
Attached: SHALLNOTBEINFRINGED.png (1439x913, 2.47M)

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will be and has been and will continue to be infringed with no resistance whatsoever. stop LARPing

What a faggot

prove me wrong (protip: you cant)

I don't spend time fraternizing with noguns homosexuals. However, if you want proof of resistance, I point you to the mass non-compliance with unconstitutional laws in NJ, NY, and CT.

>refusing to follow some un-enforcable laws that nobody checks on makes you a badass who fights for his rights

Lmao, no it fucking doesn't. That isn't resistance, that's just non-compliance. The Fed has been fucking our gun rights for 90 years and nobody has ever stood up and said "enough is enough." Nobody will, no matter how much you want to pretend that you're a Minuteman in Colonial Massachusetts, in reality you're just a tax cow like every other simple minded person in America. You'll bitch about the current state of affairs and claim it's all going to shit, but you'll never lift a finger to do anything about it, because that would mean giving up all of your comforts around you.

Stop LARPing.

If you say so kiddo. ;)

Really? So you're telling me that you've actually taken up your rifle and gotten into a shootout with the ATF for infringing on your gun rights? Wow dude, you're so cool! Can't believe I never heard about you on the news!

Stop being a LARPing faggot, it isn't cool. There's nothing wrong with trying to peacefully resist gun control by lobbying or supporting gun rights activists, but trying to pretend that you're a freedom fighter is pathetic. You aren't. I would wager that the government could outright say tomorrow that every single gun is banned and send people to collect them door to door and 99% of gun owners would hand them in. Yeah, they'd bitch and moan and talk about it on their Facebook, but they wouldn't do anything. We've become sedentary and comfortable in our convenient modern lives. There'd probably be a few people who would hide their guns and lie about it, and then they'd pretend like they were resisting, just like you are, but they wouldn't be. It's basically like a kid lying about taking a cookie from the jar. He thinks he's a badass rebel that got away with something amazing, when in reality his mom knows he took the cookie and would rather just let him smirk and think highly of himself than ground him for it.

You have never done anything to actually fight against tyranny, you don't even know the meaning of the word. Stop acting like you would do anything.

the last time someone stood up for our rights you faggots bitched about it incessantly for 6 years until 9/11 gave you something else to bitch about

Attached: mcveigh deal with it.jpg (287x273, 18K)

>this level of denial
i bet you take the boating accident meme unironically. the absolute state of nu-Jow Forums

Do you really expect me to read all that shit? We get it, you're a noguns pussy.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2017-12-20-at-5.22.20-AM-678x381.jpg (678x381, 52K)

Fuck off with your cocksucking of Federal Agents.
Faggot bombs a federal building to get back at the ATF and conveniently every single ATF agent was out to lunch, but the daycare center was full? surely a coincidence.

>moving the goalposts

Who, McVeigh? I've got no problems with him. Contrary to what you're probably thinking, I'm not a fed or some shit, and I certainly have no love for the government. But I'm also a realist and not a LARPer and I know perfectly well that I, like 99% of gun owners in America, would likely never take up arms against the government. I've got a home, a wife, kids, friends, family, a career, three hot meals a day and running water and electricity. There's too much for the average American to lose, especially considering so many of our modern conveniences come directly or indirectly from the government. Economies aren't localized anymore, they're globalized. The government has the ability to strangle the supply to the economy now in a way they never did before. People, at least unconsciously, know this.

Like I said, I'm not a fan of gun control, and deep down I do wish people would rise up and do something about it. But the fact of the matter is that this has been going on for 90 years and not once has there been any kind of an organized resistance to it. Going around and pretending that you yourself would is pathetic, and it's a lie. It's just LARPing as a Minuteman or some shit.

first of all, that image is cropped to hide what actually happened, and it wasnt BLM

secondly, how the fuck does a bunch of angry conservatives counter protesting a bunch of niggers prove anything? thats not resisting the government or fighting for your rights. are you fucking retarded?

>Patsy McNig
>standing up for our rights

BLM here is the bureau of land management you fucking retard. How new are you?

>99% of gun owners would hand them in
1% of gun owners in the US is 1 million people. That's a lot of resistance.

No I'm not, but you are certainly an internet tough guy. I don't know why I'm arguing this with you fags, I just wanted you to know that it's honestly very sad and pathetic that you think you would actually do anything to defend your gun rights. The very fact you're sitting here typing on your computer and not six feet under or locked behind bars for 40 years is proof of that. I would have a lot of respect for anyone that actually fought to defend their freedoms. But you haven't, you aren't, and you never will.

>bomb an office at lunch time
>everyone on lunch doesnt blow up

>moving the goalposts

For your reading pleasure, newfag

Go suck a dick or something, stop projecting your submissiveness onto me. You wanted examples of resistance, and we've given you plenty. I'm barely skimming your dumbass blogposting.

Attached: mcveigh bombs away.jpg (1092x747, 203K)

What goal posts are being moved? An ar.ed militia stood up to a bunch of feds and the feds backed down.

Post your guns or get out. We know you get paid to shill but you wont change any minds here you cuckit faggot.
Daily reminder that these faggots do this in their free time

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Then why haven't we seen any of it yet? Everyone on here loves to circlejerk over how we could make such a massive militia army to resist the government. And it's true, we would, fighting an insurgency of a million determined people would be incredibly difficult. So why haven't you done it?

I'm not trying to shame you into feeling bad about it. I'm just pointing out that LARPing and pretending that you're actively fighting the government is a lie. And shitposting on Jow Forums saying shit like "FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS" is pathetic and something you would expect from the range fag that has moldy labia stickers all over his shit.

The government has been taking guns from our hands for 90 years, and they've only had to do it from a handful of cold, dead ones in that time.

Post your guns

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admit you would resist against the government and shoot federal agents. you would do it to defend your 2nd amendment rights, wouldnt you? admit it now or you are both all talk pussies

>muh Shareblue

Christ you people are fucking dumb. What the fuck have I said here that is in any way some type of propaganda? By trying to give you a reality check? Here's your reality check. Are you alive? Are you typing on your computer, paying taxes, and going to work every day? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, congratulations, you are not the brave freedom fighter you think you are because clearly you are not engaged in armed rebellion against the government of the United States. And trying to pretend that you are is a slap in the face to the very few gun owners who have had the bravery to put their money where their mouth is and defend themselves from tyranny.

Either pick up your gun and start fighting for your rights that have been stripped away for the past century, or sit down and shut the fuck up and stop pretending that you're the same as a Minuteman at Lexington. Doing that is honestly so fucking disrespectful to their image and legacy. They were willing to give up their families, their freedom, and even their lives to fight for what they believed in. What fighting have you done?

I'm not advocating for anymore gun control you fucking faggot, I'm asking you why you insist on pretending that you would go to war with the government despite the fact that you never have and never will.

>being this mad
>being this noguns
>blogposting this hard

You really don't know what you're talking about

give up hope bro. ive tried for years to tell them this and all they do is call me a jew or a liberal when that doesnt even have to do with the point we are trying to make. the people arent patriots, most of them arent even gun owners yet they'll call you noguns to fit in. this place is full of schizophrenics and man babies. try not to take this site too seriously and you'll enjoy it a lot more

shut the fuck up you goddamn fed. you're either a federal agent or a paid shill.


I hope the shutdown lasts a year and you kill yourself after your wife leaves you because you couldn't make ends meet.

No one is going door-to-door taking guns. And I agree with you, you stupid faggot. 99% of gun owners would turn them in, but just 1% resisting is a LOT of people and is the reason no one will go door-to-door.

holy shit you are out of your god damn mind. stop and think about what you are saying. youre worse than a liberal drunk on CNN

>kills no ATF agents at all
>"We did it!"

I'm calling the cops!

This is a board that thinks posting little Timmy and doggo memes is rebellion. As soon as a new bill gets in the works, like in OR or WA, they instantly start to cry
>muh noncompliance
>write your reps!
>maybe SCOTUS will save us
>start looking for loopholes, I don't think they clearly defined this little term!
>heh, le boat accident

>Kills no ATF agents at all
>believing the story the feds tell you about a bombing on a federal building
are you that fucking stupid?

As much as I hate to admit it, this guys is right about that. The problem Johnny is that we're pretty comfortable with non compliance and are just dreaming for the day we get to use them on a tyranny.

Since it's blatantly obvious you're very new here, federal agents come to Jow Forums and say things like "hey guys, we should [bomb a federal building]/[shoot government agents]/[assassinate some politician]! By the way, join my (((discord))) so we can organize ourselves better!"

If you can't tell that this guy is a fed, you haven't been here long enough.

>ATF workers
>like 35k a year
>all of them can afford to go to lunch

You faggots said that no one has ever resisted tyranny. I have given you numerous examples of resistance. The effectiveness of each of these examples is up for debate, but I have proven your original point completely wrong. Now you want to move the goalposts. Resistance is happening all the time, you guys really don't know what you're talking about.
I noticed that none of you little bitches have posted your guns yet either.

Getting comfy noncompliance is the best thing to do right now. We need respect for authority and law to continue to erode.

how has he called for violence? he didnt say that anywhere. all he said was that faggots like you pretend that you are patriots upholding the constitution when you are actually complacent bitches.
oh but i know im a newfag, shill, blueshare, jew, FBI nigger, glow in the dark nigger, noguns, part of the subversion discord, and a D&C shill

>if he points out I'm an all talk LARPer, he's a Fed!
Kek, whatever makes you feel important, buddy

post yours first faggot

Post your guns and we can continue this discussion. You have no right to post here if you don't own weapons. You're literally just shilling otherwise

Attached: Explaining gun control for dummies - aka - the drone strike falacy.jpg (872x886, 287K)

Post your guns with a timestamp and I'll tell you how I'm not a "LARPer"