
why is nobody talking about this on here? its the next most possible war the US may get involved in
>USA, Poland, Colombia, others, recognize Juan Guaidó the New President of Venezuela
>Protests raging across the country, thousands in the streets
>Military pledges alliance to Maduro
>Brazil talks of invasion
>Russia threatens to protect Venezuela
>Maduro orders U.S. diplomats to leave within 72 hours
>US says diplomats will not leave Venezuela, does not recognize authority of Maduro to order them out
>AOC, Gabbard, voices support for Maduro
>20+ deaths in the past hours, violence escalating, rebels fighting national security

>Countries that today have formally recognized Guaidó as Interim President of Venezuela:
Costa Rica

>Countries that have formally recognized Nicolás Maduro as President of Venezuela:

I think this is the one lads, to keep it Jow Forums related what do you hope to see most
>for me, its M1A2s in OD green moving through the streets of Caracas with F35s zooming overhead
thread theme

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Other urls found in this thread:

I hope Woodland makes a comeback

Please God do I pray for war.

Who's down for some Jow Forumsommando freedom fighters!

time to remove Empanada

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A coalition similar to Desert Storm is gonna form to oust him and we're gonna fuck up and leave a power vacuum but instead of sandniggers it will be jungleniggers that fill the gap. Checkem


what the fuck lmao

>why is nobody talking about this on here?
Because the last 20 threads have been deleted.

going to a recruiter to enlist as 19/k/ as we speak

>why is nobody talking about this on here?
Learn to use the catalog, dipshit:

Venezuelan Military

>AMX-13/Mle F.3155mm (unknown number)
>T-72B1V (192 units)
>S-300VM 12 batteries of 3-4 launch vehicles each
>BUK-M2 7 batteries, co-shared with the Venezuelan Marine Corps
>S-125 Pechora-2M 24 mobile missile systems
>AMX-30 (84 units)
>AMX-13C.90 (36 units)
>Scorpion 90FV-101 (78 units)
>BMP-3 (130 BMP-3M, 10 BREM-L)
>AMX-13 Rafaga (unknown number)

>Mil Mi-35 (10 in service)
>Sukhoi Su-30 (23)
>F16 (19)

>2 diesel-electric submarines
>3 missile frigates
>4 corvettes
>10 patrol vessels
>5 amphibious ships and service ships

should be fun

Wouldn't mind a deployment there. No snow, no sand, urban warfare against a conventional foe is fun, kill communists.

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>War in Venezuela

The Vietnam of South America.

>Fortunate son intensifies.

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but this time we win

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AMX-13s are wonderfully fun little tanks. It'll be great to see them on Liveleak.

>protestors block roads because an election didn't go the way they want
We have a way of dealing with that we can teach the Venezuelans.

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>Combat shotguns will finally be relevant in the dense jungles and close quarters fighting for the most oil-rich country in south america

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>not realizing you're gonna be fighting in a steamy, shitty jungle loaded with poisonous things

Hopefully they have KLMK in Venezuela.

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get your malaria shots boys, freedom is coming in hot.

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We'd be helping the ones protesting the election you stupid nigger

>Desert Storm 2: Jungle Boogaloo

Remember when Mexico was considering letting Germany use it as a base to invade the US?

They got a lot of really nice gear, what the fuck

you are forgetting two crucial things. The Jungle and Communism

Hold up, fellas. Is a full-blown intervention necessary? Why can't we just use some spooks or SpecOps, like we have in Africa or Nicaragua?
A full invasion will also prompt a response from Russia and China.

because its our heritage to go after commies in the jungle.

They nationalized every major resource and seized every companies assets to liquidate and use the money to buy all that shit that they now can’t maintain

Im less interested in how we will spin this into an intervention and more interested in how Jow Forums will spin this into the work of the jews and the destruction of the whyte rayce. I guess I just prefer fiction to documentaries.

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>2 Diesel-electric subs
I'm so fucking ready for modern ASW operations to take place, the past 70 years have been one giant naval cock tease.

How has this gotten zero love?
It's the 80's again gents. Time to go Monroe on the Americas.

Dudes in the pic are wearing the pre-commie uniform, they swapped out cammies for these and declared themselves in rebellion against Maduro. Watch for the military starting to defect tonight.

>You're the President of Venezuela and the US/assorted neighbors are about to invade and impose their globalist homosexual regime on you and your people

Tell me how to survive

the 80's? 55-75 left a giant power gap baby.

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>A full invasion will also prompt a response from Russia and China.
So did Korea, and Vietnam, and the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Nicaragua, and Desert Storm, and so on. They're our only major adversaries; it's their job to respond.
I'm not saying an invasion is necessary. I'm just saying that we couldn't give less of a fuck about what Russia and China think about it. Hell, what do either of those countries even have to gain from supporting Venezuela? It's not like Venezuela can afford to buy any more weapons from them.

It would be interesting to see how combat operations and planning go. Smaller scale urban/jungle skirmishes, plenty of civilians, likely to be hella fog of war.

Are columbia and Brazil just going to sit there? Russian interests in south america. I could go on, makes me want to activate.

>You're the President of Venezuela
>Tell me how to survive

You don't you wretched commie puke.

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>trying to survive
waste of time, lock yourself in as big of a room as you can with as many high quality hookers as available and consume enough Cocaine to kill 15 men.

The US has been through jungle war with commies before. Needs more Napalm

>S-300VM 12 batteries of 3-4 launch vehicles each
>BUK-M2 7 batteries, co-shared with the Venezuelan Marine Corps
>S-125 Pechora-2M 24 mobile missile systems

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China doesn't actually care. Russia can't project for shit so they'll just complain like they always do.

Colombia has come out in support of the opposition. Assuming they don't get even more fucked over by refugees, they may help out; I have to imagine those guys are pretty good at the whole "hunting down motherfuckers in the jungle" thing.
Brazil would probably just close the border. I don't know much about the new guy in charge, but he doesn't seem like the type to get involved. I doubt he'd be crazy about US forces hanging out so close, but they've already recognized the opposition, and I can't imagine he would want to get any more involved than that. If anything Guyana would be the issue, acting like a sort of Pakistan to Venezuela's Afghanistan, ie a sovereign state we're not at war with, but has no real means of controlling the flow of guys we are at war with.

those things are all getting vaporized

>and yea, it shall be good

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Because learn how to use the catalog. It's a good 3 days before anything interesting happens anyway and right now it's politics.

mexico currently has a socialist president

At this point I don't even care about "muh commies muh crazy muslims" or whatever. Sure, Maduro is a fucking retarded bus driver that can't manage a country worth a shit. I'm just happy that at least some countries aren't directly controlled by jewish/multinational corporate interests, at least some countries are free of this anti-human cancer. Venezuela falling is one less truly independent country.

Hugo Chavez. The butthole buddy of the liberal press and obomba. They loved him.

Problem is, he ran the once prosperous country into the ground. Now cnn and msnbc are distancing themselves from their former loverboy.

Personally I don't think there should be any American boots on the ground for a plethora of reasons. Any ground forces needs to be a coalition of neighboring nations. Now, as for more 'high-value' targets I'm sure the USN and AF could lend a hand.

Hopefully none of this would have come to pass though. I wouldn't be surprised for mass defections if shit starts flying and rank and file know Maduro's hours are numbered.

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Nostalgia, anyone?

You expect the Media to talk about a Failed Socialist State after it was embraced by Obama and his minions?
Sweet, summer child!

>I have to imagine those guys are pretty good at the whole "hunting down motherfuckers in the jungle" thing.
Yes they actually are. They fought a 20-year counterinsurgency against a bunch of narco terrorists using little more than lend-lease Hueys and guts, and WON. They're the beaner equivalent of Delta Force.

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Venezuela once had an economy second only to 1970's California

>countries aren't directly controlled by jewish/multinational corporate interests
>what is PDVSA?
>what is Citgo?
>what is the nation with the world's larges oil reserves?

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Kill yourself

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See, there ya go. We'll have some nice Latin Montagnards to help us out.

Low effort shills begone. Nobody believes your neocohen war talk anymore, Chaim.

Those are state-owned companies you colossal faggot, the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of a multinational corporation you absolute fucking retard.

Meh. Give them some kit and some tax credits and let them do it.

You are a retard.

I find it strange that you’re praising the Venezuelan government for the same reasons you hate jews

>Those are state-owned companies
Yeah, that's the fucking point you stupid cunt; what fucking chance does a nation like that have?

>Countries that today have formally recognized Guaidó as Interim President of Venezuela:
>Costa Rica
Denmark and Poland??? WTF???

Poland is trying hard to be baby USA, they'll do what we do.

But this time the public doesn't support the commies

>At this point I don't even care about "muh commies muh crazy muslims" or whatever. Sure, Maduro is a fucking retarded bus driver that can't manage a country worth a shit. I'm just happy that at least some countries aren't directly controlled by jewish/multinational corporate interests, at least some countries are free of this anti-human cancer.
Exactly this.

I for one, welcome our new polish underlings

Poland is pretty fucking awesome, they’ve always had our back and they’re not full of faggots like the other euro countries

Ours does.

Attached: democratic socialists manifesto.jpg (500x509, 50K)

Poland hates Russia and Germany. They will do anything to get America favor.

>*break on through intensifies*

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That's a funny way of spelling Iran.
Isn't that the way it always goes?

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become homosexual?

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Have they invaded the US? No, huh... Oh! But if we do sack their country, will the plunder go straight to the American people? Will I at least get free oil and a personal venezuelan waifu? No? Oh, I see... it's all gonna go to the corporations... gee, I don't know, Bill. Not feeling this (((war))) any more than the last 5 or so.

You're still a retard, retard.

Yes, I want to play online again. Fuck you EA

We should use it as an excuse to invade and purge their cartal run government and secure a buffer zone for our wall.

Blood for the blood god, War is entertainment.

The left may not necessarily be for war, but they definitely do not support Maduro. For better or for worse, the ol' "it's not real socialism!" thing may work out in our favor.


inb4 this is a viral marketing stunt for World of Tanks or Warthunder

>getting involved in beaner politics
>starting a war so millions of refugees can swarm america
>trump finally gets funding for the wall

I see now


Couldn't they wait 6 months until I'm on a deployment cycle? Jungle would be a nice change of pace. We've got dudes all over that continent already, I'd love to see them get let off the leash.

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This desu
Literally who gives a fuck about the politics and corporate shenanigans, i wanna see cummies get btfo in HD

>but they definitely do not support Maduro.
Yes they do. Browse some social media; they're still stoned on the idea of Venezuela as a working model of a socialist paradise. And they're so reactionary and violently anti Orange Man that the whisper of 'intervention' would cause them to go flat berserk.

How's the weather in Moscow this time of year?

>Browse some social media
I'd really rather not. Fair enough though, I may have misjudged the balance of reactionary humanitarian rhetoric with reactionary anti-trump rhetoric.
That being said, the very worst case scenario is that the situation devolves into an actual civil war, at which point the failed state is no longer salvageable, the aforementioned "not real socialism" cope kicks in, and Democrats are pretty okay with a war once Maduro starts shooting women and children or whatever.
I'm no political scientist. I'm just saying; I don't see the sort of support for Venezuela's "sovereignty" among the left that we see for nations like, well nobody really, but still.



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was infantry reservist for years, no deployment and a month after i sign my release papers this shit happens. ill be pissed.

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>USA bombs a few Venezuelan Army HQ/C2 centers
>Army defects to other ruler
>Maduro on his own
>Gets dragged through the streets Mussolini style

There won't be a war. The Venezuelan army is only on Maduros side because they're getting fed.

And in the aftermath, anti-commie death squads.

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> Lopez Obrador has fended off criticism over the move, saying: "It's not about (ideological) sympathies. It's about our foreign policy and our foreign-policy principles."

Well. This just got interesting.

That wall ought to get ten feet higher and it ought to be paid for by seizing the assets of every illegal spic in the CONUS.

One giant naval cock tease. Jow Forums

It's not about ideology. Mexico's foreign policy is to not have a foreign policy; if you don't make waves, you don't make enemies. Should Guaido end up in power, Mexico will switch to supporting him.

Why? They lost the election. They just need to get over it. Run 'em over.