Post 'aye' if you think all LGBT subhumans should be disarmed and gassed

Post 'aye' if you think all LGBT subhumans should be disarmed and gassed

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You'r gaye




I'm okay with this



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>2nd Amendment says, "The Right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
>people are human beings
>human beings are male or female
>LGBT don't identify as male or female
>2nd Amendment doesn't apply to LGBT

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You can certainly try mate.

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no one should be disarmed

repeat after me

Queer here. Come at me. I'll be waiting with my AK.

LGB identify as one of the other. Trans usually do as well. You're thinking of all the Reddit level bullshit non binary gender bullshit.


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>cuck faggots think they wont have their dumb little faggot brains splattered on the wall like they deserve

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You're welcome to come try bby.

>You're thinking of all the Reddit level bullshit non binary gender bullshit.
That retardation has migrated from Tumblr into the real world in the past 6-8 years. It's going to get so bad that we'll eventually elect a Bolsonaro-tier president who will put you perverts back in the closet where you belong.

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>human beings are male or female
Male, female, hermaphrodite, etc
>LGBT don't identify as male or female
No, that's just the T in the acronym.

Im a dude whos into dudes but you wouldn't know because i don't go out sucking 100 dicks a night and prancing around in women's clothes like a faggot. In fact i'm celibate until marriage (thanks libcucks)
But if you do try to kill me then i must tell you i will shoot back without hesitation.

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>Male, female, hermaphrodite, etc
So male, female, birth defects, retarded schizos, victims of child molestation, etc.
>No, that's just the T in the acronym.
A faggot is a faggot.

>edgy udnerage retard from reddit comes on Jow Forums and says ANYONE some be disarmed

leave and become an hero fag

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Uh I'm gay and uh like come and take it :3
Like OwO big hole in your forehead hehe
*sticks finger in your hole ;)*

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All those Tumblr tier bullshit is just bullshit. Can't stand them but when I say something I get told that as a white gay man I am not allowed to have an opinion.

That's me. I don't act like some flaming faggot. And if someone wanted to kill me because I'm gay I won't hesitate to shoot to kill. Armed queers aren't bashed queers.

>words mean whatever i want them to mean
Fun discussion, gungrabber.

>he wants to split the gun rights movement into pro and anti LGBT
Nice try kike Hillary voter

Fags get the rope

Why are you bringing a rope to a 7.62 NATO fight, you dumbass.
Maybe us queers will leave a few of you alive as "moral relief" once the uprising starts.

anyone else fuck men but identify as straight?

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>And if someone wanted to kill me because I'm gay I won't hesitate to shoot to kill.
Or you could just be normal. Women have buttholes too.
A tranny is just a faggot who wants more attention.

I say aye

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all fags, trannies, and lesbos should die
bisex ladies can stay

That's called being delusional.

Who's gonna disarm me? You?
I doubt it.

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Why the fuck do you assholes care so much about people with alternative lifestyles?

Fuck off, live your life as you see fit, and allow others that same opportunity.

Look I fuck men but I'm not attracted to them at all.
I'm attracted to women and that makes me straight.

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because I'm not attracted to women. Why can't you just be gay? Sex is sex right?

aye of course
also lmao at all the seething mentally ill queers itt
you all deserve to die, deal with it

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Not even gay but sounds like stepping to me.

Come back to me when you get your buttbuddy pregnant.

im alright with the gassing but let them defend themselves


Come on OP you fooling anyone.

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Faggots and niggers aren't people, therefore no infringing is taking place.

Is someone mad that your brains will be splattered against the wall for being a degenerate?

>hurr who cares about the well being and mental state of society as a whole as long as it doesn't violate muh NAP
They are going to legalize pedophilia next because of you short-sighted retards. All the evangelical Christfags who preached against this shit in the 90's were 100% correct.

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If you aren't armed you should be gassed desu.

>implying lgbt doesnt lynch pedos

Wahmen aren't people either.


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Women are a necessity for the human race to survive, therefore there will be an acception

Proof or fuck off. The gay rights movement has always been a pedophile front.

fairly new to Jow Forums here
Was the Jow Forums infestation this bad before the 2016 election?

No not really

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if a woman can't have kids, does that mean she's not a woman?

yes really, faggots have been known to harbor pedophiles among their midst since the 60s retard.

>says user as he posts a kid he wants to hotglue

gas gas gas

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started about 2015 but got worse once Cheetos Jesus got elected.

>what is NAMBLA
No, it just means she's a defective woman.

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During the sexual revolution demonstrations, there have been frequently seen NAMBLA signs.

I'm bi, have a boyfriend who's cute as hell, and vote solely based on gun rights and immigration. I will vote for people who are disgusted by my sexuality, which I have no control over. Hell, I hate that I'm a queer on principle. To an extent, I find it disgusting. It can't be helped though. I'm going to have crispr-insured heterosexual children to help preserve the white race. I'm 100% sincere about all of this stuff. I have your backs (NO HOMO.) Is it so much to ask that you tolerate my degeneracy behind closed doors? Btw if a gay cure becomes available, I'm taking it.

t. tried all the memes, haven't watched porn in over a year, did everything varg said to, etc.

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so have churches. your point?

>which i have no control over
yes you do, now snap out of it faggot

Learn to recognize false flag threads

Jow Forums loves to talk about freedom and liberty until shit like this.
Everyone should be armed

This. Homos and pedos are not two groups, they are the same people. Homos fuck each other because fucking kids is illegal.

>muh Jow Forums
jesus christ you people are fucking weird. Do you say this to everything that challenges your viewpoints?

>Why the fuck do you assholes care so much about people with alternative lifestyles?
it becomes a problem when faggots are constantly forcing their fetish into everyone else's face and demanding "respect" for being a screeching attentionwhore and demanding society cater to their fetish or mental illness.

>what do you care about what we do in the bedroom?
>10 years later
>we need more gay characters, we need more gay friendly legislation we want more gay advertising, we want you to us our preferred pronouns, we want more legal protection, we want you to bake that cake, we want you to not use the word "family" because its offensive to our "alternative lifestyles", we want to adopt children and raise them according to our "alternative lifestyles", we want you to subsidize our surgeries and medications to fuck up our bodies AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE ALL OF THAT THEN YOU'RE A BIGOT
call me a bigot then

Hey, the homos who are here - what was your childhood like, are your parents divorced, and how promiscuous was your mother? 23&Me a while back released a study asserting that homosexuality stems from the same genes that makes women whores. Makes sense.

Twinks make my dick become the diamond dick, and while women do the same, my contempt for the female race is just too much to overcome.

Niggers and faggots are not people, therefore no infringing is taking place

Most homos were molested as kids. They don't spontaneously decide to start being attracted to members of the same sex against all biological reasoning.

raised in catholic schools, only ever molested by a female teacher, performed well in academics and athletics, parents both highly successful, still lovingly married, neither has ever cheated.

I still turned out a fucking fag. fuck the world.


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no. gays are our frens.

So you're a trap lover who feels the same way about women that all men have since the beginning of time.

You only like twinks because they're feminine. You're sexually crazed, which turns you into a depraved freak, get your life on track.


Can you just live your own life? I don't like them either but they have the right to do whatever they want with consenting adults, what's your problem? If you put half the energy you expend talking about how everyone else is the problem into your own life, maybe you'd actually be successful and not some poor out of shape uneducated polcuck. Mind your own business. just avoid them if you don't like them. I know just as well that you would happily gas and disarm blacks, asians, hispanics, slavs, jews, etc anyone who isn't a pure white male (which if you actually made all the white males in the US take a dna test you'd realize the vast majority are interbred on some level) which is why all nazis will be hung with no mercy, we've done it before it can easily be done again. You are a very very small minority, remember that, most people are disgusted by neo nazis, for good reason.

>only ever molested by a female teacher
So you were still molested. I'm sorry that happened, but it's still evidence that sexual trauma in children causes homosex.

>.t assblasted r/liberalgunowners user

The mind of an average reddit user, everyone.

cute shotas =/= children

No based weeb would ever even consider harming a pure innocent child

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>I don't like them either but they have the right to do whatever they want with consenting adults, what's your problem?
That was a cute meme ten years ago, but they have been going after children for a while now.
>I know just as well that you would happily gas and disarm blacks, asians, hispanics, slavs, jews, etc anyone who isn't a pure white male (which if you actually made all the white males in the US take a dna test you'd realize the vast majority are interbred on some level) which is why all nazis will be hung with no mercy, we've done it before it can easily be done again. You are a very very small minority, remember that, most people are disgusted by neo nazis, for good reason.
Wew that's some projection.

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>weebs not also pedophiles
kek, you're just digging your grave deeper and deeper faggot pedo cuck.

When I say twinks, I'm not talking about boys that look like girls. Maybe I am sexually crazed, but I don't know why I would be. My life's in excellent order. I'm running on all cylinders. I haven't masturbated in well over a year. I don't look at porn. The only sexual stuff I do at all is with my bf.

Dude. Please don't let the schizoposter and Jow Forums memes get to you. You sound like an alright person. Keep doing your thing.

desu i would like to disarm blacks and jews

>tfw can't tell if this is a pasta or not

people can't handle the Jow Forums ''memes'' because they know deep down it's the truth

>wanting there to be fewer people having fewer guns
Where the fuck do you think you are?

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No. They can't handle them being spammed everywhere by dorky virgins.

> anyone who disagrees with me is reddit
You obviously are incapable of logical debate. Stick to the sidelines. I know this must be mentally straining for you when someone actually brings up logical points you're not used to it. I'm probably more right wing than you, not that it matters

> Wew that's some projection.
It really isnt. Why don't you scroll through this thread, or look at just about any poltard post, and you'll realise what I'm saying is 100% what these morons believe

that was your first mistake pal

Okay. Where does that leave me then? If I'm irreparably psychologically fucked, what am I to do? Bear in mind that outside of being loldamagedlol I'm pretty damn good at life.

>I haven't masturbated in well over a year. I don't look at porn. The only sexual stuff I do at all is with my bf.
Well, I think I found your problem.
I would too, but believing what the Founding Fathers believed in this day and age gets you called a Nazi.

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woah dude you got them!!!!!! owned!!!!
just go back to r*ddit already little guy, you aren't changing anyones mind with your cucked opinions.