Communism Thread

"communism is a great idea".

I cant even convey how many times I hear a bunch of spoiled fuckheads come out of the woodwork and tell me this stupid shit.

>russia set the example, and they all starved
>vietnam fought to become communist, they got their wish, then two million starved and then they got into yet another war (with china) after america bombed them into oblivion
>moral of the story is everybody starved

Seriously, How the fuck is this retarded ideology still a thing today? Every country thats ever tried adopting it failed miserably and fell while their people starved in the millions.

Then these stupid fucks around campus have the audacity to even try and say "oh its great, but they just havent done it yet"

I just dont get it.

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Preaching to the choir
Or maturbating in a circle

>Every country thats ever tried adopting it failed miserably
China is the biggest economy on planet

At least, thats what they say until america threatens to turn off the money fountain

>How the fuck is this retarded ideology still a thing today?
They will say
1) It wasn't true Communism
2) The capitalist West interfered

China is just like Mexico and canada. They would be failed states if we didnt export corn to them. Except with china we export our jobs.

Not only that, how are there millionaires in china? Communism and socialism require the absolvation of private property

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Hong Kong would like a word with you Protip: its not communist

China is capitalist in everything but name. They were starving until Deng ushered in a new era of economic reforms in the 80's.

>mfw faceberg acquaintance posted an article about how Venezuela's collapse is actually america's fault today

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the problem with communism is that it only works as a thought experiment in order for the concept to work you have to put way too much fucking faith in people which is why no matter when or where the practice of communism will forever be shit

sure Communism is utter shit as is fascism,monarchy and politicians and politics and people who talk politics WHICH IS WHY YOU SHOULD FUCK OFF TO POL

China dropped communism in the 80s and is now the most successful example of a fascist state, and not SJW fascism, the fascism Mussolini was going for.

However, most of China's success is simply due to its population size. Percapita is mediocre, and many of its people live in Africa tier poverty, like literal UN defined poverty. Percapita China is below Mexico and the fucking Dominican Republic. But when you have a population that size, of course its going to dwarf most other countries.

>China is the biggest economy on planet
Righties will never admit a country is communist/socialist if it's successful at the time.

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Listen here retard. How Venezuela has it setup is that you can own your own shit. But most of all your profits are taxed. That’s why everyone is poor, the government is rich, and the children are eating rats for dinner.

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Yeah but unironically Tiananmen Square 1989.

Bull, thetre still communist and still rely on othrr nations namely the US to feed their people, wthout the capitalist nation to feed their economy and people they would fall fast. They'er already starting to waiver just from the tariffs.

you didn't even try to disguise it as a weapons thread.

>How the fuck is this retarded ideology still a thing today?
Communism, or strictly - socialism, is the English tool made to eliminate competition. Nobody ever asked the question, why Marx and Engels only successfully influenced White Russia, and not their homeland? Because socialsm has been carefully planted to topple Russian economy that was about to boom from Trans Siberian Railway.
FFS, during the Cold War West could starve Soviets any time - but You don't kill the nation You made Your bitch

I agree, disclaimer to all the newfags and lolbergtarians, national socialism is not communism.

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national socialism is the true way forward, take all the power of capitalism and use every bit for the economy except all critical parts are held by the gov (such as banks) so (((outside))) forces can't interfere and start turning the nation's resources against it

That's right.

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Say what you will about Hitler but he knew how to incentivize people. You would take out a loan to but your house and 1/4th of the loan would be paid off for every child you had. The government paid people with hard cash to have children so society would grow. Hitler managed to take the decadent weimar republic and turn it into a world superpower in the span of 6 years.

Modern China is a Legalist state, user.

Excuse me, where are the guns? There's like five other boards who would entertain your idea and offer reaffirming comments.

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Mods are asleep. That’s why this thread isn’t on Jow Forums

Yeah, all 200,000,000 Chinese are benefiting from the Chinese economy.

From my experience on this site, calling out the bait is as satisfying as BTFOing.

Jow Forums - Politics

Russian reporting. Communism was the greatest thing that happened to this country, and I know many Bulgarians, former Yugoslavs and East Germans, who share that opinion.
I was a kid in the 80s, but there WAS food in the shops, sure, there was less variety, but nobody starved either. Starvation happened in the 30s because of the bad harvests and repressions, in the 40s because of the war and in the 50s because of shitty politics and national reconstruction, but in the 60s to 80s, living there was fine.
For example, Russia in 1917 was 250 years in the past, it was a third world shithole. In 1945, it defeated Germany and conquered space in 1957 and 1961. It had created the only army in history that was an actual counterpart to the USA. In the USSR and in Yugoslavia, socialism had brought peace between nations, and wars erupted after the fall of the socialist governments.
These governments had brought education, healthcare for all, and the child of backwater farmers could became a cosmonaut or a doctor if he was smart enough, something that will never happen under capitalism.

Fuck you and your retarded ideology for ruining the greatest country that ever was. The USSR had real socialism and it was great, and it is now an example that should inspire everyone. Sure, the Stalin regime was excessive (that's why it was changed afterwards), and there were shortcomings, but now that we know that they exist (issues with variety of food, low production of consumer goods), we can adapt the system to make it better, like in Yugoslavia.

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Because it's great in theory but not practice

>they all starved
There were three periods of food shortage in USSR: one during the civil war, the one in 30's (product of collectivization policies and other factors), and one right after the WW2 (much smaller in scale). In 30's, several million people died.
Soviet communism had many faults but you should try and learn the facts. Posting bullshit like that ("they all starved") makes you look like a fucking idiot. USSR was the second economy of the world during Cold War.
>they got into another war
Yeah, China attacked them.

Socialism had it's good sides too. In most of countries it improved life quality of population a lot. At some point there was stagnation and a lot of issues though.
>how can people still support it

Just like how some people still support Nazism which was an even bigger failure.
Most of commies today don't support USSR and try to learn from it's mistakes.

>former Yugoslavs
It wasn't the greatest thing, but in many ways it was better than what we have now.
Of course, it's hard to explain this to Americans, they've been programmed to shit on communism without exceptions, and they don't understand what existed before and what happened after communism in some countries.

real politi/k/

The US and NATO didn't do anything other that wait for the USSR to fail and were in fact taken by surprise when it did. Communism is inherently nieve about human nature, ideologically skirting the details about how "the means of production" are to be controlled and managed. The USSR attempted to do this via a centralized command economy run by the party elite "on behalf of the workers". This centralization begat corruption and inefficiency and their economy struggled to maintain their massive military spending even while supplying a lower standard of living compared to the west.

Yeah, most of them think that communism makes countries poor because they see Russia, Poland, Croatia etc now and it's poorer than France, Germany or the UK.
But they seem to think that Eastern Europe was as developed as these countries before socialism.
They don't know that Yugoslavia, Russia, Bulgaria etc, before socialism, were in the Middle fucking ages, little to no industry, three railroad lines accross the entire country, most of the population lived like serfs... Sure, Eastern Europe lags 20 to 40 years in development behind Western Europe now, but before socialism, it was 200 years, if not more.

Sure, socialism wasn't perfect, but it was majoritarily good, and now we know what to improve, mostly production of consumer goods like TVs, fridges etc and food variety.

Uh i dont like being part of a collective
t. AnCap meme

To their defense (sort of) most of the time mass starvation under communism has been deliberate. But that kind of makes it even worse.

>But most of all your profits are taxed

Which is pretty much the chinese model. However you tax racket is subject to your social status which brings us back to:

>hat’s why everyone is poor, the government is rich

China is still the largest communist country around.