Cartel security

What would be the legality of running private security ops for cartels? (ie. protecting personnel and "unknown valuables and resources ")
it seems kind of brilliant for cartels to use up and up private security companies to protect themselves and their stuff instead of hired thugs from the street. (inb4 dumb) i'm watching Day of the solodo and it seems like if reyes had blackwater protecting his daughter that would have gone differently, and perhaps more in his favor?
>what vehicles would you use for operating innamexico?
>what gear/uniforms?
>what sort of weapons should an upstanding private security company use in such a role?

Attached: carteloperators.jpg (980x551, 326K)

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Your legitimate private security would not protect you from police, nor would they remain in business long once another cartel starts kidnapping and murdering their family members.

thats sort of what i'm asking, i know there are real pmcs that operate for business and shit. could those same companies turn a blind eye, so to speak and operate for the bad guys under the same legal nature?

I just explained to you why no one would want that, 'tard.

okay wait, reading comprehension, duh. you meant would not protect you in skirmishes against police. i thought you meant like they would be in legal trouble. that being said. how often do cartels get into physical battles with police? it's my understanding they function with little to no pestering from police? like they just pay or kill any cops that bother them.

>how often do cartels get into physical battles with police?

>it's my understanding they function with little to no pestering from police?
Relative to a country with a police force that has not been corrupted. Because they kill the ones that won't take bribes. But you can't use that technique if your armed men won't kill police.

>Cartels don't kill many cops, they just kill any cops who get in their way

you're gonna shoot your eye out kid

i'm not saying *only* hire pmcs, i'm saying for shit like what i've mentioned, they obviously could still use goons for things like offense and business dealings.
>firefights between law enforcement and cartels are the same as beheading a guy who says he's too honest for a bribe

It would be nice to see cartels provide protective and social services for the regions they protect.
>instead of extorting protection money from businesses, they train and hire security for businesses to use
>also provide armed guards at any schools or universities in their regions
>donate money to local food banks and employment facilities to help with locals
>offer housing and employment incentives for locals
>provide health and welfare clinics for locals and offer discount benefits for cartel members
>donate to the local police and fire retirement funds to keep them loyal

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You do realize that some nations with a severe cartel problem, such as Mexico, literally employ federal and military forces to fight the cartel, yes?

good luck with that you fucking assclown

>The origins of Los Zetas date back to the late 1990s, when commandos of the Mexican Army deserted their ranks and began working as the enforcement arm of the Gulf Cartel.[14][15] In February 2010, Los Zetas broke away and formed their own criminal organization, rivalling the Gulf Cartel.[16][17]

>Los Zetas engages in violent tactics such as beheadings, torture, and indiscriminate murder.

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Inbefore payed off police an shiet

That is literally how the Zetas formed you halfwit. That is an absurdly retarded idea even if you somehow found people willing to go through with it and not be dogshit at it.
Enough to where various countries such as Mexico and Colombia literally use their fucking military to combat them. You got anymore?

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If you watch "Narco's Mexico" and read a few books. "Life in Murder City Cuidad Juarez". Mexico is so corrupt its very hard to see where the government/cartels begin and end. The cops very often are members of the cartel and provide such services to their community. The U.S. gets involved and meddles with the order of things, and then you have 100 splinter groups trying to control the same territory. Things then get very weird and Syria like. Just from visiting Mexico and seeing the pervasive and low level corruption, I think society would order itself under a similar model of a Benevolent Narco Government.

Just join the CIA, they'll send you to do just that job in no time. You'll probably get to kill DEA and FBI feds on their orders, too. You might get some ATF on your corpse-list if the shit spills over on the homier side of the border.

>Forming a company to protect the cartels

Bitch please. Let's say you incorporate a private security firm. That means paperwork, that means finances/taxes, that means basing your firm somewhere where you can have access to training grounds and offices/a good recruitment pool. Sure you could set up shop in the Bahamas or some shit but then how will you buy your guns and train your recruits? But the flip side here is that if you set up shop in the US (where Mexico's guns come from in disproportionate amounts) the minute someone discovers/is made aware of a connection between you and the cartels the FBI, IRS, DEA and every other federal agency that can will be lining up to fuck you in the ass with prosecutions and completely cripple your operation. I mean just think of the tabloid headlines.

REVEALED: "Jow Forumsommando incorporated private security firm supplies CARTELS with HITMEN who BRUTALLY EXECUTE rivals"

The smarter move is to just get a bunch of ex-SOF guys if you're in the cartels and use them as your bodyguards. It's basically what the Zetas did, and they're hardly the only recruitment pool. The Kabiles in Guatemala, Spetznaz, BOPE, there are dozens of units all around the world whose members/ex-members are A) highly trained B) poorly paid. Use them as your recruitment pool.

One of the cartels started as a mercenary company, but they realized that they could make more money running their own cartel

Pablo Escobar did many of the things you mention with opening schools and hospitals and things like that for the people. It is a big part of why he was so difficult to catch.

Never heard of those guys joining the favela gangs.

This is true but I would not put it past one of them to take a top-tier "security" job with the cartels. Example:


>It is an open secret that some BOPE officers also work for organized crime. Like the main suspect, the two other former BOPE officers are elite soldiers trained at taxpayer expense who now market their deadly skills to the highest bidder. One of them is a colleague of the main suspect from their police academy days, according to the Civil Police report

Most mercenaries in Mexico end up joining or forming cartels themselves