Washington about to fall. Become CA/NY/NJ tier bitch state

Washington about to fall. Become CA/NY/NJ tier bitch state.

All gun bills in the State Committees has passed out of Committee (with exemptions for Law Enforcement of course!)

SB 5027 -- Passed: Concerning extreme risk protection orders.

Purple amendment -- not adopted
Gold amendment -- not adopted
Orange amendment -- adopted

SB 5061 -- Passed: Addressing undetectable firearms.

Buff paper amendment -- adopted

SB 5062 -- Passed: Concerning high capacity magazines.

Tan paper amendment -- allows law enforcement to keep and carry high cap mags on and off duty. -- adopted

SB 5143 -- Passed: Concerning the authorized removal, safe keeping, and return of firearms and ammunition by law enforcement during and after domestic violence incidents.

Orchid paper -- Immunity liability of confiscating firearms from a home or domicile after a domestic violence incident. -- adopted

SB 5174 -- Passed: Concerning concealed pistol license training requirements.

Canary paper amendment - adopted

We're in fucking trouble, lads.

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so assault rifles are banned now eh?

Could you elaborate a bit on the details of these laws and the amendments/papers associated?

They won't stop until they start dying.

Okay here is a summary.

SB 5027: Makes it a felony after the first violation of an ERPO rather than after the second. Allows ERPOs on people under 18, and doesn't require a parent or guardian be appointed if the person is at least 16. Requires courts to notify parents/guardians of the requirement to store firearms on the premises where a person under 18 under an ERPO lives. Requires courts to accept ERPO petitions after hours, not just during normal business hours.

SB 5061: prohibits "undetectable firearms" and "untraceable firearms" as defined in the bill. No grandfathering. Undetectable firearms is similar to federal law, requires a certain amount of metal in the gun. "Untraceable firearms* are vaguely defined as firearms for which the distribution from FFL to commercial dealer cannot be traced by means of a serial number.

SB 5062: Bans magazines larger than 10 rounds. Grandfathers existing magazines. Exempts .22 caliber tube magazines and any tube magazines contained in a lever action firearm

SB 5143: Requires law enforcement officers to seize all firearms and ammunition the officers believe to be used or threatened in the commission of a domestic violence offense, and allows them to seize all firearms and ammuntion in plain sight or discovered during lawful search. When returning guns seized by this section, law enforcement must wait 5 days instead of the normal 24 hours. Also moves some sections around to new sections for better organization

SB 5174: Adds handgun training proficiency requirement for CPLs. Explicitly specifies that CPL issuing authorities must issue approval or denial within the specified time frames. Cleans up RCW 9.41.070 by splitting long blocks of text up into labeled subsections.

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>SB 5061
Completely bans new blackpowder firearms and homebuilds. Bans most gun parts. Be prepared and very scared anons.

>implying I'm going to follow any of this shit


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BASED californians taking down WA gun nuts :))

just kidding. New Yorkers are starting to flood into PA and will probably try to fuck us up all the same. may the supreme court protect us

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>implying you'll flaunt it at a range
unless you got a based range ya'll are probably fucked

>SB 5062
Big holes in the law. Does not actually ban possession or importation of magazines, just join a three-gun league and you should be fine (Good luck finding someone to sell to you though).

Oh no! This is terrible! Your 2nd Amendment rights granted to you by the US Constitution (the supreme law of the land) are being infringed! Oh no! Your human rights are being stripped right from you and your fellow countrymen! Whatever will you do?

Absolutely fucking nothing. That's what you and everyone on this board and the rest of the country will do. The fact that shit like this has been made into law is proof that the 2nd is dead and gun rights are a thing of the past. This is exactly what gun rights are for, to resist against unconstitutional laws like this, and yet no one will resist against jack shit because they are too fat, lazy, apathetic, and too busy watching television to give a damn. But they will give a damn when the Bill of Rights if completely thrown at and they are human cattle forced to follow the radical left's dogma and if they don't they are sent to re-education camps.

None of you are going to do a damn thing about this and we all know it. If the people were going to stand up for their rights it would have happened by now. The 2nd Amendment died long ago and no one did a god damn thing. The time for fighting is long gone and now we are witnessing the aftermath.

The truth is the American people don't deserve the 2nd and they don't want it. They don't want it because they are brainwashed by major media outlets and big tech companies following suit in an attempt to hijack democracy. Democracy has failed, the great American experiment has failed. These laws are only being signed into place because its people vote for them, its people elect the leaders who come up with this stuff. Everyone talks about fighting the government and a few elite individuals, but when the leaders of a society are corrupt it indicates the people are corrupt and the culture is corrupt to its core, and there are 300 million people in this nation and more than half of them are too far gone. More of these laws will come. I don't know about you, but I'm going innawoods.


>Democracy has failed, the great American experiment has failed

It was never a good idea, any declaration that opens with an objective lie is doomed from the start

>"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..."

PA actually had that armed rally rather then sitting on there asses and complaining online, so they have better chances if they can keep that up

They meant all white men user

So you're saying a white man born blind is the same as a white man with 20/20 vision?

SCOTUS will roll some of this shit back. Who knows how much


this is an accurate representation of the WA gun community

Cool pasta, bro. This is what - the fifth time this week? Looking forward to it becoming a classic.

I mean, literally all that needs to be done to fix this is to form a hasty "militia"(just a bunch of Wafags with guns) and occupy government buildings claiming that these laws are unconstitutional and are therefore void. As long as you aren't retarded and don't purposely escalate the situation or call for violence then what are they gonna do? Arrest you? Call in the National Guard? Literally just mob ruling them would be enough. And seeing how easily that situation could go bad very quickly, the government at both the State level and Federal level will act swiftly to hear your case.

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Ill believe that when it happens man.

that's good to hear. I never thought PA of all places would be a destination like washington/oregon/colorado, but NYC is so damn expensive that I understand why some flood into here and bring their toxic ideology of NYC vs upstate with them

Welcome to the ~California Suicide Pact~

When does all of this go into effect?

>SB 5143
honestly doesn't sound too bad but yeah jesus christ everything else is completely fucked

>passed out of Committee
This just means they're going to be voted on, yes? They aren't law yet, right?

Kill yourself

Uh, no. That's not going to happen.

It doesn't work that way. The states do what the fuck they want. If this were true then NY, NJ, CA etc wouldn't be doing what they are doing. Stop being delusional

your state's next fuckwit

Why are you fags paughing you think they won't come for your state?

Move to a red state. You won't be able to defeat demographic change.

Red States that turned blue in last 10 years:
>New Mexico

Red States that will turn blue in next 10 years:
>Arizona (Basically already there)
>North Carolina

Red States that will turn blue in next 20 years:
>South Carolina

Red States that will turn blue in the next 30 years:
>West Virginia

>shooting at public ranges
In 2019, really?