Fuck the Taliban. We can win in Afghanistan

Seriously why are we negotiating with a bunch of goat herders they're Muslim terrorists?

Why are we letting ourselves be defeat by a bunch of Muslims who hate us for our freedom.? Why is our leadership cutting and running from the enemy when we should be fighting them until they are completely destroyed and their ability to wage war on America is severely crippled.

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Most Americans probably don't care about Afghanistan anymore

No one gives enough of a fuck.

Fuck the PAVN and the VC. We can win in Vietnam.

Seriously why are we negotiating with a bunch of rice farmers they're Communist terrorists?

Why are we letting ourselves be defeat by a bunch of Communists who hate us for our freedom.? Why is our leadership cutting and running from the enemy when we should be fighting them until they are completely destroyed and their ability to wage war on America is severely crippled.

Who gives a shit about who runs fucking Afghanistan? Bring those troops home and put them on *our* border.

Their resolve to die is greater than our resolve to kill them.

Oh noooo! Who will defend the opium fields that Purdue Pharma is using to destroy the working class now?

The only way to win is widespread chemical&biological weapons usage, anthrax on the farms and all that, it's also very much against the political goal which is why the US is there in the first place.

What would happen if we would just let the Taliban take over Afghanistan? Like who would give a fuck?

Well IDK what happened that lead us to going in there in the first place

Toby Keith wanted blood after 9/11 so americans voted unanimously to go kill anyone and anything that may or may not have had to do with 9/11 except the jews.

I mean obviously the jews were behind it but Al Qaeda did have a significant leadership presence in Afghanistan that the Taliban just allowed

>I mean obviously the jews were behind it

Grow the fuck up.

Calm down there rabbi

We already got what we wanted, it's not like we can scare them more than the fear of god can. Hell, i suspect that we only beat the Japanese in WW2 because their literal god surrendered to us.

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>wage war on america

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Sure we could, just do it like the british did in India. Manage all the schools and religious centers, ban and burn whatever books don't fit our view of what Afghan culture should be, make sure that everyone in charge was educated at American universities. Do that, and some mild policing, and in 20 years Afghanistan will just be a bigger, browner switzerland.

The only problem is that liberals don't have the balls for this

It's also not economically viable. colonizing is too much of a financial burden these days.
the only reason we're there is so that china and russia aren't.

How much money could it cost to provide electricity and (re)education for Afghanistan? Get the private sector on it, offer preferential treatment and tax cuts for investment in Afghanistan. Lean on our allies to do the same and put in free trade agreements. Not hard shit

The Saudis flew some planes into our buildings?

Seriously why are we negotiating with a bunch of goat herders they're Muslim terrorists?

Why are we letting ourselves be defeat by a bunch of Muslims who hate us for our freedom.? Why is our leadership cutting and running from the enemy when we should be fighting them until they are completely destroyed and their ability to wage war on the Soviet Union is severely crippled.

STFU and go back to your videogames, Timmy.

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The only way to make it benifitial to everyone is to make afghanistan saudi arabia 2.0, and that's the last thing saudia arabia want.
If they have power they will fight their neighbors, and if they stay in "developing" purgatory then more extremist groups will just pop up. It's a loose -loose situation we're in.

Really? Why can't we just supress and replace their native culture with liberalism, and peace and free trade and all the rest of it? Wouldn't that be enough to get them on the road to prosperity without pissing off the powers that be?

Afghanistan has been a tribal society for its entire existence, to call it a 'country' as understood in the western or oriental understanding of the world is a mistake. It is more accurate to view Afghanistan as a region which experiences eternal endemic warfare and united only by a shared religious tradition. If you think you can change hundreds (if not thousands) of years of history, you have more faith than I. The average IQ of people who live in Afghanistan 84, almost 1 standard deviation less than the average IQ of Americans. Its infant mortality rate it the highest in the world. It is culturally more akin to the nations of antiquity than any modern secular democracy. The Taliban were douchbags for harboring OBL, but they have never been an expansionist terrorist threat like ISIS or Al-Qaeda. If we leave Afghanistan, it will likely remain as it always has.

>hate us for our freedom
And here I was stupidly thinking invading their country, killing their family, and bombing their weddings with little reason was the cause for some kid for being mad and becoming radicalized. Thank you for showing me the truth, you delusional asshole.

Nope, their religion is so splintered with so much hate and bad history between the groups that violence is the only result. until one group holds the whole region they will keep shooting at each other. Honestly it's kinda all our faults since their anger against their neighbors is completely justified, but since they are our allies we have to side with them.

Literally who cares, nuke the whole region and do the world a favor.

But we could enforce peace on this area and reeducate all the kids. Anyone tries to start something, bomb them into the dirt. 20 years on when the next generation has been soaking in American-style education and American entertainment and American philosophy, the ideas, the very concepts that would allow them to rebel in an Afghan way will be dead.

Colonialism round 2 let's go boiiiiiiiis

But Why?

No it fucking wouldn’t, the only thing keeping Saudi Arabia alive is their oil supply.
Assuming you are actually serious Afghanistan is hardly a country in the modern sense of the word at all. The only way that would be even possible is if Afghanistan goes through a major warring states period like China or Japan where one group comes out completely dominant which has a snowballs chance in hell of happening. It was always a net negative for any outsider to try to take control of it, as was the case with the USSR, as was the case with Britain, and as was the case with the US, and those are just the three recent examples.
Perhaps you should read more into the history of Afghanistan. Not even the fucking Mongols and Mughals could fully make such thing a reality.

That's not possible, we still have native Americans. culture is something that humans hold with their life, you can't remove them from it. many have tried and all have failed.
that's why there is no colonization anymore.

Trying to industrialize a sub 85 iq middle eastern nation is like trying to teach a kid with down syndrome calculus. There's no point.

My best friend and I can remember when we first invaded Afghanistan, we were probably like 5-6 years old at the time. Growing up, every year or so there would be someone from our hometown that got killed over there. Everyone would mourn, but we always thought of it as some faraway thing that didn't impact us. He just joined the Marines about two years ago and he just got his orders that he'll be deploying to the Sandbox. His little brother just turned 18 and enlisted too, I wonder if they'll send him too. Just think about that. The War in Afghanistan was a pointless war that was started when we were just children, and now he's going off to fight there, and his little brother, who wasn't even alive when the Twin Towers fell, is putting on his boots and grabbing his gun and will likely be joining his brother there.

The generation war. More meat to the grinder. I hope my friend doesn't get hurt.

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What are you talking about? any country that's willing to enter the world stage using their economic benefits is an ally to every superpower in the world.
They have a shit ton of mining opportunities in the region, but no one will go there to mine it because they will blow up then. If a group can get a foothold on the region they can then make their own companies and then mine the resources. but since everyone and their mother has an AK and a grudge the idea is far from likely.

It reminds me of the forever war.

The Taliban did nothing wrong

We allied with the child rapists that the Taliban was founded to fight

We protect the opium farms that they tried to wipe out

I dont care about sand niggers but your brain has been jewed If you think we should be in afganistan.

Combat operations have for the most part ended now though several years ago.

>Assuming you are actually serious Afghanistan is hardly a country in the modern sense of the word at all.

Which is why you would make it into one through reeducation.

>Not even the fucking Mongols and Mughals could fully make such thing a reality.

They didn't have the overwhelming military superiority that we did. Using that military superirority, reeducation and value supplantation is a posibility. Like the british in India - Why is India a democracy today? They didn't have it for thousands of years, but the British came in and told them what their national identity would be from that point on.

Do we really? Native Americans barely speak their own language. Their culture and civilizations have practically been wiped out.

I mean if it relatively worked in Pajeetstan

Why should we do that though?

I have no problem if dumb afghans want to live as tribals and bacha bazi their boys. It’s a waste of time and effort that we could spend on literally anything else

The problem is that organiations like Al Qaeda like to use anarchic shitholes (or friendly shitholes) like Afghanistan as staging grounds for stuff in the west, as we have seen. The fewer such shitholes exist, the better.

But what if we just don’t let any people from those places in, instead of doing the current “invade the world, invite the world” gig we’ve been doing for the last 30 years.

Can’t have Muslims mowing down people at your Christmas markets if there aren’t Muslims in your country in the first place.

We can't spend our time and effort civilizing all the third world shitholes. Some people just can't be changed. Instead we should focus on our own nation's issues and future.

The liberal leftists need their votes though.

A. ethics is a big issue
B. you can convert people to a religion and fill their heads with bullshit.
Unless you are willing to suppress even the existence of islam then you are having a pipe dream. and if you do censor all mentions of islam then freedom of speech is dead.

Are you even old enough to post here or do Americans just have terribly short memories? The Taliban hosted bin laden and al-qaeda, bin laden did 9/11, we demanded bin laden. The Taliban were probably regretting allowing him to stay there, giving him up would go against their word and destroy them, so we ended up invading because the politicians wanted a war and the populace were angry enough to want it.

Fighting endless insurgencies is not worth the time and effort.

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Extreme vetting of immigrants and deportations of illegals. It's not hard, just stop them from commingled when we have enough people already and enough issues in the country to deal with

That makes things more difficult for terrorists, but not impossible. Unless you want to completely cut off all trade with at least half of the world (which would impact your prosperity in a stupid way) then a terrorist could go from a shithole to a slightly less shit hole that you have economic relations with and go to you through forged documents or what have you.

It would be far cheaper to civilize these areas than to economically abandon them and their resources. The only problem is that our free trade masterminds don't have the balls to do what free trade demands.

Buddy, we haven't spent more than 20% of our budget on military in the past 2 decades. And if you think that reeducating them would be more expensive get real.

Rhetorical question, read the context.

You can indoctrinate them to think that liberal values (classic liberal you memelords) are more important than their heritage in a political context rhough, it's been done before in India, China, Russia, etc. Indoctrination starts with education.

True but we’re talking about ideal systems here.
I don’t care about ethics that say that infinity brown savages should be in my country because it’s sad they’re not here. And sorry, I meant Muslims as a proxy for talking about afghan/African/Arab/whatever people. You can’t block an idea from spreading but you sure as hell can block people.

*Comming in

Chinks are mining there. Locals don't have a particular reason to hate them and chinks are bribing them.

hurr durr good goy die for israel

So because a measure wouldn’t have 100% effectiveness, we shouldn’t do it? It’s far easier to implement a rule that says “complete shutdown on immigration, full stop” while we deal with our own problems, than to occupy and attempt to civilize savages.

Economic visitors would be tracked via a functional entry/exit program, which again, is not hard.

well good on the chinks then. they get 3 trillion dollars of resources just for going in through the back door.

>Afghanistan as staging grounds for stuff in the west, as we have seen.
This is a total meme lie designed to con Americans into fighting pointless wars. 9/11 was planned in suburban Florida, Germany and Saudi Arabia. 7/7 was planned by a bunch of immigrants in London. The pulse shooting was carried out by a gay lone wolf who was born in New York. The lead DC sniper was a US Army vet. You don't need a special "staging ground" to plot a terrorist attack, you just need a living room where a couple of radicals can sit down and chat. The idea that US is at greater risk of being attacked because we don't control some worthless plots of land that are thousands of miles away from us is absurd.

jidf pls go and stay go

The Chinese have a pretty good strategy going,
>Go into a 3rd world country with limited government preferably in Africa or the Middle East
>Pay off the sub room temp iq locals with pocket change
>Reap the profits
It's basically free money without having to participate in armed conflict

eric prince and his new company.

I wonder what Taliban guys shits smell like haha. Like anyone that had been over there, can you describe the smell? Or take any pictures? Just curious haha. Not in a weird way but I would want to smell it out of curiosity haha

this is the finest, most truthful explanation of why we went into Afghanistan.
no, when it was a Buddhist kingdom before the muslim shitshows, it was a nice place, and had public works built by alexander the great that were still being maintained, until the mudslimes trashed the place.
those drunken injuns would sell their own diseased livers and cultures away for some rotgut ugandan moonshine sold in oil jugs.

>The private sector.

Honestly we tried this method of neoliberal guidelines to attract (and/allow) foreign investment in Iraq after we overthrew Saddam. The weakness in the strategy is that the majority of private investment went straight to resource extraction (oil and shit). I'm just not certain how we would bring these countries into the global economy outside of central planning. How is a backwater, fairly unindistrialized country like Afghanistan supposed to compete with a China or a Bangladesh? this goes into strategic studies but I still have reading to do in this area

Our so called "Allies" in the country are, honestly, worse. The Taliban have zero desire to host Al Qaeda again, and they are starting encroach on Pakistan, paying those fuckers back for all the bullshit we have put up with from them. Last time I checked, even aside from all the bullshit mismanagement, American forces do absolutely nothing to curb the opium growing and heroin production that is getting force fed into Russia and the American Midwest, and American forces are forbidden from objecting to local warlords kidnapping boys to dress up as girls and rape them and make them do strip dancing.

In fact, its mandatory in American forces to accept and promote such behavior.

So.....fuck off?

>their ability to wage war on America is severely crippled.
Is nonexistent. All we have to do is expell and ban all Muslims and ethnicities that are predominantly Muslims from our country. There done.

>The weakness in the strategy is that the majority of private investment went straight to resource extraction (oil and shit).

That's a plus, you idiot.
CIA and British carried out several operations just to make sure that's what happens when an opportunity presented itself for some state in the Middle East to nationalise said oil instead of letting some dude buy it and then sell it to the West for cheap, funding his villas instead of national economy.

>Not even the fucking Mongols and Mughals could fully make such thing a reality.
Those two assholes are the ones that ruined the place. It used to be the center of civilization in Asia. Back when it was called Bactria.

Meanwhile Europe is opening the floodgates to them and wondering why their Crime and terror rates are skyrocketing.



Fuck off retard.

>Extreme vetting
No. No such thing. Don't allow shitskins, muslims and ethnic Chinese in. And expel ALL Asians who slant to the political Left, even a little.

>Back when it was called Bactria.
Ehhh, you're about 1000 years off there. Bactrian hellenic culture died off well before temujin showed up. They were part of the caliphate when the mongols rolled through on the way to Baghdad.

Another thread that nationalists btfo neocons

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NeoKikes have had nearly 20 fucking years. They fucked up. Bye bye.

Who gives a fuck. They're halfway around the world. Why is it OUR job to eliminate them? Gee, I wonder which country it benefits? Hint: it's not the USA.

Calm down Juan, that shit would never happen, and Hispanics make up a much larger amount of the lefts voting base. Reducing our immigration numbers overall is needed though.

t. rabbi schmuly goldstein

It didn't

HH, fuck these newfags

Well, that's the question. And you've correctly identified the answer. No country has ever become economically successful following classic economical liberalism. Look at China, South Korea, Japan, basically every single asian "tiger". It's always been closed capital flows to direct inward investment from a captive population, tarriffs to support native industry and a bunch of other stuff that will have classical liberal economists frothing at the mouth. Opening up only happens once the economy has reached a level of strength that can deal with international competition. Otherwise all that happens is that the country becomes an economic train wreck



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>Thinking you can educate Afghans

These people aren't even sand people level dumb. Sand people can at least understand that back stabbing people can serve their purpose. Afghans are hill people who see children as another mouth to feed. They are so backwards that it would be cheaper to pay for tomahawk missiles to carpet bomb the country than it would be to try an pay for reeducation.

okay boomer

>why are we negotiating with a bunch of goat herders
because the US has realized it can't win, but wont openly admit it

Another oil war .Pipelines in Afghanistan.

short of nuking the bitch we will never get all the Taliban out of the hills and valleys.
even if we nuke it ill bet we would still have 20% hiding out to come back and make life suck

>>Not even the fucking Mongols and Mughals could fully make such thing a reality.They didn't have the overwhelming military superiority that we did. Using that military superirority, reeducation and value supplantation is a posibility. Like the british in India - Why is India a democracy today? They didn't have it for thousands of years, but the British came in and told them what their national identity would be from that point on.

>mongols didnt have military superirority....
are you fucking shitting me? for their day they would be the equivlent of the best of the best.

We already killed bin laden and fucked up the taliban while introducing democracy to afghanistan our job is done

Let them have their sand.
The US literally does not give a shit anymore.
Even the whole ISIS hate has petered out too.

Fuck the Middle East.
US troops should be here on US soil defending our borders instead of dicking around in some desert hellhole.

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>the saudis
good goy

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You can't kill ideologies

Because capitalism is better than communism or Islamic ideologies

because instead of praising the soldiers who would win us the war, our cucklords are arresting them and charging them with war crimes any time they kill bombmaker pow's instead of tossing them back into the wild like the leftists want

>We can win in Afghanistan
What would winning even mean? The US doesn't have coherent objectives in Afghanistan.

The Afghans seemed plenty happy to just live in a tribal society as they've done for millenia, who are we to tell them no?

And even if that's true, why the fuck does it matter to us if Afghanistan has a "better" system than what it had before? It's an irrelevant sandpit on the other side of the ocean.

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You don't understand, the war must go on, because someone can still make some money off it.

>who are we to tell them no?
But they stone their women for premarital sex and barely educate them.

Surely brown women's rights across the globe are something young western men should be dying for.

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>historical illiteracy: the post

>Why is India a democracy today? They didn't have it for thousands of years, but the British came in and told them what their national identity would be from that point on.

Actually that's more to do with Ghandi etc. than the British.

The British were fine keeping Indian Rajas (kings) in nominal power as long as they subordinated to Britain.

>Oh noooo! Who will defend the opium fields that Purdue Pharma is using to destroy the working class now?
Heroin comes from Afghanistan, but most of the medicinal opioids killing Americans come from Tasmania, a state in Australia also famous for the Port Arthur Massacre!

>although some generic stuff comes from other places like India and Pakistan

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