It is a fact that religion and belief in a god or gods makes soldiers more determined and increases morale...

It is a fact that religion and belief in a god or gods makes soldiers more determined and increases morale. Soldiers in the US military should be REQUIRED to be Christians, and chaplains should be required to give mandatory prayer meetings before any kind of combat to increase morale.

If God is with us, who could be against us?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>It is a fact that religion and belief in a god or gods makes soldiers more determined and increases morale
Post proof then. Studies, statistics, anything.

Can you remind me what happened to constantinople, the capital of christiandom? Oh that's right, it's Istanbul now. I guess being fervent believers didn't help them too much did it

The fact that Christian armies don't always win isn't proof of anything, but it is a fact that religion is a massive morale booster. And for the record, Constantinople was taken (twice) by religious zealots, which lends proof to my point. Go tip your fedoras somewhere else, heathens.

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>but it is a fact that religion is a massive morale booster.
Post proof then. Studies, statistics, anything.

Sure thing, buddy. The Army has done extensive studies on this.

Secondly, just take a look at Israel. A nation united in religion that absolutely BTFO of all of their neighbors that attacked them in the Six Day War, including the Soviet Union.

Catholicism is anti-American poison imported by third worlders.

I didn't say they should be required to be Catholics, just Christian. But for the record I agree with you, Popery and icon worship has no place in America.

Atheismo btfo. Hey you got sauce on op pic?

Yeah, they were totally fighting atheist countries that didn't radically overtake them in the zealotry ranks, right?
Yes that includes the SU. Communism is a religion. Karl Marx was their prophet, and Das Kapital their bible. Lenin et al are their saints. There is no proof, only faith. It all fits.

> The specified URL cannot be found.
Wow it's fucking nothing

>faith based or not
you didn't even fucking read that, did you

It's not my fault you don't know how to copy and paste, you fucking retard. That link takes you directly to a PDF copy on the Army War College's website. If you're really that fucking lazy and stupid just google "A SOLDIER’S MORALITY, RELIGION,
AND TRUST IN THE PROFESSION?" and it'll probably be the first result

Did you? Just because it asks a question in the subtitle doesn't mean anything. The entire study is a defense for faith in the military and provides numerous examples of faith-related incidents in the military and how they were damaging or encouraging for morale. Atheists claim to be so intelligent and yet they can't be bothered to read a couple pages if they think it might conflict with their world view. Pathetic

This might explain why most fedoras aren't very Jow Forums ?

Please tell us more about how Isreal were fighting atheist arabs.

>let's shatter Christian unity and steal all Church wealth to give it to (((poor)))
>t. Robin Hood
You never heard of Sacco di Roma, but if You gonna google it - wiki is full of shit. Just as whole anglosphere history pop

it's a defense for expression of faith of morality
it is not the inverse of that, a condemnation of lack of religion, and while it similarly claims that religion boost morale, it does not produce hard evidence as such as you fucking claimed.
In fact, it seems to go completely against your bullshit.
>Of importance to this monograph is the recognition that Soldiers are to be aware that their personal morality, their views on the “Universal Norms”—what they personally believe to be good, right, and just—are to be considered and integrated with other legal and moral norms of interpersonal behavior as they live their lives and fulfill their professional responsibilities. Army professionals are to live and act each day based on both the legal and moral foundations of the profession’s ethic, and a part of those moral norms is their personal morality. No Army professional is ever asked to give up his or her personal morality to become a Soldier; rather their task is integration with the profession’s ethic in order to serve and lead with personal integrity (see further discussion on Aspect 4 later in the monograph)

To be a Christian you have to believe that a ghost non-consentually ejaculated divine semen into a virgin Jewish peasant woman's ear and that she subsequently gave birth to God who later find himself on cross being embarrassed by the Romans.

Yeah ok, I guess we can get the crayon munchers to believe this.

why do churches even want all that money

Because they're corrupt ghouls

Redistribute it to the poor and maintain the cultural backbone of the west. Or what's left of it.

Yeah, sure, that's definitely what churches with it

have you seen all the golden bullshit that mormons build for themselves?

Historically speaking,yes. You're acting like it's scrooge McDuck diving into a money silo. I guess that's what happens when the Christian culture you know is unironically scam artist megachurch televangelists.

dude it's so fucked over here holy shit
we have church "chains" that span the country coast to coast
no, they're not different denominations
they're fucking chain churches dude

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>I guess that's what happens when the Christian culture you know is unironically scam artist megachurch televangelists.
Yup, that's exactly the Christianity I'm familiar with. But I also know some people who were raised Catholic and are familiar with creepy pedo cult side of Christianity as well.

lol, this is your brain on popery. I guess Protestantism and all those other schisms just happened for no reason. Can you point to me the passage in the Bible that tells us about popes, you fucking heretic.

Does Your curiosity justify plain robbery started by Henry VIII and continued from M. Luder to V. Lenin?

bruh that's not even close to anything I'm insinuating
I'm genuinely curious as to why there are things to pillage in the first place

>He seriously thinks that putting crazed zealots in charge of the military is a good idea

You mean patriarchy?

>Can you point to me the passage in the Bible that tells us about popes, you fucking heretic.
Apostolic succession and reinforced by the works of many saints like Ignatius of Antioch.
>Inb4 screw the saints
Without saints, televangelists filled the void. Let that sink in.

The passage, goalpost mover. Who cares about some heretics? Show me the passage.

Yeah, the Church definitely isn't drowning in money. Ignore the solid gold candlesticks and the fact that the Vatican runs one of the largest banks in Europe, neither of those things are definitely at all against what Christ preached. Now give me a few shekels and we'll indulge your sins, goy :^)

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Do you have a moment to talk about our friend and guardian, the murderkube?

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>I'm genuinely curious as to why there are things to pillage
Because every monastery used to be self sufficient ecosystem, one led with a long term goal and by a competent, well educated people. Before the Reformation a literal Welch shit flinger could afford a pair of shoes for a few days work. Under heresy - just check the English poorhouses, scary shit.
And before the age of mass media, British Royal Family, e.g. so called "virgin queen".

I mean we aren't the only predominantly protestant/whatnot nation. Has English Christianity fallen to a similar plague of monetizing religion?

IMHO religion that allows priests to raise a family quickly turn into small family company.
Did You know, that Annas was father in law to the Ciaphas? They run that business, called temple of Jerusalem. The jewish priests at time used to oversee mandatory Hebrew offerings, handing out certificates for cattle and various agricultural products. Jewish pilgrim was supposed to buy offerings at place, from one of LICENSED merchants.


>secularized Christendom gets overrun by religious zealots

Are all atheists mental midgets, or just the ones on the internet?

I'll pray you see the light

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Victory in modern war is determined by machines, not men. Maybe religious zealotry would have given you an advantage back in the medieval days (though I have yet to see any proof of this) but nowadays all it does is make you less cautious and therefore more likely to die.
No amount of faith will stop an artillery shell.

Based thread op

There is no inherent need for religion, but for something every soldier can find in common, find solace in.
Something akin to brotherhood and religion, in some sense, does offer that.
I mean that's it's main reason for parishes to exist, it's for the community to bond together over something they believe in.
And since military is more tightly knitted than our modern society in general (or at least I feel there's a potential for it to be), there is a place for religion in there.
Shouldn't be a requirement though.

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Nope, evangelism is too american and rude , suitable only for retards. CofE is a mild religion, and honestly you'll be considered a bit of a nutter if you were openly religious.

Literally told Mary the plan and said she had to say yes for it to happen. He would've had to have created another vessel if she said no.

>inb4 typical atheist objections easily dispelled by a slight amount of research

Bishop Robert Barron is a great resource as well as Father Mike Schmitz if you're into more bro tier style explanations.

That is if you're actually open to learning the word of God.

>solid gold candlesticks
>Vatican runs one of the largest banks in Europe
>Christ preached
Jesus didn't make any proclamations about the color of candlesticks or banking as far as I know. Just usurers in the context of banking. God deserves our best.
Why is that your only goal post? Jesus hand selecting 12 bosses to run the show and appointing them as bishoprics over key areas isn't obvious anyways? Not sure why you're having trouble with this. And that's given that you're ignoring the millennia and a half of history before your sect split.
>show passage
Were you not aware of the roles of the apostles? I wouldn't even know where to start with that. Just google at this point and reference the Bible(for the first time in your life?).

Have you ever served OP?
Or have you seen intense combat in the front?

If you have, you will realize that religion is used as a safety net in case you happen to catch a bullet.

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>fervent believers in Christianity fought fervent believers of Islam for a millennia
>Ha the other fervent believers won in the end after centuries of warfare, guess that means fervent believers are blown out
Says the guy whose acultural generation can't fight a 3rd world country for more than five years without tearing apart the public.

>projecting your fear onto others

>sell all Western cultural heritage to Islamic oil sheiks and Chinese business men
>to maintain Western culture

Brilliant! I get the frustration with mega churches and that sort of stuff, but a lot of classic masters were left to the church to ensure their preservation.

Nah most of them in general are just brainlets. It's not that they are dumb people, they just become dumb when talking about religion. They are blinded by their massive butthurt

>Indulgences =/= absolution

Martin Luther had some good intentions, but boy did he fuck things up

Correct, Islam is the correct religion, which is why Constantinople (aka Konstantiniye in Turkish) deserved to taken.

Also, please don't use the term "Istanbul", which is a kike slur invented by godless kemalists

Christianity only wins against atheists and paganism, because Christianity is less false (ie closer to Islam) than those falsehoods.

The Iraq war was lost the second Hitchens started shilling for it

Who gives a shit? If they didn't want to get bombed they should have surrendered. There is literally nothing wrong with attacking a routing enemy, morally or legally.

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>Yeah, they were totally fighting atheist countries that didn't radically overtake them in the zealotry ranks, right?
Communism is atheism, and Nasserists and Baathists are kafir secularists

It was by forcibly converting impure pagans into Christianity that its original character was corrupted and gave rise to the aberrations today described as syncretism.

No wonder they're getting culturally btfo by devout Muslims.

The Caroleans, The First Crusades, the defeat of the final Crusades on the hands of Islamic Armies, the Reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula. No, I'm not gonna spare you the hard work of learning these things by yourself, get on with it.

Atheism in the west is a fundamentally an adolescent revolt against the authoritarianism of religiously conservative parents. Hence why it's so rare to see Atheists criticizing Judaism, Hinduism, Islamism, etc.

>"Y'all ever heard of my wife's son?"

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You see, Mohamed, the God of Christians does not conform to the rules of biology or physics or chemistry, if He so will its, a XY chromossomed man will develop a womb and give birth to a child, because such is His word and, to the Creator of everything, the rules of reality are mere suggestions.

This. And neo-paganism, Satanism, and all that other juvenile bullshit is all atheist LARPers. I've never met a single atheist that didn't have mommy and daddy issues.

>who later find himself
He didn't "find himself" in that situation, He put himself in it. Christ gave his life so our sins could be forgiven. He suffered on Earth so that humanity would not suffer the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell.

You are making the assumption that these things could not have been done by atheists.

Religion, especially the new testament, is a massive morale booster. I have seen a heroin junkie become a full time worker and mom.
Living in the illusion that a living omni present father figure, which loves you unconditionally and forgives all the things you can't forgive yourself, tells you everything will be allright in the end is pure bliss.

>Christianity makes the soldier fight for God
>Murder is a sin punished by going to hell for all eternity
>Jesus is the embodiment of pacifism and unconditional love

What is your point?

>Jesus is the embodiment of pacifism and unconditional love

Do people really believe this?

>athiests never criticize islamism
Like have you been asleep the past 15 years? Sam Harris and Hitchens have bashed Islam non-stop since 9/11. It only stopped in the last few years because orangemanbad made hating Islam uncool for shitlib atheists

A truly Atheist military force would be virtually impossible stop.
>hurr Atheists are ebil
>unleashes every WMD possible, ignores all treaties and outtechs your forces
It's a good thing Atheists are less violent and more empathetic than religious people.

It's true, faggot. As far as Christ is concerned, you could literally murder 3,000,000 people and fuck your mother out of wedlock and then fuck your illegitimate incest child and you would still be allowed into Heaven if you truly repented for your sins.

Killing in war isn't murder. Jesus is God, meaning He ordered the ethnic cleansing of the Levant so the Hebrews could have it. Pacifism isnt part if the Bible.

>if you truly repented for your sins.

Then that's a CONDITION isn't it? You fucking illiterate stooge.

>Capital of christendom
user I...

>atheists are an unstoppable military
>because they're less violent and more empathetic
>our diversity is our greatest strength

It's our resident boomer drug addict or a troll pretending to be one. Pay him no mind.

>Christan can't into reading comprehension
Why I'm I not surprised?

Now imagine if you were tolerant
>Buddhist tacticians
>Mormon logistics
>Scientology marketing/fundraising/financing
>sharia spec op units
Take it all the way man.

yeah Israel won because of religion, not being given fuck tons of US assistance

Underrated post

“I can only say that I am nothing but a poor sinner, trusting in Christ alone for salvation.”
― Robert E. Lee

“In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible has never failed to give me light and strength.”
― Robert E. Lee

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>>sharia spec op units
boner status: activated

Very based.

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Based Confederate Music > Blustering propaganda Union music

I’m an atheist, and while I can say that I’m an exception as I don’t have any issues and was just raised without religion, I can also confirm this trend. I really hate most atheists. They just replace god with the state 99% of the time. A lot of libertarians like myself are atheists though so I can respect that.

Israel and the United States were not allies during the Six Day War you fucking Jow Forumslutant

All religious idiots should be shot.

Man I love Confederate war songs, especially ones written post-war. Union music was very much full of pomp and circumstance and pride. Southern music is so much more humble, it just talks about their love for their country. And especially in Southern folk songs written after the war, you can really feel the bitterness and melancholy. behind the lyrics. The overwhelming, crushing sorrow of defeat. Regardless of whether or not I believe the South was justified in seceding, I'll always respect those good ol' Dixie boys that took a stand for their home.

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Nah there was a rift between atheists back in 2008-2009 about the whole Islam issue. You are mentioning big hitters like Harris and Hitchens but the whole thing unfolded between lmao e-celebs and various gatherings of atheists. For some reason bashing christcucks was okay but telling Ahmed he is a faggot was ''rasis n sheit'' because Islam was a part of his culture. Atheists being punk rock and counter-culture have welcomed in dyed hair landwhales to secure a hugbox alliance but later they turned against them and now every ''atheist'' gathering is like a trip to the onions factory, sad!

This. There is a very small portion of atheists that are actually vocal against religion as a whole. 99% of them are just kids rebelling against their Christian parents. While I'm obviously not atheist myself, I have respect for the true atheists that stand behind their beliefs (or lack thereof). I have absolutely no respect for the ones that think that it's okay to mock Christians for their incredibly tame and mild beliefs but think that telling Mohammed he's not allowed to beat his five 12-year-old wives and stuff them into burqas is racist whitesplaining.

Even SJW atheists like PZ Meyers loved bashing Islam back in the day. The whole thing really fell apart in 2011 with Hitchen's death and elevatorgate. And then you got Trump's election, which made liberals completely disown the anti-Islam atheist crowd.

Back in 2008, the only major atheist attacking Hitchens and Harris for the Islam issue was Chris Hedges, but he is mostly an old school leftist and not part of the atheist movement

They couldn't have been done by atheists. Atheists lose against religious groups in war every time.

And yet they weren't. Atheists have the lowest military enlistment rate among all religious beliefs. Eurocunts are almost entirely atheist at this point and studies have constantly shown that they have some of the lowest support for patriotism and the military in the entire Western World. Atheists are cowardly, pacifist cucks. They think nothing is waiting for them after they die so they desperately try to remain alive at all costs like a little bitch. Little do they know there is something waiting for them, the eternal and unbearable pains of Hell.

Oh yeah, I despise those so-called "atheists" who are basically just in it as rebellion against the status quo instead of a genuinely belief in the lack of deities.

I'm the reverse. I actually see Christians as allies, provided they don't go all inquisition on my ass. All the ones I've met that are serious about their faith seem to be good people who won't saw my head off with a rusty knife in front of a camera for having some disagreements about cosmic affairs.

>Turn the other cheek
>love your enemies
>forgive those who persecute you
>tho shalt not kill
Etc, not exactly great stuff to propagandize to an army, although it is only slightly worse than the current ROE

The caveat refers to salvation, not love. I may love someone, but if they don't have enough sense to come in out of the rain then I can't do much to save them from getting wet. You were saying something about illiteracy?

So the guy in charge of one of the biggest losses of a losing war is your shining example of why all army mens soldiers should be Christian? Are you retarded?

Good reaction post

There's no reason that war should've lasted four years.

>constantinople, the capital of christiandom

Umm that would be Rome, sweetie. There is no Christianity outside the Church.