So do you still think women are fit for combat?

So do you still think women are fit for combat?

They cant even do police work correctly, let alone drive.

Attached: 0B8882EE-9130-45EE-81D2-DE9205103333.png (1242x2208, 2.79M)


>playing fucking Russian Roulette

Jesus fuck look at her eyes. That photo is from before the incident - she wanted to fucking die



Wait so she was off duty at a house while two other guys were there but on duty? that's odd.

They were on duty alright. Duty for booty

I don't think anyone on k has ever defended female soldiers.

She was known as Deputy DP

>deputy dubs
check em

Attached: auto9-8.jpg (500x725, 163K)

So let me get this straight: She plays russian roulette with this dude, HE kills HER by random chance and SOMEHOW this means her pussy is to blame? user, get a life.

People dumb enough to play actual russian roulette shouldn't be police officers.


Are there actually people here who ever thought they were fit for combat?

A man wouldn't be retarded enough to let the retard continue playing russian roulette.

For real though, she was either a super sleep deprived person, or fuckin' emaciated.

Hey welcome to the last 7 years worth of Jow Forums.

Have fun getting called Jow Forums and a nigger by the SJWs tho

Except the other man involved walked out of the room instead of doing that. Could it be that they were all just retarded?

I honestly suspect she was depressed. I work with a lot of people with depressive disorders in a clinical setting and you eyes like that pretty often. Sleep disturbances/unrestful sleep cause that as well does out-and-out sleep deprivation but when it's that bad and they're still on there feet chances are some mental troubles are in play.

Retards come in the male variety too.

She's cute
I would her

I've played actual Russian roulette but I don't want to be a cop(or indeed ever do it again) thank your for asking,

Sounds like she was murdered and they made up a bullshit story desu. I wonder what she found out?

This. Look at those eyes. She saw something that she wasn't supposed to see and it was eating away at her. She knew that they would be coming for her. Then one night they drugged her and brought her to that house, loaded a single bullet into the revolver, and executed her. The two men then made sure that she was dead before "attempting" to treat her wound and calling 911.



Nah. She was just an immature twat that played a dangerous game with an immature twit.

>Katlyn Alix took the gun and pointed it at Hendren and pulled the trigger and it also did not fire
>Katlyn and her family deserve accountability and justice
>we lost a shining star and a dedicated public servant

They were both playing with the gun. It's hardly "justice" to convict her playmate. Don't get me wrong Hendren should be punished, but it could have easily been the other way round.