a trust where interest earned covers the small amount real estate tax plus capital gains and pays it automatically.

Go on and be your hermit self.

I believe there are some areas of Alaska with no property tax, of course no road either.

You can probably get away with this in northern Canada. If you can deal with the cold I think they'd leave to alone.

I don't know if this thread should be on /r9lk/ or Jow Forums, but this doesn't feel like it should be here.

I'll say Ruby Ridge real quick so that it's fair game.
>Ruby Ridge

Fake your own death, go innawoods

You buy the land to live on it retard. Or go live in the woods in alaska literally no one will notice.

>surprised the alternative to private land is it being owned by the government

Literally just fuck off innawoods robbing horny teenagers


I've considered doing the same thing myself user. Already have a list of things I'd need and places I could go. The problem is I think I'd find it very boring with internet and other people. But the one thing I'd really need is a woman to come with me, but no sane woman is going to want to leave her family, air conditioning, and social circle to come live in the wilderness with me.

To, me what paradise is, is getting a tribe of 20-30 people and living innawoods. The way humans are meant to live. What we are naturally tuned for. Not 350 million population societies in a 7 billion international community.


T. Yankton guy

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If you have the knowledge, skills, and resources, then it wouldnt be hard to find a remote place and live in total isolation. This isnt realistic or healthy.

This is an 18+ website lad.

Property taxes exist.

I actually had the same idea not too long ago

It's kind of dead right now but the guys behind it are trying to get nuggetfest more popular to build a base.

>I want to be left the fuck alone.
No, you don't. If you were left alone in the wilderness, you would probably starve to death.

You won't do it faggot.

Only if you live in a trash state.