Gun owners

Not trying to bait, but why are gun owners in the U.S generally overweight and of low intelligence? I see it all the time on YouTube. They talk like children.

>when I pull the trigger gun must go BANG.
>refers to criminals as "bad guys"
>talks about "good guys" vs "bad guys"
>unironically thinks there's going to be a zombie apocalypse/"bug out" situation in their lifetime.
>I need to carry a 45. becuz bullet bigger muh stopping power.

It seems like half of gun owners still speak like children and have zero knowledge of basic physics.

Attached: Super-Gun-Owner-Andrew-Stanfill-for-the-Guardian-640x480.jpg (640x480, 56K)

>why are gun owners in the U.S generally overweight and of low intelligence? I

Because most Americans are and most Americans own guns. This means that, on average, you're going to be dealing with some very fat and stupid people.

>not trying to bait
Why are Europeon's such limp wristed cucks?
>any of what you listed
>calling others low intelligence
Fucking WEW.

The "on youtube" part is more important than the "gun owner" part when determining why these people you're seeing are unintelligent.

Not trying to bait, but why does your mom generally love black cocks?

You've described 75-80% of the US population of any hobby. With the introduction of readily accessable and easily uploadable internet content they're now much easier to notice. It's now also much more easier to point out their stupidity, but like any population of mouth-breathers they will inveriably get angry and then upload more bullshit out of spite. Why are you surprised?

It's like asking why liberals in the US are generally overweight and of low intelligence.

>okay i am triggered
>people smarter than you say racism IS privilege plus prejudice okay, have a heart, some of us are actually good people, so you can't be racist against white people
>it just is okay
>people smarter than you!
>you are all backwards
>uhm it's 2018
>why yes i did pass community college without taking a math class
>math is sexist
>i can't even, brb vegan ice cream break

It's because they are fucking Americans.

Its not just the US, its the whole world.
Generally, stupid people are willing to share their ignorant opinion to as wide an audience as possible, so they go online and spout their stupid bullshit. Anyone smarter wouldn’t bother trying to join in on a non intellectual conversation, so they never say anything and simply let their actions and their money speak for them.

a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

America has a very high autism rate which results in low verbal IQs in favor of good nonverbal skills.

America also has piss poor education as not to create a bunch of brown skinned dropouts without resorting to segregated schools. Which shouldn't be a problem at first glance, because brown people are just people like us, but then you realize why it's that way when you read a bit of American history. America was founded by Europe's cultural rebels and populated by runaway criminals. Generally intelligent, but strongly antisocial people with a knack for using few, very literal words and lots of bullets. And then they imported the worst possible people they could pick up in Africa - people so bad their own families sold them to slavers - to use as cheap labor.

It's not American gun owners. It's Americans in general.

>why are gun owners in the U.S generally overweight and of low intelligence?

Because average people in US are as you described.

the people who are the loudest about guns are generally FUDS.

regular people keep to themselves

None of that shit you just said is true. You don't get to knowingly misrepresent someone and then mock them for these attributes that you just made up on the spot.

>implies the undeserved ego surrounding literally every single person who makes videos for the internet is an inherent trait to gun owners.
shit bait tbqh

>I see it all the time on YouTube.
I think I found the problem. You're looking on youtube, which is populated mostly by midwitted attention whores.

In a country of 320 million people you are guaranteed at least a few million morons and dimwits, and it only gets worse on Youtube. Seriously, that site is the definition of lowest common denominator, for every channel that doesn’t suck or isn’t completely idiotic you have 50-100 more who are the exact opposite. This goes for every country on the planet by the way, the internet gives everyone a voice, which means you are guaranteed to see something really fucking stupid. You’d think spending time on Jow Forums would teach you these things.

Most people in the 21st century are overweight and of low intelligence.

Those are just the normies

Attached: america.jpg (1062x750, 171K)

Now that is a big girl... I’m multiple ways. I work with a girl like this like 6’3 and probably 300lbs

>for every channel that doesn’t suck or isn’t completely idiotic you have 50-100 more who are the exact opposite
You insulting muh Frozen Peppa Pig Avenger Baby Shark Song videos, boy?

Crushed pelvises!

Those are southerners user, up in the midwest it's a whole different place. The only time you'll see fat fucks on a regular basis here is if you go to a wallmart. That place seems to attract all the dregs of society within a 50 mile radius.


Lincoln wanted to send em back but a dixie boo shot him because the south didn't want to lose their farm equipment. You know, otherwise they would have to get off their fat asses and pick their own cotton.

ok, i'll take this as a legit question so
>why fat and dumb?
most gun sales are in the south, which has a higher overweight/ obesity rate, lower IQ and lower higher education graduation rate, which innately bad because I like porking fat girls and everyone oo and ahhs me like a god and the cost of living is lower here.

Because they perceive life or death scenarios so dichotomously, it's just easier to view the whole world like that because they have no reason to make a complex understanding out of situations that are never going to really happen to them in their simple lives. I envy them.

it's OP
the right answer
i see what you're doing....
cool story bro
I love you
i have mixed feelings about your opinions
short answer: this
she has an ugly apple body. Is that a phenotype and can we eradicate it from the gene pool?
it's not the numbers that count, just the way she curves and her curves are bad
if it's by Mal Malloy and her sister, I'd choose to die by snoo snoo any second

*which isn't innately

Why do dumbasses that think they understand a simple concept feel the need to share their faggoty understanding of why people want to defend themselves

i am in good shape and of above average intelligence, you will never see a picture or video of me.

he said